Who Is Mistral Dawn?

Mistral Dawn is a thirty-something gal who has lived on both coasts of the US but somehow never in the middle. She currently resides in the Southeast US with her kitty cats (please spay or neuter! :-)) where she works as a hospital drudge and attends graduate school. Taken By The Huntsman is her first effort at writing fiction and if it is well received she has ideas for several more novels and short-stories in this series. Please feel free to visit her on FaceBook or drop her a line at mistralkdawn@gmail.com

Thursday, August 31, 2017

#APC #Spotlight: Joanna's #Journey By Karen J. Mossman!

Hey Everyone!! :-)

I've got Karen Mossman in my APC spotlight, today! Karen is an active and supportive member of the  Authors-Professional Co-op Facebook group and her new adult, contemporary romance, Joanna's Journey, looks great! Here's the description:
Escaping a broken romance, Joanna runs head long into another, and then another. Managing two long distance relationships at the same time is complicated and made even more so when her best friend is a good looking guy who knows her better than most.
Set in the 1980s, Joanna and her sister, Sandie are two very beautiful women. After a cruel upbringing, both girls have their scars, but deal with things differently and as with most sisters, they clash.
When the unthinkable happens and Joanna's world implodes, she finds herself alone to face what she can't and won't accept. It is times like these you find out who your friends are and who you can trust, or more importantly, who you can't.
If you think this sounds like something you might enjoy, go ahead and grab your copy here:

Thank you all so much for stopping by! Happy reading! :-)

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

#Agent Thoth's #Personal Log: Day 598

Hey Everyone! :-)

Agent Thoth discusses more of the trials and tribulations associated with living with hominids. Incidentally, if you've missed Agent Thoth's earlier entries, you can find them here: Thoth's Journal

Department for the Preservation and Confirmation of Intelligent Life (DPCIL)
Agent Thoth's Personal Log

Day Five-Hundred-Ninety-Eight:
After my last entry, I took the time to reflect on my hominid-servant's obtuseness. It occurred to me, that instead of getting frustrated, it would be much more productive for me to approach the matter with a scientific mindset. First, I will need to determine if her noncompliance is deliberate or if she is truly ignorant of the problems created by her conduct. Once that basic distinction is resolved, I will then be able to best decide how to proceed with correcting her actions.

Towards that end, I will study my hominid-servant's behavior and experiment with different behavioral-modification techniques. This will allow me to determine which methods are most likely to produce desirable behaviors and which are ineffective or lead to even less desirable behaviors. Hopefully, these experiments will help guide my research into the inner workings of the hominid psyche.

In this way, I will accumulate data on why hominids act the way they do and how best to influence the conduct of domestic hominids to facilitate positive interactions with DPCIL agents. Perhaps, I will even be able to publish a hominid training manual, which would undoubtedly prove valuable to my fellow DPCIL agents. I will report periodically on my progress with this project and will share the most efficient behavioral-modification techniques as I discover them.

At last, a plan! ;-) You may have noticed that Agent Thoth has a new look. I hope you like his new picture as much as I do, but I'd love to hear your thoughts, either way. Feel free to let me know what you think in the comments. ;-) Happy reading, everyone!

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

#NewRelease #Announcement: Enchantments by Claire Plaisted!

Enchantments Synopsis and Information – Y A Fantasy

Meet the Characters who will keep the human world safe from the Shadow Realm.
They thought they were human…and though their DNA was similar and they each had human ancestry their lives were about to change…so you could live.

Farron – Bul’ith – British living in America

Praxel – Bul’ith – American with Egyptian Ancestry

Briar – Bul’ith - American

Ruben – Human American with European heritage

Fleur – Bul’ith – French Canadian

Mitsuoshi – Bul’ith – Japanese heritage

Maxwell – Bul’ith – New Zealander with British & Maori Blood

Bunita – Bul’ith - Indian

Meet their Trainers and the Animals they will be matched with.
Qwain and the Wolf

Quawn and the Falcon

Ngaire and the Cheetah

Avron and the Black Bear

Avrain and the Anaconda

Nikau and the Komodo Dragon

Kendrall and overall leader and the Wild Boar

Meet the Shadow Master and be careful of his minions…They are daring and act quicker than most can move. Their claws could grab your ankles at any moment and suck your soul.


The Shadow Realm had found a gap in space and time, a place where they could observe the Human world before they claimed it as their own.

Farron is one of six, chosen to embark of an epic adventure against the Shadow King and his evil Realm; but how can six Humans fight against the perils of the Shadows of Death?

Because they're not really Human...

First born sons and daughters of the Bul'ith, Farron and the others must accept the truth and the animal energies they are given, heed the words of their trainers and defeat the Realm of the Shadow King if they ever wish to restore their world.























Author Bio

Claire Plaisted lives in Rotorua, New Zealand with her family. Rotorua is one of the main tourist stops for a cultural Maori experience with lots of things to do, be it walking, cycling, museums, spa days etc.

Claire is an Multi Genre Indie Author, with side lines in genealogy where she researches and formats family history books for clients. Claire also developed a business to help Indie Authors self-publish, assisting over thirty clients so far

Claire has published twenty-six books. Two are short stories, six are part of a series which is called ‘Garrett Investigation Bureau.’ She has one adult fantasy, one children’s mythical story. Along with six contemporary romance novellas under her pen name ‘Beth Bayley.’ Claire has a children’s book series called Girlie Adventures. The first three are now available. ‘Girlie and the War of the Wasps,’ ‘Girlie and the Quest for Pedi’s Family and ‘Girlie’s Circus Adventure. They are adventure story for children from four years upwards. Each one sold gives 40% to a charity. The first book is, in essence about healthy eating and the book will help raise funds for ‘Chasing a Cure for Type 1 Diabetes.’

Enjoy your lives and read a book.


Monday, August 28, 2017

Something Worth Watching?

Hey Everyone!! :-)

I'm back today with another video I wanted to share. I found this one while scrolling through Facebook and, actually, I'm just going to let it speak for itself. Peace.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Easy Spring Roll #Recipe!

Hey Everyone! :-)

This recipe is perfect for days when it's just too hot to think about eating anything warm.

8  rice paper sheets (spring roll wraps)
1.5 oz uncooked rice vermicelli noodles
8 oz extra-firm tofu drained
1 cup Chinese cabbage thinly sliced
3/4 cup shredded carrots
1/2 cup shiitake mushroom caps sliced
2 tbsp mint leaves chopped
1/2 cup basil leaves shredded
4 green onions sliced thin
5 tsp rice vinegar
2 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp dark sesame oil
1.5 tbsp hoisin sauce
2 tsp chili paste (optional)
1.5 tbsp chunky peanut butter
1 tbsp water
Salt and pepper to taste

Cook noodles according to package directions. Drain and rinse with cold water. Drain and set aside.

Cut tofu crosswise into 4 slices. Put he slices between several layers of paper towels. Put a sheet pan or something heavy-ish on top of the paper towels. Let it stand for about ten minutes. Sprinkle a little salt and pepper on the tofu and cut into cubes.

Whisk together one tablespoon vinegar, one tablespoon soy sauce, the sesame oil, one and a half teaspoons hoisin sauce, and the chili paste in a bowl. Add the cabbage, carrots, mushrooms, and mint leaves. Toss ingredients together to coat.

Prepare the rice paper sheets according to the directions on the package. Sprinkle some of the basil leaves on the bottom third of each sheet. Add a couple of the tofu cubes and about 3 tablespoons of the cabbage mixture. Top with about two tablespoons of the noodles and an onion slice. Fold the bottom of each sheet over the filling. Then, fold the sides of each sheet over the filling. Starting with the filled side, roll the sheets into spring rolls and gently press the seams to seal.

Place the rolls, seam side down, on a serving platter and cover to keep from drying. Serve chilled.

For a dipping sauce, whisk together the rest of the vinegar, soy sauce, hoisin sauce, the peanut butter, and the water in a separate bowl. Serve chilled in a  small dish or bowl wide enough for dipping.

Enjoy! :-)

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Better Than The #Beach #Summer #Giveaway! $130 #Cash #Grand #Prize! #Free To #Enter!

Hey Everyone!! :-)

There's a new giveaway for spring!  Please take a moment to check out the Better Than The Beach Summer Giveaway!!  There are lots of awesome books and prizes!! :-)  It's free to enter, there are over 100 prizes, and the grand prize is $130 cash payable through PayPal!! :-)  Now isn't that worth taking a few minutes to check out? ;-)   Here are all the details:

Thank you so much for stopping by today!  And don't forget to check back tomorrow for the next installment of Mistral Dawn's Musings! :-)

Friday, August 25, 2017

A Survey Of Work By Mary Crawford! :-)

Hey Everyone!

Karina Kantas is here today to tell us about her friend, Mary Crawford's, work. Karina, take it away! :-)


Genre: Romance

Book Description


Jordan Shepherd has regrets. Big ones. When she makes a seemingly rash decision which potentially costs her everything, she must come face-to-face with her family and start rebuilding her life.

Cristiano Romero knows a little bit about starting over after a catastrophe. He is trying to make it as an on-air talent covering the X Games, yet he still has the heart of a competitor. When he crosses paths with Jordan, he finds himself wanting to compete in a whole new game.

Can Jordan and Cristiano come to grips with the paths not taken and begin a life together?

About the Author

I have been lucky enough to live my own version of a romance novel. I married the guy who kissed me at summer camp. He told me on the night we met that he was going to marry me and be the father of my children. Eventually I stopped giggling when he said it, and we just celebrated our 28th wedding anniversary. We have two children. The oldest is in medical school, where he recently found and married the love of his life, and the youngest is now tackling middle school.

I write full time now. I have published over a dozen books and have several more underway. I volunteer my time to a variety of causes. I have worked as a Civil Rights Attorney and diversity advocate. I spent several years working for various social service agencies before becoming an attorney. In my spare time, I love to cook, decorate cakes and of course, I obsessively, compulsively read.





The first book of the Hidden Beauty series is free.

2nd series. Hidden Hearts

First book in this series is also free.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

#APC #Spotlight: Gloria And The Unicorn By Wanda Luthman!

Hey Everyone!! :-)

I've got Wanda Luthman in my APC spotlight, today! Wanda is an active and supportive member of the  Authors-Professional Co-op Facebook group and her special needs children's fantasy, Gloria and the Unicorn, looks adorable. Here's the description:
Gloria and the Unicorn is a story that will delight you as well as pull on your heart strings as Gloria struggles with her facial disfigurement and wanting to fit in. Gloria’s mother died at birth and her father gave her to Miss Libby, the owner of a children’s home. Miss Libby loves the little girl and feels protective of her. But, it’s not until Sir Louie, the unicorn, shows up that Gloria starts to believe in herself. She has a conflict at school and never wants to go back and then she finds herself in an even worse situation; she encounters the evil Wizards of Malcadore who want to kill her. She must decide if she will face her fear of certain death to save her friend, Sir Louie, or lose him forever. Come along on Gloria’s marvelous journey with Sir Louie.
Sound good?  If you think there's a munchkin in your life who would enjoy this, go ahead and grab your copy here:

Thank you all so much for stopping by! Happy reading! :-)

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

#Agent Thoth's #Personal Log: Day 596

Hey Everyone! :-)

Agent Thoth discusses more of the trials and tribulations associated with living with hominids. Incidentally, if you've missed Agent Thoth's earlier entries, you can find them here: Thoth's Journal

Department for the Preservation and Confirmation of Intelligent Life (DPCIL)
Agent Thoth's Personal Log

Day Five-Hundred-Ninety-Six:
For reasons that escape me, my hominid-servant has recently become inordinately preoccupied with one of her electronic gadgets. Previously, she spent more time with such devices than I approved of, but she has now passed the point of reasonability all together.

To make matters worse, she refuses to allow me to properly investigate her newest obsession. It makes intriguing beeps and dings when she plays with it, but I have not been able to get close enough to divine the meaning of such sounds. Every time I approach her while she is using it, she flaps her hands at me and shoos me away.

It's infuriating! The amount of disrespect she shows me at times is enough to try the patience of even the most experienced DPCIL agent. But when I try to discuss such matters with her, she just pats my head and tells me I'm a "silly kitty." It is not "silly" for one to wish to be treated with a modicum of consideration!

Since my hominid-servant seems unable or unwilling to be reasonable, I will consider how best to address the matter. Naturally, I will report on any conclusions I reach before taking drastic action, but the current situation is unendurable and so much change soon.

Poor Thoth! Hominids really should do a better job considering the feelings of their furry companions. ;-) You may have noticed that Agent Thoth has a new look. I hope you like his new picture as much as I do, but I'd love to hear your thoughts, either way. Feel free to let me know what you think in the comments. ;-) Happy reading, everyone!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

A Challenge From A Breaker Of Molds... ;-)

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Today, I thought I'd give you another little peek at what Alyce is up to. Enjoy! :-)

Excerpt from my sci-fi satire novel:
Finally, he threw his clipboard onto the floor where it slid across the room until it hit the toe of my shoe. I watched it until it stopped moving, and then turned my attention back to its owner. He had turned an interesting shade of green; almost the same shade as what my skin was. And his body seemed to pulse as he drew air through his beak in sharp, hissing breaths.

I crossed my arms in front of me and cocked an eyebrow at him. "So, that's what it looks like when a Squid has a temper-tantrum, huh?"

He stalked across the room towards me, his tentacles stiff with the ends making little clicking sounds against the floor, and drew himself up to the very limit of his four-foot height. Glaring up at me, he said, "You are needed here and you will help us."

I wasn't having any of it; he'd gotten on my last nerve. "Oh, I will, will I? Or what?"

He deflated right there, before my eyes. It almost seemed like he shrunk. "Or nothing, young human. I apologize; I was attempting to use the dominance behavior your species demonstrates to gain your compliance, but you do not conform to any of our statistical models." He picked up his clipboard and looked back up at me. "You are a conundrum."

I snorted. "Oh, yeah, that's me; Alyce Walker, breaker of molds. Alright, Squid-boy, you want my help, I'll consider it. But only on my terms."

He stepped back and narrowed his eyes at me. "What terms?"

"First, if I ask you a question, I want you to answer it with a real answer. Deal?"

He made that gurgling sound he was so fond of. "I have explained…"

I held up my hand. "Deal?"

More gurgling. "I suppose I have little choice."

I cocked an eyebrow at him.

Waving his arms around his head, he said. "Fine! I will answer. But I reserve the right to protect the privacy of individual residents of this station."

I waved that away. "I got no interest in juicy gossip; just real information."


"Okay, and second, you need to stop assuming humans are stupid just because we don't act the way you think we should."

"Objectively speaking, your species intelligence is measurably…"

I held up my hand again. "I don't care how smart you think you are; I'm not going to stand here and listen to you make fun of my people. You want to know why some things are the way they are, I'll try to explain. But you don't get to poke fun just because we're different from you."

He waved his arms around his head again before gurgling at me some more. "I will endeavor to control my reactions."

I pinned him with a glare until he squirmed.

"Truly! I will do my best."

Oh, my! A challenge! ;-)  Thank you all so much for stopping by today, and don't forget to check back tomorrow for the latest in Mistral Dawn's Musings! :-)

Monday, August 21, 2017

Something Worth Watching?

Hey Everyone!! :-)

I'm back today with another video I wanted to share. This is a story I don't think is getting enough attention. We've got a President who calls Nazis "fine people" and here we've got the government making lists of political opponents. Is the Gestapo next?

Sunday, August 20, 2017

More #Summer Salad #Recipes!

Hey Everyone! :-)

I've got another salad recipe for you, today. Perfect for this hot summer weather! :-)

4 cups corn kernels frozen or fresh
2 bell peppers (any color) diced
1 red onion diced
1 jalapeno pepper seeded and chopped
4 green onions chopped
2 roma tomatoes diced
1 cup red cabbage shredded
1/2 cup basil leaves chopped
1 cup cilantro leaves chopped
4 tbsp red wine vinegar
1/2 cup olive oil
3 cloves garlic minced
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
1 tsp cumin
Salt and pepper to taste

If you're using frozen corn, thaw it and drain it thoroughly. If you're using fresh corn, boil or grill it and cut it from the cobs. Put the prepared corn kernels in a bowl and add the rest of the ingredients except the oil, vinegar, salt, pepper, cayenne pepper, cumin, and garlic. Toss the vegetables and herbs together.  In a separate bowl, whisk together the remaining ingredients and pour over the salad. Stir to coat evenly. Sprinkle with parmesan or queso fresco, if desired. Serve chilled.

Bon Appetit!

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Better Than The #Beach #Summer #Giveaway! $130 #Cash #Grand #Prize! #Free To #Enter!

Hey Everyone!! :-)

There's a new giveaway for spring!  Please take a moment to check out the Better Than The Beach Summer Giveaway!!  There are lots of awesome books and prizes!! :-)  It's free to enter, there are over 100 prizes, and the grand prize is $130 cash payable through PayPal!! :-)  Now isn't that worth taking a few minutes to check out? ;-)   Here are all the details:

Thank you so much for stopping by today!  And don't forget to check back tomorrow for the next installment of Mistral Dawn's Musings! :-)

Friday, August 18, 2017

#August2017 #IndieBooksBeSeen #Indie #Author #Books #Monthly #BookReview!

Hey Everyone! :-)

It's the 18th again, so you know what that means. ;-) Time for my monthly #IndieBooksBeSeen indie author book review! Enjoy!

Crown of Stones by C.L Schneider:

What would you do if you could have anything you wanted, solve any problem no matter how big, and make yourself feel amazing in the process, but doing so would cost other people their lives? What good is power if the price of wielding it is so high that you can't bring it to bear? Those are questions that Ian Troy has to answer for himself every day of his life. In a world filled with war, political machinations, and betrayal, he has to find a way to survive. And, what's even harder, he has to find a way to live with himself if he does.

I enjoyed this story. It has an interesting take on magic and a hero who is flawed enough to be relatable and interesting. The story is very dark, but that just kind of makes it a guilty pleasure. The world-building is outstanding, and the landscape is populated by people who seem unusually real. It does have a major cliff-hanger ending, but that's not a problem because the next book is already out, so there's no waiting to find out what happens. Five stars, and I look forward to the rest of the series.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

#APC #Spotlight: The Return By William Frisbee!

Hey Everyone!! :-)

I've got Bill Frisbee in my APC spotlight, today!  Bill is an active and supportive member of the  Authors-Professional Co-op Facebook group and his space opera, military science fiction novel, The Return, looks great! Here's the description:
Luke Kishi held the line against crushing odds, but shattering the enemy fleet cost him his wife. Before she died she made him promise to live, and he would keep that promise.
Saved, the colony of New Alamo escaped only to find itself in a stagnating alien empire called the Conglomerate, a harsh and unforgiving society ruled by the Topa. To survive and keep New Alamo safe, Luke became a mercenary, wishing for death, but honor bound to live.

Then Luke receives a mission that sends him to a distant corner of the Conglomerate. The Topa have plans within plans, and Luke has to find something worth living for besides honor or humanity will executed.
If you think this sounds like something you might enjoy, go ahead and grab your copy here:

Thank you all so much for stopping by! Happy reading! :-)

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

#Agent Thoth's #Personal Log: Day 594

Hey Everyone! :-)

Agent Thoth discusses more of the trials and tribulations associated with living with hominids. Incidentally, if you've missed Agent Thoth's earlier entries, you can find them here: Thoth's Journal

Department for the Preservation and Confirmation of Intelligent Life (DPCIL)
Agent Thoth's Personal Log

Day Five-Hundred-Ninety-Four:
As I've mentioned in the past, my hominid-servant often consumes delicacies that I believe would be perfectly compatible with a DPCIL agent's digestive system, however she is stubbornly reluctant to share her bounty with myself or the juvenile felid. Therefore, it was with some amusement that I observed recently the young creature making a study of practicing his stalking skills on my hominid-servant's plate.

I must admit, what the small nuisance lacked in skill and finesse, he more than made up for in determination. My hominid-servant repeatedly rebuffed his advances, but he gave her no peace, making it impossible for her to consume the food she had assembled for herself. Every time she tried to eat, there he was, trying to stick a paw or a nose into her meal.

Eventually, my hominid-servant's vigilance flagged, and the tiny terror was able to snag a piece of her victuals and abscond with it. My hominid-servant's reaction was both immediate and violent. She leapt from her seat and chased the juvenile felid from one end of my domicile to the other, gesticulating wildly and vocalizing her discontent at high decibel levels, but he tenaciously clung to his prize.

Finally, he retreated under my hominid-servant's sleeping platform. After much growling, snarling, and threatening with the C.L.A.W.S., he was able to dissuade her from her pursuit. She abandoned her quest, though she continued to mutter dire imprecations and made several references to replacing us both with stuffed toys, and my young companion was left to enjoy the fruits of his labor.

Unfortunately for him, it turned out that he had snared a sample of the local vegetation that my hominid-servant is prone to ingesting. Frankly, I don't see how she could possibly enjoy the things, but she does make a habit consuming them, so there must be some benefit to them that I've been unable to detect. At any rate, I believe the situation was summed up well by the statement my hominid-servant vindictively tossed at us both when she snatched the bedraggled edible off the floor of my domicile after the juvenile felid discovered for himself just how noxious the thing was, "Cats don't like carrots."

Drat! Foiled again! ;-) You may have noticed that Agent Thoth has a new look. I hope you like his new picture as much as I do, but I'd love to hear your thoughts, either way. Feel free to let me know what you think in the comments. ;-) Happy reading, everyone!

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

#Interview With Tory Gates!

Hey Everyone! :-)

Author and radio star, Tory Gates, is joining us here today! Tory, can you tell me about yourself and how many books you've written?

Tory: I am a broadcaster with more than three decades’ experience. Currently I am the Morning Desk Anchor for the Radio Pennsylvania Network, based in Harrisburg. We provide news, public service and sports programming to more than sixty stations statewide. I’m also known as DJ`Riff, host of The Music Club, on Wednesdays for the London-based Radio-Airwaves Station. The program is mostly blues, new music and stuff that makes sense.

Me: Wow! A real, live star here on my blog! :-) What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?

Tory: Live from the Cafe is my latest book. It is my third, and the second with Sunbury Press Books. Like a lot of my stories, they are comprised of a bunch of threads that somehow braid themselves together. It’s about a small town, Harlandsville, Quebec, where all the life seems to revolve around this odd coffee shop, the people who work and hang out there, plus the mysterious (and famous?) folks who show up for good coffee and to play music.

Me: Sounds like a fun read. :-) What are you working on now?

Tory: My future release for Sunbury is expected to be the first of a Young Adult/Crossover Fiction series, to be known as the Sweet Dreams Series. The first book, Sweet Dreams: Searching for Roy Buchanan introduces us to Aki Sato, a Japanese girl gifted (or cursed) with the ability to time travel. A chance meeting with a retired blues musician opens Aki and her brothers to time, the music, and especially the latter’s power to heal. I’ve been working on this series for more than a decade, and Aki’s travels are not just through time and space, but real life. 

Me: That's awesome! It always feels great when a long-term project bears fruit. What authors, or books, have influenced you?

Tory: There are so many...if I had to list a few, I’d start with J.R.R. Tolkien; I was infused with The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings while quite young, and that showed me there were no limits to storytelling or the imagination. Authors that have inspired me over the years include Haruki Murakami, whose work was reference in my 2016 book, A Moment in the Sun. Gabriel Garcia-Marquez, like Murakami has an incredible ability to paint pictures with words and put you right in the spot you’re supposed to be. Douglas Reeman wrote a long string of war novels, including The Destroyers, The Pride and the Anguish, and Torpedo Run, which told the tales of average sailors who fought on clapped out boats, but who were heroes in their own right. Others who have told stories, both entertaining and thoughtful that have stayed with me include Moyoco Anno, Zora Neale Hurston, P.G. Wodehouse, Oscar Wilde...the list goes on, and I like to think I can find something good from any author.

Me: Sounds like you have a wide-ranging taste in literature. :-) What are you reading now?

Tory: I have a stack of books on my night table right now! The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson, My Experience with Lesbian Loneliness by Kabi Nagata, Bloom into You, Vol. 2 by Nakatani Nio, Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino and Edificio Sayonara by John Yau.

Me: So many books; so little time. ;-) For those who might consider reading your book, what would you tell them to expect?

Tory: Expect to be taken back home, perhaps to your hometown. I drew on my growing up in northern Vermont, near the Quebec border for this story. I saw my little hometown, remembered what it was like to be a kid, but also realized some of my youth is still missing. I think the reader will see a reflection of small-town life, how people deal with changing times, those around them, and how no matter what, people still retain that sense of who they are, and where they came from. “What did you dream today?” is the question a mysterious (famous?) stranger asks when he drops into the cafe, which is the focal point, heart, and soul of this town. Those who pass through to play music or just hang out for good coffee are there to offer life lessons, and a reminder of what your home is about.

Me: Gotta love the nostalgic reads! :-) What is your favorite part of being an author?

Tory: Knowing that I’ve come through years of hard work to finally craft something I’m proud of, and happy with is accepted as good work. Even better, to see others be entertained, even inspired by what I do.

Me: I agree. Seeing others enjoy your work is epic. Do you have a day job as well?

Tory: Job? I often say being in broadcasting, “Beats working.” And it does. I’ve been fortunate, at times lucky to have spent most of my life in fields that I’ve wanted to work in. You cannot beat knowing that each day you get a different challenge, but you know you can handle it, and make a difference, even in a small way.

Me: That is lucky! :-) What are the hardest and easiest parts about being a writer?

Tory: Easiest: the ideas! They come fast! Hardest: being able to focus when you don’t really want to, overcoming your own fear that what you’re working on will amount to nothing (it does, just don’t gauge it by sales), and also this: A pet peeve I have is when someone tells me, “Oh, I have this great idea for a book...” They’ll tell you about it, then two years later, they’re still just talking about it. A good friend, artist and photographer Sung-Hee Chung told me years ago when I had doubt: “Do it!” She was right.

Me: Yes, she was. Writing is a labor of love, but emphasis on the labor. ;-) What genre do you place your book in?

Tory: Live from the Cafe would be Young Adult/Crossover Fiction. The characters are of varied ages, with the leads Luc and Emily in their mid-twenties. There is a lean toward younger characters, but there is something in this story that folks of any age will get, and there will be someone they identify with.

Me: Cool! Is there anything else you'd like to tell your readers?

Tory: I hope they find that my books at least entertain them. I also hope that what I do gives them a chance to think about what they are capable of. They may find a character they recognize, see themselves in. I put my people through a lot! When you see that, and view how they handle life, perhaps they find there is more they can accomplish. 

Me: Awesome! And so these fine folks can find your work, are there any links you'd like me to post?

Me: Perfect! Thank you so much for stopping by, today, Tory. And thank you everyone else for joining us. Don't forget to check out Tory's latest book, Live From The Cafe, at the link below. Happy reading! :-)

Monday, August 14, 2017

Something Worth Watching?

Hey Everyone!! :-)

I'm back today with another video I wanted to share. This is a response to a comment our Disaster in Chief made that many people want to dismiss as a "joke." I think this video does a good job of explaining why it's not funny.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

#Summertime #Smoothie #Recipe!

Hey Everyone!

Today, I thought I'd share one of my favorite summertime breakfasts.

2 cups unflavored Greek yogurt
2 tbsp honey
1/2 banana sliced and frozen
1.5 cups frozen mixed berries (your choice of berries)
1/8 tsp salt

Put all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. If it's too thick, add a splash of orange juice to thin it out. Serve in a tall glass and refrigerate any leftovers. If you'd like to turn this into an after-dinner, adult beverage, add 1/2 cup of your favorite liqueur. Cointreau works wells, as does limoncello.

Bon Appetit!

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Better Than The #Beach #Summer #Giveaway! $130 #Cash #Grand #Prize! #Free To #Enter!

Hey Everyone!! :-)

There's a new giveaway for spring!  Please take a moment to check out the Better Than The Beach Summer Giveaway!!  There are lots of awesome books and prizes!! :-)  It's free to enter, there are over 100 prizes, and the grand prize is $130 cash payable through PayPal!! :-)  Now isn't that worth taking a few minutes to check out? ;-)   Here are all the details:

Thank you so much for stopping by today!  And don't forget to check back tomorrow for the next installment of Mistral Dawn's Musings! :-)

Friday, August 11, 2017

#Journal Of #Sins And #Secrets

Hey Everyone!! :-)

The second volume of the Journal of Sins and Secrets is out, and it features a short story by yours truly!! Enjoy! ;-)

Thursday, August 10, 2017

#APC #Spotlight: The Lost Soul By K.S. Marsden!

Hey Everyone!! :-)

I've got Kelly S. Marsden in my APC spotlight, today! Kelly is an active and supportive member of the  Authors-Professional Co-op Facebook group and her epic, young adult fantasy, The Lost Soul, looks great! Here's the description:
Enchena's history is written by the victorious. Through war and betrayal, King Hrafn's reign has spread across the land. The rebellion is stirring again...
In a world where the evil nature of humans has infected the very forests and animals surrounding them, they are crying out for a new hope; a new hero. Natural enemies must come together, to overcome the curse.
Two innocent people must be brought from another world. One will bring the rebellion the way to succeed; the other will be their destruction.
Sound good?  If you think you'd like to give it a try, go ahead and grab your copy here:

Thank you all so much for stopping by! Happy reading! :-)

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

#Agent Thoth's #Personal Log: Day 590

Hey Everyone! :-)

Agent Thoth discusses more of the trials and tribulations associated with living with hominids. Incidentally, if you've missed Agent Thoth's earlier entries, you can find them here: Thoth's Journal

Department for the Preservation and Confirmation of Intelligent Life (DPCIL)
Agent Thoth's Personal Log

Day Five-Hundred-Ninety:
The explosions have subsided somewhat, though there's still the occasional pop or bang of detonation. I'm at a loss as to what caused the local hominids to behave in such a way. I surveiled the area outside my domicile for hours, barely breaking for any naps at all, and yet I failed to detect any rational reason for such conduct.

Considering the risk associated with setting off bombs, no matter how small, especially considering the dearth of rainfall in this locality lately, I would have expected some kind of imminent threat to have been the instigation for such a step. But, by all appearances, the hominids seem to have risked themselves in such a way for nothing more than idle amusement!

I will continue to observe and report on any further findings. However, if no better explanations present themselves, we may need to consider if the hominids are psychologically stable enough to be offered membership in DPCIL, even if their intelligence can be verified.

Those crazy hominids! ;-) You may have noticed that Agent Thoth has a new look. I hope you like his new picture as much as I do, but I'd love to hear your thoughts, either way. Feel free to let me know what you think in the comments. ;-) Happy reading, everyone!

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

A Walrus And A Movie Star?

Hey Everyone!! :-)

It seems Alyce is finally getting some answers and I thought I'd share them with you. Enjoy! ;-)

Excerpt from sci-fi satire novel:
I looked at the wall, and changed to a glowing gray panel. From the panel, eight beams of light emerged, one from each corner and one from the center of each side, and angled themselves to intersect about two feet out from the wall. Where they met, a face appeared, followed by the rest of the head. But not like any head or face I'd ever seen before.

More than anything else, it looked like a cross between a walrus and a praying mantis. It had two long tusks hanging down from its mouth with a dense, bristly mustache hiding their base. Its nose was just two slits above that mustache, but its bright orange eyes were out to the sides with a thick ridge of bone running between them. To cap it all off, the whole face was colored in various shades of pink and rose. I'd never seen anything more ridiculous looking.

"Talk about a face that only a mother could love," I murmured under my breath.

But Squid-boy heard me anyway and responded. "As your people say, 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder'. Replexal is considered exceptionally attractive for her species; that's how she was chosen to make these recordings. In terms you're familiar with, she's a movie star."

"A movie star?" I looked at the creature again. "Well, I guess everyone's got their own taste." Since I was trying to get past the notion that anyone found the weird-looking alien beautiful, it took me a minute to register the other part of what Squid-boy had said. "Wait a minute," I pointed at the head that was beginning to speak. "That's just a recording?"

As if to confirm my suspicions, the disembodied head continued on as if I hadn't interrupted. Her voice was smooth, of medium pitch, and easy to listen to, sort of like an anchor on the news. "Greetings, sentient. And welcome to the very first Museum of Galactic Oddities. We hope you find your stay here enjoyable. What we've done is reproduce some of the galaxy's most outlandish and bizarre rituals, customs, and policies for your education and entertainment. Please keep in mind that the species who engage in the behaviors replicated here consider them normal and common-place, making them all the more peculiar. Feel free to explore and engage with the interactive exhibits, and never forget the eternal truth: the galaxy is a remarkably strange place." The creature paused and its eyes took on a glowing, iridescent quality that came through even though the hologram. "May you always find peace and happiness on your journeys." With that, the image faded.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Something Worth Watching?

Hey Everyone!! :-)

I'm back today with another video I wanted to share. Actually, there are four short videos. They deal with some of the issues I've talked about on this blog in the past and help explain why the American voting system is as screwed up as it is and what we can do about it. So, please take a few minutes to watch these videos; they're definitely food for thought.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

That's A #Wrap! #RecipeSharing

Hey Everyone!!

Today, I thought I'd share an easy, tasty wrap idea.

8 corn or flour tortillas
1 cup shredded carrots
2 cups broccoli florets
1 20 oz package sliced button mushrooms
1 bell pepper seeded and chopped
1 jalapeno pepper seeded and chopped
1 cup cabbage chopped
2 onions chopped fine
1 brick extra firm tofu cubed
2 ears of corn
6 cloves garlic minced
1/2 cup adobo sauce
2 tsp paprika
1 tbsp cumin
2 cups unflavored hummus
1/2 cup olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste

Grill or broil the corn until slightly blackened. Cool and then cut kernels off of ears. Set corn aside. Brush both sides of each tortilla with olive oil and heat on grill or in skillet until toasted. Cool and spread one side of each tortilla liberally with hummus. Set aside

Put onions in a skillet with remaining olive oil and cook until translucent. Add mushrooms and garlic and cook until mushrooms wilt. Add remaining vegetables, tofu, sauce, and seasonings and cook until vegetables start to soften, stirring often. Add corn and remove from heat.

Spoon vegetable mix into tortillas and fold tortillas into wraps. Serve warm or chilled. You can grill the bell peppers before adding them to the skillet to give your wraps a bit more of a charred flavor. Also, you can obviously replace any of the vegetables with others that you prefer. As always, I prefer my wraps without meat. But you can add cooked strips of steak or chicken to your wraps, if you'd like. If you do, please make sure the meat is cooked thoroughly because food poisoning sucks.

Bon Appetit!

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Better Than The #Beach #Summer #Giveaway! $130 #Cash #Grand #Prize! #Free To #Enter!

Hey Everyone!! :-)

There's a new giveaway for spring!  Please take a moment to check out the Better Than The Beach Summer Giveaway!!  There are lots of awesome books and prizes!! :-)  It's free to enter, there are over 100 prizes, and the grand prize is $130 cash payable through PayPal!! :-)  Now isn't that worth taking a few minutes to check out? ;-)   Here are all the details:

Thank you so much for stopping by today!  And don't forget to check back tomorrow for the next installment of Mistral Dawn's Musings! :-)