News, possible items of interest, and random thoughts on various topics. Thanks for reading and please feel free to drop me a line! :-)
Who Is Mistral Dawn?
Mistral Dawn is a thirty-something gal who has lived on both coasts of the US but somehow never in the middle. She currently resides in the Southeast US with her kitty cats (please spay or neuter! :-)) where she works as a hospital drudge and attends graduate school. Taken By The Huntsman is her first effort at writing fiction and if it is well received she has ideas for several more novels and short-stories in this series. Please feel free to visit her on FaceBook or drop her a line at
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- June 2015 Positivity Blog Tour Posts! :-)
- #Books I've #Reviewed! :-)
- Petri Dish Chronicles
- Gems Of Strength Anthology
- Thoth's Journal
Thursday, April 30, 2015
#Contest: #LastDay, #LastChance #Enter #Now!! :-)
Hey Everyone!!! :-)
It's the last day of my character creation contest, so get those entries in now!! :-) Don't remember how to submit your character? Here's the original post with all of the details: Character Creation Contest Details. Good Luck! :-)
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
My #Ideas: The #Process
Hey Everyone!! :-)
I've had several emails from people asking me where I get my ideas, so I thought I'd tell you all a little about my process today. My first book, Taken By The Huntsman, came to me almost fully formed in a dream, but since then I've had quite a few more ideas for stories. So far they've all started with a character who comes to tell me they have a story that needs to be told. This happens when I'm mopping the kitchen floor, doing the grocery shopping, brushing my teeth, etc. My mind will be wandering as I'm performing some mundane, routine task and all the sudden a character will be there scolding me for not having told their story yet. You know how some people say they have angels or devils on their shoulders? I have fairies on mine. ;-)
As the character talks to me, the story plays out in my head in a series of pictures, almost like a television show playing behind my eyes. I can see the world they are talking about, and I can see the people they are talking about too. It's all very vivid and exciting, and a little bit strange too. After all, how many people get to meet a dragon? Yes, there will be a dragon at some point, but I won't tell you when. So there! ;-) I can talk to these people and wander around the world, sometimes I'll even find someone there to answer the questions I have about the things that I "see." It doesn't usually take very long before the whole story has revealed itself, and I'm just left to fill in a few details and polish off the edges when I write it. But that's another post. ;-)
Saturday, April 25, 2015
#Fae20KGiveAway!! :-)
Hey there! It's Sarah Fae here from Today I'm
I just want to point out that this is another INTERNATIONAL giveaway of mine. So nobody gets
excluded! Always awesome, right?
Welcome to the
... Oh yes, it has a hashtag!
I'm super excited right now, so let's
just get straight down to business
and tell you who the fabulous sponsors of this giveaway are.
just get straight down to business
and tell you who the fabulous sponsors of this giveaway are.
Friday, April 24, 2015
#TimeIsRunningOut For This #Contest!! #Only #One #Week #Left!! :-)
Hey Everyone!! :-)
Just a heads up, there's only one week left in my character design contest, so get those entries ready!!! :-) Don't remember how to enter? Here's the link to the original post with all of the details: Win A Chance To See Your Character In My Story!! Thank you all so much, and I can't wait to see what you come up with!!! :-)
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
#GoodTales #April #BlogHop: #SpringFling!!
Hey Everyone!! :-)
I'm participating in the Good Tales April SpringFling Blog Hop today! :-) I'll be featuring Taken By The Huntsman for the tour, and very much hope you'll check it out!
Taken By The Huntsman
Discarded and ignored by those around her for most of her life, Cassie is a lonely human woman struggling to find her place in the world and meaning in her life. Cadeyrn is the Erlking, the leader of the Wild Hunt, a hundreds of thousands of years old Fae who has always known his purpose. He has spent his entire long existence tracking the criminals of Fairie and punishing them for their crimes.
While hunting for the murderer of a child who has escaped to Earth Cadeyrn comes across Cassie and realizes that she is the one that the great mother goddess has designated as his soul mate. He kidnaps her and takes her to his fortress in Fairie to protect her from his many enemies. He knows she will be angry and that he'll have to work to earn her trust, but he finds his task to be even more challenging than he had thought it would be due to Cassie's difficulty in opening her heart.
Will Cadeyrn be able to convince Cassie that the bond between them is real and earn her love?
Amazon Smashwords B&N iTunes Kobo
Enter the Good Tales Rafflecopter for a chance to win a $25 Amazon giftcard!! :-)
And don't forget to visit the other blogs on the tour!!! :-)
LA Starkey's Blog
Wacky Momma Reads
Obsessed With My Shelf
Glorious Panic
Sara's Books and Things
Mythical Books
Soul Clever Books
BFD Book Blog
A Novel Kind Of Bliss
Book and Bastille
Once Upon A Wish
Blogtastic Reviews
Lovely Paranormal Books
The Bookish-Life
Her Book Thoughts
Mignon Mykel Reviews
A Thousand Words A Million Books
Romantic Reads and Such
The AP Book Club
The Mistress Case
Reckless Indulgence
The Bookish Owl
Natural Bri
Aamzy's Book Wonders
Mallory Heart Reviews
British Bookworm Blog
Lexical Creations
Shade Tree Blogging
This Book Tour was Organized by Good Tales Book Tours
I'm participating in the Good Tales April SpringFling Blog Hop today! :-) I'll be featuring Taken By The Huntsman for the tour, and very much hope you'll check it out!
Enter the Good Tales Rafflecopter for a chance to win a $25 Amazon giftcard!! :-)
And don't forget to visit the other blogs on the tour!!! :-)
LA Starkey's Blog
Wacky Momma Reads
Obsessed With My Shelf
Glorious Panic
Sara's Books and Things
Mythical Books
Soul Clever Books
BFD Book Blog
A Novel Kind Of Bliss
Book and Bastille
Once Upon A Wish
Blogtastic Reviews
Lovely Paranormal Books
The Bookish-Life
Her Book Thoughts
Mignon Mykel Reviews
A Thousand Words A Million Books
Romantic Reads and Such
The AP Book Club
The Mistress Case
Reckless Indulgence
The Bookish Owl
Natural Bri
Aamzy's Book Wonders
Mallory Heart Reviews
British Bookworm Blog
Lexical Creations
Shade Tree Blogging
#PROPERTY OF by CP Smith #Release #Day #Blitz

“Life imitates art far more than art imitates Life.” ― Oscar Wilde Author Nicola Royse dreamed of Scottish Highlanders as a teen then wrote about them as an adult. Always looking but never finding her own White Knight, she still held out hope that he would one day ride up on his trusty steed. He rode up all right, on a silver Harley with heat in his eyes and a detective's badge on his hip while she and her friends plotted her first contemporary romantic suspense. Of course, life couldn't' imitate art without a killer on the loose, one that had Nicola and her friends in his sights. Detective Dallas Vaughn dedicated his life to catching killers. Then one day he bumped into the girl-next-door, and all that changed. Now he's her White Knight fighting against a Dark Prince—one who would love to see her dead.


“Sweetheart, I’m a cop. I don’t take anything at face value, nor do I assume. I’d been thinkin’ about the taste of your lips since the first time you spilled coffee on me. Since an opportunity presented itself, I took it,” he answered with a shrug. “As for yesterday, I decided I was done thinkin’ about the taste of your lips and was putting you on notice.” I didn’t know what to do with all that, but something he said caught my attention more than his thinking he could put me on notice—whatever that meant. And since I clearly liked to embarrass myself, and he was willing to answer, I decided to go for the gusto. Drawing in a deep breath for courage, I leaned forward and asked, “Um, how exactly did I taste?” I really needed to know the answer to this. I’ve written this scene a hundred times, the one where the hero talks about a woman tasting sweet like honey, and I had to know if it was true.
Dallas’ eyes seemed to turn from a rich honey to a darker amber color, and the air around us hummed with energy as he stared back at me. My heart started beating rapidly when he leaned forward, so only I could hear, and whispered, “Like apple pie and sex.”
“Really?” I whispered back as my gaze moved to his lips, wondering if he would ever kiss me again.
“Nicola.” “Yeah?” I answered as I thought about nipping his lower lip, then sucking it into my mouth.
“If you don’t stop starin’ at my lips I’m gonna haul you out of that chair and kiss you until your legs give out. Then I’ll carry you to my car and everyone in this place will know exactly what we’re doin’.” “Does that really happen?” I breathed out as my eyes shot to his.
Clearly, something about this guy brought out my inner hussy since the thought of sex in his car wasn’t exactly the deterrent he thought it was. I was honestly considering testing the truthfulness of his statement.
“Does what really happen?” “Being kissed so thoroughly your legs go weak.” “Babe,” was his only reply, as if I’d insulted his ability to kiss me senseless. “Oh, wow.” I sighed. His response . . . “You better fuckin’ believe it!”


C.P. Smith is a stay-at-home mom with a keyboard. She's never serious and lives inside her head. FACEBOOK | GOODREADS | AMAZON | TWITTER.

A Reason To Breath | A Reason to Kill | Restoring Hope | Alpha In Love Box set
The #Fae20KGiveAway!
Hey there! It's Sarah Fae here from Today I'm
I just want to point out that this is another INTERNATIONAL giveaway of mine. So nobody gets
excluded! Always awesome, right?
Welcome to the
... Oh yes, it has a hashtag!
I'm super excited right now, so let's
just get straight down to business
and tell you who the fabulous sponsors of this giveaway are.
just get straight down to business
and tell you who the fabulous sponsors of this giveaway are.
Monday, April 20, 2015
Lisa Powell #Interviewed By Mistral Dawn

Hi Everyone!! :-)
Lisa Powell has been kind enough to join us today. Lisa, can you tell us about yourself and how many books you have written?
Lisa: I have written over 30 books, but only 7 have been published so far.
Me: Wow!! Busy lady! What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Lisa: My latest is a series, Natures Hand. The weather inspired it. I take a lot of nature pictures and has some great photo's. Also some of my own fears I deal with the weather are include in a couple of the books.
Me: Sounds interesting! :-) What are you working on now?
Lisa: I am working on editing my natures books. I also have a couple other books rolling around in my head.
Me: Ha! Don't we all? ;-) What authors, or books have influenced you?
Lisa: I love Kat Martin, Kathleen Brooks, Melody Anne and many more.
Me: Cool! What are you reading now?
Lisa: I just got done reading Destined for Power by Kathleen Brooks, excellent book.
Me: Wonderful! :-) For those who might consider reading your book, what would you tell them to expect?
Lisa: Suspense, romance, action and adventure. There is a lot of humor and heartache. I like to keep my readers guessing to the very end.
Me: Sounds like fun! What is your favorite part of being an author?
Lisa: Writing and the ideas you can come up with. It is unreal what you can write and then how everything just falls in place. It amazes me sometimes.
Me: Very true! Do you have a day job as well?
Lisa: Yes, I work construction. I work with concrete. We pour curb and gutter, sidewalks driveways, highways all that good stuff.
Me: Wow! Sounds like hard work! What would you say are the hardest and easiest parts about being a writer?
Lisa: Hardest is getting time to write. Easiest is when everything starts flowing together.
Me: I think a lot of authors would agree with you there. :-) What genre do you place your book in?
Lisa: Romance suspense mostly. I dabble in paranormal and YA
Me: Great! Is there anything else you'd like to tell your readers?
Lisa: I can't stress enough to leave a review. It's the best thing you can do for an author. Even if you don't like the book. But remember be kind they are human to. Just because you don't like their style of writing there is no reason to bash them. Simply say you don't like it.
Me: Amen! :-) Are there any links you'd like me to post?
Lisa: All my work can be found at smashwords and Barnes & Noble as well...
Sunday, April 19, 2015
#VoteForMe!! Please? ;-)
Hey Everyone!!! :-)
There are two places I'd really appreciate a vote from you all, if you wouldn't mind. :-) The first is for the Indie Writers Unite Goodreads list here:
All you have to do is click on the link above and scroll until you find Taken By The Huntsman, it's currently number 27 on the list but it may move if you all are kind enough to vote for it ;-) , and then click the "Vote For This Book" button underneath it. That's it! :-)
The second is for the AUTHORSdb Cover Contest here:
You just click on the link above, and scroll down until you find the blue "Vote" button (it's a little bit under the social media buttons), and then click on it, enter your email address, and rate the cover for Taken By The Huntsman in several categories (just by clicking the number of stars you think it deserves), and that's it! :-)
I would be extremely grateful if you all would be able to support me with these!! Thank you so much!!! :-)
Saturday, April 18, 2015
#April #IndieBooksBeSeen #BookReview! #Dual #Reviews!! :-)
Hey Everyone!!! :-)
It's the 18th again, and I have two reviews for you this month! :-) Both are from #awesome #indie #authors, and both are for steamy hot romances! :-)
The first review is for Julie Nicholl's Angel Within:
Angel Within, by Julie Nicholls, is the second book in her Fallen Angels trilogy. It picks up where Demon Within, the first book in the trilogy, left off, with Kai and Eloise as king and queen, and the books really do need to be read in order. If you read this series you're in for lots of adventure and intrigue...and some very spicy romance. ;-) The story is a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs, that will keep you guessing until the end. This story is definitely 18+, but SSSOOO MUCH fun! Five stars for Angel Within, and I can't wait until the final installment in this thrilling series is released this Fall! :-)
You can find Demon Within here Demon Within On Amazon, and Angel Within here Angel Within On Amazon, and I highly recommend you do! ;-) Also, if you think her covers are as amazing as I think they are, you should know she creates them herself! You can find more of her beautiful work here Julie Nicholls' Book Cover Art, and also find out how you can get some for yourself! :-)
If you'd like to learn more about Julie, you can check out my interview with her here Julie Nicholls' Interview.
If you'd like to learn more about Julie, you can check out my interview with her here Julie Nicholls' Interview.
The second review is for Tracy St. John's Alien Indiscretions, which has been Amazon's #1 best seller in the erotic science fiction category for several weeks! Go Tracy!!! :-)
Alien Indiscretions, by Tracy St. John, is the ninth installment in her Clans Of Kalquor series. I've loved this series for years (as well as her spin-off series, Clan Beginnings, and the free serial, Shalia's Diary, that she offers on her blog), and this latest addition doesn't disappoint! This is the story of the Kalquorian's human empress's cousin, Cissy, and Clan Diltan. If you follow this series, you may remember a less than flattering depiction of Diltan from Lindsey's, the empress's sister, story. Diltan has grown up a bit, and while he does get off to a rocky start, it isn't long before this honorable cutie's true worth is revealed. He and Cissy initially clash, but the sparks they throw off ignite fireworks that will leave you breathless!! The romance between Cissy, Diltan, Wal, Diltan's imdiko, and Rolat, his nobek, is set against a backdrop of a scandal that rocks the Kalquorian empire, and may ultimately tear it apart! In spite of everything that is going on, Tracy managed to keep this story moving at a break-neck pace, with never a dull moment. Like all the stories in this series, this story contains m/f/m/m sex and is heavy in the BDSM play, so make sure you're okay with that. Five stars, and I'm waiting with baited breath to find out what happens next! :-)
You can find Alien Indiscretions here Alien Indiscretions On Amazon, but if you aren't already reading this series, I suggest you start with the first book, Alien Embrace, which you can find here Alien Embrace On Amazon. Also, definitely check out Shalia's Diary on Tracy's blog, which is a free serial set in this universe. You can find Shalia's Diary here Shalia's Diary On Tracy St. John's Blog. Tracy has also made Shalia's Diary available in a series of books, which sell for only 99 cents each, but you'll have to read the story on her blog to get the most up to date entry, because the books will only take you through the completed chapters of the story. If you want to start the story in book form, you can find the first book here Shalia's Diary Book One On Amazon.
If you'd like to learn more about Tracy, you can check out my interview with her here Tracy St. John's Interview.
If you'd like to learn more about Tracy, you can check out my interview with her here Tracy St. John's Interview.
Happy reading everyone, and thank you for stopping by!!! :-)
Friday, April 17, 2015
#Poems For #Fairy #Lovers!! :-)
Hey Everyone!!
You all know how much I love fairies, right? ;-) Well one of my author besties, Barbara Chioffi, has written a couple of poems that I wanted to share with you all!! :-) Enjoy!
Fairy wings, gentle and wispy
Belie a strength within,
One that is eons old,
Fashioned of starlight,
And far stronger
Than ever imagined.
Hidden in plain sight,
The truth is there
If one would only look
Under a leaf,
Behind a rose,
Or in the heart.
Where do fairies go when the lights are low?
To the glade to share in Fairy glow.
They shimmer and shine in glory divine
Making sparkles that ebb and flow.
Oh if I could only dance
Perhaps they would favor me
With a glance.
And I would join in their revelry
At one with them
I would ever be.
If you like that sample of her writing, Barbara has also published an awesome short story called Angel Mine. You can find it on Amazon for only 99 cents! :-) Angel Mine On Amazon
Did you admire her beautiful cover as much as I did? :-) Julie Nicholls is the talented artist who created it, and you can find more of her work here: Julie's Book Cover Art
Thursday, April 16, 2015
#Meet Cassandra Bookman from #Taken By The #Huntsman!! :-)
Hey Everyone!! :-)
Ch'kara SilverWolf has been kind enough to feature Cassandra Bookman from Taken By The Huntsman on her blog!! You all remember Cassie, right? ;-) Please take a moment to check it out, and give her blog some love while you're there! :-) Thank you!!!
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
The #Yellow #Hoods #Goodtales #BookTour!! :-)

The Yellow Hoods Series: As the Yellow Hoods series starts, we see a pastoral world on the brink of a great change. Steam-based and other technologies are emerging, hence the genre “Emergent Steam Punk”. But this is written in the tradition of hard science fiction– you will find no gratuitous gears here. In the series, Adam Dreece masterfully weaves together familiar elements from fairy tales with realistic characters, bringing them to life. Here we meet the Nikolas Klaus: a kind of fusion of Santa Claus and Nikola Tesla and his granddaughter, young Tee who evokes Little Red Riding Hood but with the force of personality of a Katniss (Hunger Games) or Buffy (aka the Vampire Slayer). You may laugh and you may cry, but I guarantee you will enjoy the ride.
Title: Along Came a Wolf (Bk 1)
Series: The Yellow Hoods
Author: Adam Dreece
Publication Date: April 14, 2014
Someone is on the hunt for the steam engine plans, and believes that master inventor, Nikolas Klaus, has them. Thought dead by most, and forgotten by many, the quiet grandfather has been living for years in the sleepy mountain town of Minette, keeping his inventions mostly to himself and watching his granddaughter grow up.
Twelve-year-old Tee, and her two best friends, Elly and Richy, come together as the heroic Yellow Hoods in the face of life threatening danger. Whose side are the Cochon brothers on, and will they tip the balance? Will Nikolas’ ties to one of the secret societies cost him Tee’s life?
Title: Breadcrumb Trail (Bk 2)
Series: The Yellow Hoods
Author: Adam Dreece
Publication Date: August 18, 2014
In an act of desperation, inventor Maxwell Watt sends his teenage son to Nikolas Klaus with the secret plans for his steam engine. The Fare, a nefarious secret society, learns of the game-changing invention and accelerate their timeline to neutralize Klaus and reclaim control over the kingdoms. While wars spark to the south, children in Mineau have started to go missing–again.
Captain Archambault suspects the return of the Ginger Lady. With the help of the Yellow Hoods and their friends, the search is on to find the missing children before it is too late. What is the secret that ties the Yellow Hoods to the Ginger Lady? Who are the Red Hoods really?
Title: All the King’s Men (Bk 3)
Series: The Yellow Hoods
Author: Adam Dreece
Publication Date: To be Released on April 15th!!
More than a hundred years ago, a king declared that all geniuses, scientists and inventors were abominations, save for those willing to become his Conventioneers. His edict spread like wildfire through the kingdoms, and drove the hunted into the arms of the secret societies, the Tub and the Fare.
Decades later, having taken control of the remains of the crushed Fare, a young Marcus Pieman follows up on rumors of a homeless, teenage Abominator in his city. When the scared Nikolas Klaus looked up at Marcus for the first time, a tremendous bond was forged. A betrayal leads Tee to a showdown with her greatest foe. Who breaks and who lays bleeding in the middle of nowhere? And Mounira learns the truth about the once great inventor, Christophe Creangle.
(For Each Individual Book)
Book 1 - Along Came A Wolf: Goodreads | Amazon | | B&N
Book 2 - Breadcrumb Trail: Goodreads | Amazon | | B&N
Book 3 - All The King's Men: Goodreads | Amazon
Adam Dreece burst onto the young adult fiction scene in 2014. His debut novel, Along Came a Wolf, hit the shelves in April, launching what is now the bestselling series The Yellow Hoods. Book Two, Breadcrumb Trail, quickly followed in September, locking in Dreece's status as a force to be reckoned with. Now Book Three, All the King’s-Men, is about to be released and is expected to take its place on the Amazon and Calgary Herald Best Seller Lists, alongside its predecessors.
For twenty-five years Adam had written stories and set them aside, including a memoir covering his battle with terrible scar pain and then being hit with severe asthma. He’d always given the priority and focus to his technical career. In January 2015, he became a full time author. Adam’s a devoted husband and father of three great kids. Though driven, he ensures there is always time for his family, fans, and fellow authors.
With his tween daughter as his muse and the first to hear the rough drafts, it’s no surprise that he’s a huge proponent of strong female characters, something very clear in The Yellow Hoods.
Author Links:
This tour was organized by Good Tales Book Tours.
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
#NewRelease #Dragon Her #Feet By Mina Carter & Celia Kyle!!! :-) SSSOOO #Hot!
Hey Everyone!! :-)
Check out Dragon Her Feet, an #awesome new release by Mina Carter and Celia Kyle!! :-)
Sometimes a girl’s gotta flex her quills and lay down the law…
Katie Carmichael may not be a scary badass dragon capable of toasting her enemies to a crisp, but that doesn’t mean she’s a pushover. And sure, the roaring, fire-breathing hottie is, uh, hot, but she’s a chick with a plan. A plan that includes a secluded old farmhouse and doesn’t include a tall, heavily muscled, and totally delicious weredragon.
Joey Kenton, new owner of said old farmhouse, has plans of his own. They revolve around one, curvy, spitfire werehedgehog and whether their children will be hoglets or dragonlets—Joey would be happy with either. Until Katie’s life is threatened and he realizes that her life is more important than his love for her.
Of course, Katie realizes Joey is an idiot and when she revises her plans…
If you want to know more about Mina, check out my interview of her here: Mina Carter Interviewed By Mistral Dawn
Monday, April 13, 2015
Marco Marek Interviewed By Mistral Dawn
Hi Everyone!! :-)
Marco Marek has joined us today! Marco, will you us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Marco Marek has joined us today! Marco, will you us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Marco: I have born and raised in Turin, Italy, I have worked for Fiat factory for some years after moved to London, England for do the waiter and then to Southend on Sea, Essex, I've been in UK for a total of 10 times!
I love to travel, I've been throughout all Europe and once in New York, i love photography and I have taken thousand of photos, I like to paint too and to play with photoshop, I created cover of my book.
In 2010 I had the idea of Hyperearth after had visited a castle in Slovakia, i have written 3 books, but I have in mind already the sequel of Hyperearth.
Me: Wow! A world traveler! :-) What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Marco: Amstel Noir 2000 is the title I gave it but when I finish I will look better if keep it or change it. Well I visited Amsterdam years ago and I liked the canals so I based the story there, and I would like to write a thriller.
I love to travel, I've been throughout all Europe and once in New York, i love photography and I have taken thousand of photos, I like to paint too and to play with photoshop, I created cover of my book.
In 2010 I had the idea of Hyperearth after had visited a castle in Slovakia, i have written 3 books, but I have in mind already the sequel of Hyperearth.
Me: Wow! A world traveler! :-) What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Marco: Amstel Noir 2000 is the title I gave it but when I finish I will look better if keep it or change it. Well I visited Amsterdam years ago and I liked the canals so I based the story there, and I would like to write a thriller.
Me: Interesting. :-) What are you working on now?
Marco: I'm working at Amstel Noir 2000, also if I stopped a while, because promoting Hyperearth took me lot of time, I'm putting ideas together for continue the story
Me: Yes, promoting does take a lot of time. Are there any authors, or books, who have influenced you?
Marco: Since I like write fantasy, J.K.Rowling influenced me and also the book The Lord of the Rings had big impact on me, I read also Paulo Coelho, Oscar Wilde.
Me: Yes, those are definitely some classics. :-) What are you reading now?
Marco: I'm finish to read Summer Enchanted of KK Allen and after I will start the sequel The Equinox, and the Lament of Sky of BB Wynter
Me: Cool! :-) For those who might consider reading your book, what would you tell them to expect?
Marco: Well it is a story for children and young adults, based on a fantasy world in another dimension, with wizards good and bad , some strange creatures and amazing places to discover, If the reader like this genre will be happy to read it. Who would expect sex, will not be satisfied along with violence and bad language.
Me: Sounds family friendly. :-) What is your favorite part of being an author?
Marco: I think it is to make fly the reader with fantasy with your story and make them happy and also the contact with readers/fans that tell what they like and show support
Me: Yes, readers are awesome! :-) Do you have a day job as well?
Marco: I have part time job, I would like have full time but times we having now it is not easy find full time job. I'm ready to move to another country if I find a good offer, I don't mind!
Me: True, it can be hard to find a job. :-) What is the hardest and easiest part about being a writer?
Marco: Well the easiest part is to write, at least for me, research is light hard sometimes but okay, the hardest is when you finish to write the book, there are so much things to do, do editing, proofread, cover, fill forms, mobi/epub/word file conversion etc.
Me: Yes, there is a lot to do other than writing. :-) What genre do you place your book in?
Marco: The genre of my book is Fantasy, well the main characters the two girls live at our time, but when they transfer to Hyperearth they are in a kind of fantasy medieval time, epic too.
Me: Sounds fun. :-) Is there anything else you'd like to tell your readers?
Marco: I agree that we don't have support of traditional publishing companies and literary agents, so we have to promote our books ourselves. Yes the big gift the reader can do is write a review, positive of course is the best, this is a big help because when you have more reviews and stars you can be more popular and the book is more visible. I know that many are lazy for write a review and also for read too, but for who has chose Indie is a good help and prize for the work have done. And who knows the dream of every Indie is to sign with a publishing company, and it is mine too !
Me: Yes, reviews are wonderful and always appreciated! :-) I wouldn't say every indie author dreams of being signed by a publishing company, but many do. :-) So these fine folks can find your work, are there any links you'd like me to post?
Marco: Follow me on this sites
Marco: I'm working at Amstel Noir 2000, also if I stopped a while, because promoting Hyperearth took me lot of time, I'm putting ideas together for continue the story
Me: Yes, promoting does take a lot of time. Are there any authors, or books, who have influenced you?
Marco: Since I like write fantasy, J.K.Rowling influenced me and also the book The Lord of the Rings had big impact on me, I read also Paulo Coelho, Oscar Wilde.
Me: Yes, those are definitely some classics. :-) What are you reading now?
Marco: I'm finish to read Summer Enchanted of KK Allen and after I will start the sequel The Equinox, and the Lament of Sky of BB Wynter
Me: Cool! :-) For those who might consider reading your book, what would you tell them to expect?
Marco: Well it is a story for children and young adults, based on a fantasy world in another dimension, with wizards good and bad , some strange creatures and amazing places to discover, If the reader like this genre will be happy to read it. Who would expect sex, will not be satisfied along with violence and bad language.
Me: Sounds family friendly. :-) What is your favorite part of being an author?
Marco: I think it is to make fly the reader with fantasy with your story and make them happy and also the contact with readers/fans that tell what they like and show support
Me: Yes, readers are awesome! :-) Do you have a day job as well?
Marco: I have part time job, I would like have full time but times we having now it is not easy find full time job. I'm ready to move to another country if I find a good offer, I don't mind!
Me: True, it can be hard to find a job. :-) What is the hardest and easiest part about being a writer?
Marco: Well the easiest part is to write, at least for me, research is light hard sometimes but okay, the hardest is when you finish to write the book, there are so much things to do, do editing, proofread, cover, fill forms, mobi/epub/word file conversion etc.
Me: Yes, there is a lot to do other than writing. :-) What genre do you place your book in?
Marco: The genre of my book is Fantasy, well the main characters the two girls live at our time, but when they transfer to Hyperearth they are in a kind of fantasy medieval time, epic too.
Me: Sounds fun. :-) Is there anything else you'd like to tell your readers?
Marco: I agree that we don't have support of traditional publishing companies and literary agents, so we have to promote our books ourselves. Yes the big gift the reader can do is write a review, positive of course is the best, this is a big help because when you have more reviews and stars you can be more popular and the book is more visible. I know that many are lazy for write a review and also for read too, but for who has chose Indie is a good help and prize for the work have done. And who knows the dream of every Indie is to sign with a publishing company, and it is mine too !
Me: Yes, reviews are wonderful and always appreciated! :-) I wouldn't say every indie author dreams of being signed by a publishing company, but many do. :-) So these fine folks can find your work, are there any links you'd like me to post?
Marco: Follow me on this sites
Sunday, April 12, 2015
#Taken By The #Huntsman On #Sale For #99Cents On #Amazon!! :-)
Hey Everyone!! :-)
For a limited time only, Taken By The Huntsman is only $0.99 on Amazon!!!! It is normally $2.99, but for a couple of days it will be 60% off!! Take advantage of this offer while you can!! :-)
Saturday, April 11, 2015
A. D. Ellis's #NewRelease #Announcement & #AuthorInterview!! :-)
A. D. Ellis has joined us today to talk about her new release, Decker, and to talk a bit about herself. Check out the info about her exciting new novel, and don't forget to scroll down to read her interview!! :-)
Decker is available on all major platforms!!
This is a standalone in Torey Hope: The Later Years by A.D. Ellis
Find A.D. Ellis on Amazon at
and Facebook at
AD: Hi! I'm A.D. Ellis, a wife, mother of two, inner city teacher, and contemporary romance author. I was born in a small town in Indiana and now life in central Indiana. At the time of this interview I'm preparing to release my fifth contemporary romance book.
Me: How exciting!! :-) What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
AD: My latest book is titled Decker (Torey Hope: The Later Years). My first series was A Torey Hope Novel Series and this newest one is a standalone spin-off series. The four books in this newest series were inspired by my love of the original series and readers not wanting to say goodbye to Torey Hope.
Me: That sounds like a lot of fun! :-) What are you working on now?
AD: Right now I'm working on book 2 in Torey Hope: The Later Years which is titled Sawyer.
Me: Wonderful!! It's great when a story continues to evolve. :-) What authors, or books have influenced you?
AD: I read A LOT....I don't read as much now as I used to because I usually want to write. But the influential authors and books in my life are way too many to start listing. I'm influenced today by my fellow authors/friends.
Me: HA! I know that feeling. ;-) What are you reading now?
AD: My current WIP is a male/male contemporary so I've been reading a lot of male/male romances.
Me: Awesome!! Research can be a lot of fun! ;-) For those who might consider reading your book, what would you tell them to expect?
AD: Expect sweet and sexy, real-life characters and situations, language/sex/adult themes, and the love of family and friends. Always. My original series may have some triggering scenes for some readers.
Me: True to life then, nice. :-) What is your favorite part of being an author?
AD: I love getting the story out of my head and seeing the characters come to life; my characters are real people to me and I love them (even when they may be pissing me off). I love connecting with other authors and bloggers. My favorite part is connecting with readers who were touched by my stories.
Me: Yes, readers are truly wonderful! :-) Do you have a day job as well?
AD: I do. I'm a teacher in the inner city of Indianapolis, Indiana. I've been teaching for 16 years.
Me: Busy lady! :-) What are the hardest and easiest parts about being a writer?
AD: The hardest is the marketing and the handful of bad reviews. It's also hard to work full time, be a mom and a wife, and still try to get writing and promoting done. The easiest? I'm not sure it's EASY, but the most enjoyable has been meeting other authors and finding true friendships along with meeting readers and making those connections.
Me: Yes, I think every indie author can sympathize with you on marketing, time management, and harsh reviews, but you're right that the wonderful we get to meet make it all worthwhile. :-) What genre do you place your book in?
AD: My first series is contemporary (sweet plus heat) with the fourth book having a touch of supernatural. This newest series is also contemporary; Decker, the newest release, has some suspenseful elements to the story.
Me: Cool! :-) Anything else you'd like to tell your readers?
AD: I love my readers and I love finding new readers! If you've read my work or you read it in the future, I'd love to hear from you! And, if you leave reviews, THANK YOU because reviews are so important and helpful!
Me: Amen! :-) And so these wonderful folks can find your work, are there any links you'd like me to post?
I'm also on Instagram, tsu, Google+, and Pinterest...just search A.D. Ellis Author
For Nicky, A Torey Hope Novel Book 1
Amazon Kindle Copy
Because of Beckett, A Torey Hope Novel Book 2
Amazon Kindle Copy
Amazon Kindle Copy
Christmas in Torey Hope, A Novella
Amazon Kindle Copy
Loving Josie, A Torey Hope Novel (a standalone)
Amazon Kindle Copy
Amazon Kindle Copy
Loving Josie, A Torey Hope Novel (a standalone)
Amazon Kindle Copy
Friday, April 10, 2015
#Interview With The #Summer #Prince!! :-)
Hey Everyone!! :-)
The fabulous Lanie Adams has done it again!! This time she managed to corner Uaine and get him to answer some questions! :-) Want to see what he had to say? Check out his interview on Lanie's awesome blog: Lanie Adams' Interview With The Summer Prince. And please give her blog some love while you're there!! Thank you all so much!!! :-)
Thursday, April 9, 2015
#Awesome #ShoutOut From Jen Winters!! :-)
Hey Everyone!! :-)
One of my author besties, Jen Winters, has posted a very sweet shout out today! Please take a moment to check it out, and give her blog some love while you're there!! :-)
Thank you all so much!!! :-)
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
#Meet The #Erlking!! :-)
Hey Everyone!! :-
Wow! Cadeyrn is getting a lot of attention this week!! But then, do you really need to ask why...SO HOT!! ;-) Today Ch'kara Silverwolf has been kind enough to post a feature about him on her lovely blog!! Please take a moment to check it out here Meet The Erlking and give her blog some love while you're there. :-) Also, in case you missed it, Lanie Adams interviewed Cadeyrn yesterday, and you can find out what they had to say here: Interview With The Erlking. Okay, that's all for today. Thank you so much for stopping by and I hope you enjoy learning more about the hunky Fae who protects Fairie!! :-)
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
#Interview With The #Erlking!! :-)
Hey Everyone!! :-)
Lanie Adams invited Cadeyrn to her blog today! Ever wondered what an interview with the Erlking would be like? Check it out and see what they found to chat about! :-) And please give her beautiful blog some love while you're there. :-)
Monday, April 6, 2015
A.W. Daniels Interviewed By Mistral Dawn
Hi Everyone!! :-)
Today AW
Daniels has been kind enough to join us to tell us about his books. AW, please tell Us about yourself and how
many books you have written. :-)
AW: I'm kind of private Mistral. I've written 5 books, 2 that I've self published. Genetically Privileged and Genetically Conflicted.
Me: Very cool! What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
AW: Genetically Conflicted is the most recent of the series. It's a continuation of Genetically Privileged. The main theme is about technology and the impact it has on society. In GC we see the story from the eyes of the genetically altered children and get a glimpse of what they think of the society that created them.
Me: Sounds spooky! :-) What are you working on now?
AW: The third of the series, Genetically Rejected. The genetically Privileged children are growing up and leaving the nest. We see them preparing themselves to take their place in society.
Me: Wow! That must make you feel good, seeing the "kids" you created grow up. :-) What authors, or books have influenced you?
AW: I look at my book shelves and see Vonnegut, Voltaire, Machiavelli, Cervantes, a litany of medical research manuals, Colbert, George Orwell, it's all over the place!
Me: I have to say, I love Orwell's stories. ;-) What are you reading now?
AW: No time to read. Researching for Genetically Rejected.
AW: No time to read. Researching for Genetically Rejected.
Me: Ha! I think a lot of authors could sympathize with you there. For those who might consider reading your book, what would you tell them to expect?
AW: To ask themselves, what would I do if I was handed a gift of technology above and beyond the norm? Would I use it to help myself? Or help others? Would I capitalize on the gift financially, to gain fame or power? Or would I use it to further society?
Me: Deep questions! What is your favorite part of being an author?
AW: Expanding my mind and breaking my own preconceived limits.
Me: Definitely admirable pursuits. :-) Do you have a day job as well?
AW: I don't talk about myself much.
AW: To ask themselves, what would I do if I was handed a gift of technology above and beyond the norm? Would I use it to help myself? Or help others? Would I capitalize on the gift financially, to gain fame or power? Or would I use it to further society?
Me: Deep questions! What is your favorite part of being an author?
AW: Expanding my mind and breaking my own preconceived limits.
Me: Definitely admirable pursuits. :-) Do you have a day job as well?
AW: I don't talk about myself much.
Me: Fair enough. What would you say are hardest and easiest parts about being a writer?
AW: Hardest, research. Easiest creativity and blending facts with fiction to create a storyline.
Me: That story-building is a lot of fun! :-) What genre do you place your book in?
AW: Technically sci-fi though I ask society to look in the mirror throughout the work.
Me: Well, they sound like a really interesting read. Anything else you'd like to tell your readers?
AW: Read for enjoyment, ponder for self-improvement.
Me: Good goals! :-) And so these fine folks can find your awesome books, are there any links you'd like me to post?
AW: Hardest, research. Easiest creativity and blending facts with fiction to create a storyline.
Me: That story-building is a lot of fun! :-) What genre do you place your book in?
AW: Technically sci-fi though I ask society to look in the mirror throughout the work.
Me: Well, they sound like a really interesting read. Anything else you'd like to tell your readers?
AW: Read for enjoyment, ponder for self-improvement.
Me: Good goals! :-) And so these fine folks can find your awesome books, are there any links you'd like me to post?
Saturday, April 4, 2015
To My #Awesome #Readers!!! :-)
Hey Everyone!!! :-)
As some of you may already know, Taken By The Huntsman made it into the top 100 in the #BDSM category on #Amazon this week! :-)
This was only possible because all of you totally awesome people have been kind enough to read, review, and tell your friends!!! I can't thank you all enough for this, and I'm hoping you'll be willing to show your love again today. :-) I'll be taking over for an hour on the #SaintsandSinners #Facebook #One #Year #Anniversary #Page today, and I really hope to see you and all of your friends there!! Starting at #Noon EDT, you'll be able to join me here:
So please #tweet, #share, G+1, or just holler at your friends and tell everyone you know to take an hour, or even a few minutes, to join us there. Let's rock all of those #saints and #sinners so they'll invite us back again!!
Hugs and kisses to all of you, and a huge thank you!!! :-)
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