Who Is Mistral Dawn?

Mistral Dawn is a thirty-something gal who has lived on both coasts of the US but somehow never in the middle. She currently resides in the Southeast US with her kitty cats (please spay or neuter! :-)) where she works as a hospital drudge and attends graduate school. Taken By The Huntsman is her first effort at writing fiction and if it is well received she has ideas for several more novels and short-stories in this series. Please feel free to visit her on FaceBook or drop her a line at mistralkdawn@gmail.com

Monday, July 31, 2017

Something Worth Watching?

Hey Everyone!! :-)

I'm back today with another video I wanted to share. This is a story that has kind of gotten buried in all the hoopla surrounding healthcare, the banning of trans people from the military, and the investigation into the Trump-Russia connection, but it's a really important one that I think deserves a lot more attention than it has gotten. If this law gets passed, it could just be the death knell for the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Our rights as citizens to speak freely and to protest have been under attack for years, now. But this law could signal that those rights are gone forever. Take a look.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Easy Fresh Tomato Sauce #Recipe!

Hey Everyone!! :-)

This is a really easy, light tomato sauce you can throw together in a few minutes to serve over pasta. It only takes a few minutes, so you won't be stuck standing over a hot stove for long in the summer heat.

4-5 tomatoes chopped (about 3-4 cups total volume)
1 yellow summer squash or zucchini chopped
1 20oz sliced button mushrooms
2-3 onions chopped fine
7-8 cloves garlic minced
2 tbsp olive oil
1/2 cup fresh basil chopped
1/4 cup fresh parsley chopped
1/2 cup water (if needed)
Salt and pepper to taste

Add the onions, salt and pepper, and olive oil to a deep-sided skillet and saute until translucent. Add the mushrooms, garlic, and zucchini or squash and cook until soft. Add the tomatoes and water (if more liquid is needed) and stir together. Simmer for a couple minutes until the tomatoes start to break down. Stir in the basil and then remove from heat. Stir in the parsley and serve over your favorite cooked pasta.

Buon Appetito!

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Better Than The #Beach #Summer #Giveaway! $130 #Cash #Grand #Prize! #Free To #Enter!

Hey Everyone!! :-)

There's a new giveaway for spring!  Please take a moment to check out the Better Than The Beach Summer Giveaway!!  There are lots of awesome books and prizes!! :-)  It's free to enter, there are over 100 prizes, and the grand prize is $130 cash payable through PayPal!! :-)  Now isn't that worth taking a few minutes to check out? ;-)   Here are all the details:

Thank you so much for stopping by today!  And don't forget to check back tomorrow for the next installment of Mistral Dawn's Musings! :-)

Friday, July 28, 2017

Are We Sowing The Seeds Of Our Own #Destruction?

Hey Everyone!

You know, in reading all the speculation about the healthcare legislation the Republicans are so ashamed of that they had to hide it from the American people for weeks, something occurred to me. In this country, we have set up the perfect set of circumstances to ensure that the next time a dangerous pathogen pops up, it will turn into a runaway epidemic virtually overnight here.

There are millions of people with no health insurance, and millions more with such shoddy insurance that they might as well have no insurance. And all those people probably won't go to the doctor when they get sick. Because who wants to bankrupt themselves to be told they have the flu, drink plenty of liquids and stay in bed?

Also, those tend to be the same people who have little to no sick time and bosses who are anything but understanding when it comes to illness. So they'll likely go to work anyway. And their jobs probably either involve direct contact with the public or working in a closely-packed cubicle environment, possibly even sharing a desk with one or more co-workers. All of which will give the pathogen plenty of opportunities to spread.

Then there are all the cuts in budgets for government agencies and the appointment of people whose only goals are to dismantle the agencies they've been put in charge of. So, any efforts by public health personnel to institute containment protocols will be severely understaffed and underfunded, and will also lack competent leadership and direction.

Periodic outbreaks of disease are inevitable. Microorganisms evolve constantly and, eventually, something will manifest that is dangerous to human beings. The first few days, weeks, and months in dealing with an emerging infection are crucial in determining whether or not it can be contained. Proper monitoring, which health professionals are a big part of, and swift and effective mobilization of resources can be the difference between a handful of cases and a pandemic.

All-in-all, right now we have such a perfect storm situation for a public health disaster that it almost sounds like the plot for a movie or a book. If it wasn't so terrifying it would be hilarious.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

#APC #Spotlight: #Magic O'Clock By L.S. Fellows!

Hey Everyone!! :-)

I've got Lynne Fellows in my APC spotlight, today! Lynne is an active and supportive member of the  Authors-Professional Co-op Facebook group and her non-fiction fictional tale, Magic O'Clock, looks really thought-provoking. Here's the description:
Archie Royle is a kind, funny, gentle man.
He’s also my dad. My storyteller. My hero.
Except he doesn’t remember my face any more.
His world, these days, doesn’t include me or his family.
Life may have changed for him, but he hasn’t given up on life.
Not at all.
It’s just different.

Dad still tells his stories, albeit for a new audience.
He makes people smile and chuckle. As he always did.
He’s a fighter, a survivor and maybe sometimes too clever for his own good! He’ll surprise you. I can assure you of that.

Welcome to Magic O’Clock, where time is irrelevant and hope is unlimited.

This story is purely fictional, but the emotions are all too real.
Sound good?  If you think you'd like to give it a try, go ahead and grab your copy here:

Thank you all so much for stopping by! Happy reading! :-)

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

#Agent Thoth's #Personal Log: Day 586

Hey Everyone! :-)

Agent Thoth discusses more of the trials and tribulations associated with living with hominids. Incidentally, if you've missed Agent Thoth's earlier entries, you can find them here: Thoth's Journal

Department for the Preservation and Confirmation of Intelligent Life (DPCIL)
Agent Thoth's Personal Log

Day Five-Hundred-Eighty-Six:
The juvenile felid has returned! He seems somewhat the worse for wear from his adventure, but he is rapidly recovering. This morning, when I woke up, I found him curled up next to me on my hominid-servant's sleeping platform. One whiff of him, and it was clear what had happened.

It seems my hominid-servant made good on her promise to have the small pest "fixed," which explains his absence from my domicile yesterday. He currently reeks of the frightening place where the "fixing" takes place, and it is making him rather testy. I aided him in grooming in an effort to assist him in divesting himself of the stench, but we were only partially successful.

I assured him that the smell does fade with time, and any lingering soreness he is experiencing as a result of the procedure will soon disappear. But he did not seem comforted by my reassurances. Though, to be honest, I believe his pique comes more from having been abducted without his consent, rather than from any physical discomfort.

As soon as he is done sulking, I will attempt to interview the juvenile felid about any changes he undergoes. That way, I will be able to compare his experience with my own. Though two data points aren't much to base a conclusion on, if his quality of life is improved as much as mine was, then it will be even more evidence that this "fixing" procedure might be something that all DPCIL agents should look into. Despite the intimidating nature of the facilities where the procedure takes place.

Whew! Glad the little guy is okay. ;-) You may have noticed that Agent Thoth has a new look. I hope you like his new picture as much as I do, but I'd love to hear your thoughts, either way. Feel free to let me know what you think in the comments. ;-) Happy reading, everyone!

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

#Space...Travel? ;-)

Hey Everyone!! :-)

I know it's been a couple weeks, but I wanted to share an update on what's going on with my WIP. Enjoy! :-)

Excerpt from sci-fi satire novel:
Well, okay then, lead on, Macduff."

"Who…? Never mind." Squid-boy sighed. "Follow me, please."

I followed Squid-boy out into a hallway with a moving floor. That's right, I said a moving floor. Instead of walking, the floor carried us down the hallway. Just like those moving walkways in airports. It seemed like an unnecessary complication to any design, to me. The more moving parts you have in something, the greater the likelihood it will break. 'Sides, looking behind me at the doors that lined the hall all the way down its length, I couldn't help but wonder, "What if we wanted to go the other way?"

"It can go in either direction; a scanner determines which way occupants are facing and the travelator moves accordingly."

"So if we wanted to go the other way, we'd just turn around?"


"What if there were people in the hallway who wanted to go in different directions?"

"The travelator can be split down the middle. If someone stepped out into the hallway and wanted to go in the opposite direction from us, they would simply stand on the other side of the hall."

"Humph. Still seems complicated to me. Why not just walk?"

"Not every occupant of this station possesses the necessary appendages to make locomotion in this type of environment easy or possible. Besides which, once you see more of the station and get a better sense of its size, you will understand the value in facilitating transportation through automation. Once we leave these narrow halls and reach the more central thoroughfares, the travelators will speed up considerably. Which makes it much easier for station residents to get from one part of the station to another in a reasonable span of time."

"Hmmm…I guess. Still seems like the kind of thing that would break down a lot."

"I assure you, young human, the travelators are quite reliable and safe."

Famous last words? Hmmm... I can't wait to find out what happens next! ;-)  I guess we'll all have to stay tuned to find out more about Alyce's adventure. ;-)  Thank you all for stopping by today!

Monday, July 24, 2017

Something Worth Watching?

Hey Everyone!! :-)

I'm back today with another video I wanted to share. With all the hootin' and hollarin' about Russia, Russia, Russia, things that would actually make a difference in the lives of average Americans are slipping through the cracks. For instance, Trump's attempt to simply turn our government over to corporations, wholesale, instead of the piecemeal effect we've got now. Things like this are exactly why we need to focus on the issues and not just engage in political mud-slinging. Take a look:

Sunday, July 23, 2017

#Summertime #Soup #Recipe!

Hey Everyone!! :-)

I don't know about you, but even in the summer, sometimes I just need a nice, comforting bowl of soup. This one is light enough for even a warm evening and is one of my favorites. :-)

6 cups vegetable stock
1-2 red onion(s) chopped
1 tomato diced
1 bunch collard greens or kale ribs removed and leaves chopped
2 tbsp peeled and minced fresh ginger
4 cloves garlic minced
3/4 cup unsalted peanut butter (your favorite kind)
1/2 cup tomato paste
3 tbsp sriracha
1 tbsp olive oil
1/4 cup peanuts chopped
Salt and pepper to taste

Put the onion and olive oil in a soup pot and saute it until translucent. Add the stock, ginger, garlic and salt, and bring to a boil. Simmer for 20 minutes, or so. In a separate bowl, mix the peanut butter and tomato paste. Add 1-2 cups of the hot stock to the bowl. Whisk the mixture together until smooth, then pour all the contents of the bowl into the soup pot and mix well. Stir in the collard greens and sriracha. Simmer for another 15 minutes, or so, stirring often.

This soup can be served over cooked rice, quinoa, or pasta if you’d like, or it can be eaten on its own. Top it with the chopped peanuts to add some crunch. Also, obviously, you can adjust the amount of sriracha to your preferred heat level. Some shredded carrots added with the collard greens adds a nice sweetness and some cooked chickpeas or kidney beans can give the soup more substance if you're looking for something heartier.

Bon Appetit!

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Better Than The #Beach #Summer #Giveaway! $130 #Cash #Grand #Prize! #Free To #Enter!

Hey Everyone!! :-)

There's a new giveaway for spring!  Please take a moment to check out the Better Than The Beach Summer Giveaway!!  There are lots of awesome books and prizes!! :-)  It's free to enter, there are over 100 prizes, and the grand prize is $130 cash payable through PayPal!! :-)  Now isn't that worth taking a few minutes to check out? ;-)   Here are all the details:

Thank you so much for stopping by today!  And don't forget to check back tomorrow for the next installment of Mistral Dawn's Musings! :-)

Friday, July 21, 2017

Living With A Muffin

Hey Everyone!! :-)

I figured it was time for a little more nonsense. Enjoy! ;-)

Incidentally, The Muffin is the cutie-pie pictured above. He's not that size anymore, but he was when he acquired me. About that time, there was a meme going around that defined a kitten as a homicidal muffin with legs. The description still fits, even though he's a larger-sized muffin now.

Me: *pushes Muffin paw away from carrot sticks* You don't like carrot sticks.

Muffin: *reaches for carrot sticks again* I might.

Me: *pushes paw away again* Stop that! You don't like carrot sticks!

Muffin: *reaches again* You never know! I might!

Me: *pushes paw away again* What is wrong with you? Cats don't like carrot sticks!

Muffin: *reaches again* Let's test that hypothesis.

Me: *gets distracted and looks away for a minute*

Muffin: *snags carrot stick and takes off with it*

Me: Seriously? *chases after carrot-stick wielding Muffin*

Muffin: *spits out carrot stick and walks away in disgust*

Me: *Picks up the carrot stick and holds it out* Well, it's yours now. Eat it.

Muffin: I don't like carrot sticks.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

#APC #Spotlight: Nite #Fire By C.L. Schneider!

Hey Everyone!! :-)

I've got Cindy L. Schneider in my APC spotlight, today!  Cindy is an active and supportive member of the  Authors-Professional Co-op Facebook group and her supernatural suspense thriller, Nite Fire, looks great! Here's the description:
Slated for execution, shapeshifting assassin, Dahlia Nite, flees her world to hide in the human realm. As payment for the shelter they unknowingly provide, Dahlia dedicates herself to protecting humans from what truly lives in the shadows. Moving from town to town, she hunts the creatures that threaten an unsuspecting human race; burying the truth that could destroy them all.

But the shadows are shifting. The lies are adding up. And when Sentinel City is threatened by a series of bizarre brutal murders, light is shed on what should never be seen. The secrets that have kept humanity in the dark for centuries are in danger of being exposed.

Wrestling with a lifetime of her own deceptions, Dahlia investigates the killings while simultaneously working to conceal their circumstances. But with each new murder, the little bit of peace she has found in this world begins to crumble. Each new clue leads her to the one place she thought to never go again. Home.
If you think this sounds like something you might enjoy, go ahead and grab your copy here:

Thank you all so much for stopping by! Happy reading! :-)

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

#Agent Thoth's #Personal Log: Day 585

Hey Everyone! :-)

Agent Thoth discusses more of the trials and tribulations associated with living with hominids. Incidentally, if you've missed Agent Thoth's earlier entries, you can find them here: Thoth's Journal

Department for the Preservation and Confirmation of Intelligent Life (DPCIL)
Agent Thoth's Personal Log

Day Five-Hundred-Eighty-Five:
When I woke up today, the juvenile felid had disappeared. I have searched the entire domicile for him, but I've been unable to locate him. His scent lingers and his toys and food bowl are still here. But the tiny beast himself is missing.

I attempted to speak with my hominid-servant about the obvious absence of the small pest, but she seems unable to understand my concern. In fact, she does not even seem to have noticed that he is gone! Every time I approach her about the subject, she coos nonsense at me and acts as though nothing is amiss.

At this point, I cannot discount the possibility that whatever force absconded with the juvenile felid also managed to somehow affect the mind of my hominid-servant. I will remain vigilant and report back with any new information.

Oh, no! Mysterious disappearances! Maybe the juvenile felid was abducted by aliens, ;-) You may have noticed that Agent Thoth has a new look. I hope you like his new picture as much as I do, but I'd love to hear your thoughts, either way. Feel free to let me know what you think in the comments. ;-) Happy reading, everyone!

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

#July2017 #IndieBooksBeSeen #Indie #Author #Books #Monthly #BookReview!

Hey Everyone!! :-)

It's the 18th again, so you know what that means! Time for my monthly #IndieBooksBeSeen indie author book review. Enjoy! :-)

Alien Revolt by Tracy St. John:

Clan Piras, thought to be traitors to the Kalquorian Empire, are actually deep covert operatives working to bring down the self-destructive, xenophobic rebellion led by the Basma. Their lives are in constant jeopardy. To their government, they are the worst kind of criminals who would be subject to an extended, painful execution if caught. But if those they are working against discover their true allegiance, their fate would be even grimmer. But to them, it's all worth it for the sake of honor and Empire. It's in this atmosphere of selfless patriotism and ever-present danger that they meet Hope Nath.

Hope is the daughter of General Nath, one of the top leaders of the rebellion against Browning Copeland, the human equivalent of the Basma. Copeland is a religious fanatic who is determined to see that humans don't mix with Kalquorians and that women remain virtual slaves in their society. Hope and her father have been working for years to bring an end to Copeland's reign of terror, and they are thrilled to find unexpected allies in Clan Piras and their crew.

Piras, Lokmi, and Kila have had a difficult struggle in integrating their individual needs into a cohesive relationship and preventing the wounds of their past from interfering in their current bond. With three such strong personalities in play, it seems unlikely they will be able to find a compatible woman to complete their clan. Especially, considering the death sentence they are all living under. But from the very beginning, Hope seemed to be a perfect fit for them. She offers something to each of them, and each them fulfills a different need for her. As unexpected as it is, love starts to grow between them. But can their budding romance survive all the perils of war?

I really enjoyed this installment in the Kalquorian series. It was a bit of a slow build in the beginning because there is so much going on at the same time. But once all the players and the plays are laid out, the plot moves forward at lightning speed. The relationship between Hope and Clan Piras is a sweet counterpoint to the fear and desperation surrounding them. And I really enjoyed the fact that the fight against the Basma was just as important as the romance in this story. Five stars, and I can't wait to see what happens next in Kalquor's war for survival.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Something Worth Watching?

Hey Everyone!! :-)

I'm back today with another video I wanted to share. If you want to see some fancy footwork, you should definitely check out this Young Turks interview with West Virginia's Corporate Democratic Senator, Joe Manchin. Frankly, I wish Cenk had pushed a lot harder on some of the questions, but even so, Senator Manchin did some serious tap dancing here. The Senator should go on Dancing With The Stars; he'd win easily with this kind of performance.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Easy, Quick Pasta Salad #Dinner #Recipe!

Hey Everyone! :-)

Today, I thought I'd share one of my favorite pasta salad recipes with you. Enjoy! :-)

4 cups cooked and cooled bow-tie (or your favorite shape) pasta
2-3 tomatoes chopped
1 zucchini chopped
1 20oz can sliced black olives drained
1-2 bell peppers (any color) seeded and chopped
1 chili pepper seeded and chopped (optional)
1 cucumber chopped
1 cup chopped spinach or kale
1 cup shredded carrots
1 20oz can kidney beans drained
1/2 cup chopped or shredded fresh basil
1 cup extra virgin olive oil
1/4 cup balsamic or red wine vinegar
2 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp dried parsley
5 cloves minced garlic
Salt and pepper to taste

Put the pasta, vegetables, and beans in a large bowl and toss to distribute evenly. In a separate bowl, whisk together the olive oil, vinegar, dried herbs, salt and pepper, and garlic. Pour the dressing over the pasta and vegetables and toss until evenly coated. Serve chilled.

If you're in a hurry, you can use bottled Italian dressing instead of making your own, but it tends to be a bit salty. Also, obviously, you can eliminate or substitute any of the vegetables with whichever vegetables you prefer.

Bon Appetit!

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Better Than The #Beach #Summer #Giveaway! $130 #Cash #Grand #Prize! #Free To #Enter!

Hey Everyone!! :-)

There's a new giveaway for spring!  Please take a moment to check out the Better Than The Beach Summer Giveaway!!  There are lots of awesome books and prizes!! :-)  It's free to enter, there are over 100 prizes, and the grand prize is $130 cash payable through PayPal!! :-)  Now isn't that worth taking a few minutes to check out? ;-)   Here are all the details:

Thank you so much for stopping by today!  And don't forget to check back tomorrow for the next installment of Mistral Dawn's Musings! :-)

Friday, July 14, 2017

#Favors And #Negotiations. ;-)

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Since it's summertime, at least in here in the northern hemisphere, I thought it might be a good time to share a peek into what's going on in the Summer Court of Fairie. ;-)  Enjoy!

Excerpt from Intrigue In The Summer Court:
Next to the dresser, a large trunk had been placed on the floor. It was the only thing in the room that stood out, and she remarked on it.

"Seren and Raleigh were kind enough to assist me in arranging this escape and they packed some clothing for us."

"Ah, so it was a conspiracy, was it?" she teased, as she continued to study the room.

The bed was large and looked soft and comfortable. It wasn't canopied, as she had come to expect from the Fae, but the four posts at the corners of the head and footboards looked quite sturdy. As her mate laid her on the mattress and came down on top of her, something on the posts caught her attention and gave her an idea. Surely, after all the time she spent planning the outfit with Raleigh, the Brownie would have included it…

As Uaine kissed and nibbled his way down the side of her throat, she reached up to push him away. He chuckled and took her wrists in one of his massive hands and pinned them to the bed above her head. Knowing he thought she was instigating one of their games, and that he didn't think she was serious, she made a disgruntled noise and said, "Uaine, stop!"

Scraping his teeth back up her neck and nipping her gently beneath her ear he replied, "Do you really want me to stop?"

Roni shivered in reaction, but then went still. Her stillness caused her lover to pause and pull back to look her in the face. "Are you serious?" he asked?

Giving him an exasperated look she said, "Stad."

"You are serious." he exclaimed at the sound of her safeword. Sitting back and releasing her immediately, he said, "I'm sorry. What's wrong, my love?"

Sitting up, Roni smiled at him and said, "Nothing's wrong, I'm fine. Do you remember the first time I let you tie me up?"

The prince's eyes darkened with heat. "How could I forget?"

"Do you remember you agreed to owe me a favor if I allowed it?"

Puzzled, Uaine nodded. "Yes, are you saying you want to collect now?"

Giving her Anamchara a wicked grin, Roni rose onto her knees. "Yes, I'd like to tie you up."

Want to find out if the conclusion of these negotiations is mutually satisfactory? ;-)  Grab your copy here:

Intrigue in the Summer Court

Thursday, July 13, 2017

#APC #Spotlight: The #First By Lisa Green!

Hey Everyone!! :-)

I've got Lisa Green in my APC spotlight, today! Lisa is an active and supportive member of the  Authors-Professional Co-op Facebook group and her dark fantasy suspense novel, The First, looks great! Here's the description:
A tale of myth, mystery...and a past long forgotten...
Something is out there.
And the people live in constant fear.
But their biggest threat lies within their own village. Everyone and everything is dying, slowly and without hope of salvation.
In a world where almost nothing is truth and isolation is the purest form of self-deception, the possibility of hope exists only in the heart and mind of a young woman who chooses to follow an unknown path in order to save everyone she knows and loves. Before long, she discovers that her most vital beliefs are based on a deception that will rock the foundation of her entire people. To save them, she must learn to open her heart and sacrifice…everything.
You may think you have heard this story before, but be warned.
You haven’t.
Sound good?  If you think you'd like to give it a try, go ahead and grab your copy here:

Thank you all so much for stopping by! Happy reading! :-)

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

#Agent Thoth's #Personal Log: Day 581

Hey Everyone! :-)

Agent Thoth discusses more of the trials and tribulations associated with living with hominids. Incidentally, if you've missed Agent Thoth's earlier entries, you can find them here: Thoth's Journal

Department for the Preservation and Confirmation of Intelligent Life (DPCIL)
Agent Thoth's Personal Log

Day Five-Hundred-Eighty-One:
I am concerned over the psychological health of the infant felid. Though, perhaps it would be more accurate to refer to him as the juvenile felid, at this point. Physically, he has grown at an astonishing rate, and I believe it will not be too long before he reaches his full, adult size.

However, physicality aside, his mental state is what concerns me, currently. Lately, he seems to forget at times that all of his body parts are attached to him and under his control. For instance, earlier today, he took exception to the actions of his tail and attacked it. I would have taken such behavior as an effort to combat boredom, on his part, except that he seemed to be astonished when his assault on his tail resulted in his experiencing pain.

Likewise, yesterday, it was his left, rear paw that seemed to cause him offense. He had been walking through the main room in my domicile, when he suddenly stopped and contorted himself in order to bite his paw. When he did so, he cried out at the sting caused by his teeth, and then he continued on as if nothing had happened.

At first, I thought these random episodes of self-directed violence might be the result of an infestation of biting or stinging parasites. However, I examined him thoroughly while he was napping after the tail attack, and I see no evidence of any such creatures. What's more, my hominid-servant is rather militant about ensuring that both he and I are kept current on our parasite preventative drops.

As of now, I have no satisfactory explanation for such bizarre behavior. It is concerning because I have grown used to having the small beast around, and I would not like it if he were to truly harm himself. Besides which, his physiology is similar enough to that of the body I occupy for this assignment that it is quite possible I would be susceptible to any pathogens that might be causing his derangement. Be assured, I will continue my observations and report back with any new findings.

Oh, my! Felid derangement! ;-) You may have noticed that Agent Thoth has a new look. I hope you like his new picture as much as I do, but I'd love to hear your thoughts, either way. Feel free to let me know what you think in the comments. ;-) Happy reading, everyone!

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

A Little #Nonsense, Now And Then...

...is relished by the wisest men. ;-)

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Here's a little nonsense for you to help brighten your day. Enjoy! :-)

So...I have a cat; I call him The Small. He's not particularly small for a cat, just sort of average cat size. But he was small when he adopted me and the name kind of stuck. Anyway, The Small is a black and white tuxedo kitty who is prone to confusion, which results in odd behavior, at times.

The other day, The Small was taking a bath in the middle of my living room. After all, what better place? And he decided to wash his tail. Unfortunately for him, his tail seemed to have other ideas.

He turned around to reach it, but every time he turned, it followed him. Then, he decided to fold himself in half. But the moment he licked it, it twitched away. He grabbed it with one of his paws, pinning it to the floor, and that worked for a while. But then he relaxed into the bath and loosened his grip, and it got away.

By this point, it was pretty clear that The Small was getting aggravated, and he growled at his tail. But the tail didn't seem particularly impressed, and it just kept swishing back and forth. The Small tried to show it who was boss by grabbing and biting the tail. But the tail must have bitten back, because The Small yelped and jumped away.

Now, The Small is no quitter, and he turned right back around to give that tail what-for. But, wouldn't you know it, that sneaky tail had followed him, and it was hiding in his shadow.

Fortunately, it's not easy to fool a Small for long, and he caught on to the tail's game and jumped around fast to catch it before it could get away. Still, that tail was pretty fast, and it led The Small on a little bit of a chase, around and around in a circle, before finally surrendering.

The Small celebrated his victory by pinning that tail down and thoroughly washing it until it shined. When he was done, he looked up and yowled about his tail-wrestling prowess so all the world would know. His tail seemed to agree, because it followed close behind him, waving like a banner to show off how clean it was.

The parade lasted a good ten minutes, up the stairs and down again, over tables and behind chairs. The Small and his tail were so obviously proud of themselves, I just didn't have the heart to point out that the whole production would have been easier on them both if they had just worked together. Ah, well. #TrialsAndTribulationsOfCatLife

Monday, July 10, 2017

Something Worth Watching?

Hey Everyone!! :-)

I'm back today with another video I wanted to share. On July 4th -- for those of you outside the US, that's our Independence Day holiday when we commemorate the signing of our Declaration of Independence from England -- National Public Radio (NPR) read out the Declaration of Independence, which is something they've been doing for several decades. But this year, instead of reading it out over the radio, they decided to change with the times and they tweeted it out in 140 character segments.

Now, this should be obvious, though it apparently isn't, but the Declaration of Independence was written by the leaders of the American Revolution. Ergo, it is rather revolutionary in tone.  Honestly, I'm not sure why this isn't a "duh," but there were an awful lot of Americans who took exception to these tweets. And, I'm sure this won't surprise many people reading this blog, many of the people who were upset were Trump supporters. Because they viewed the tweets as attacks against the Swamp Thing in Chief, even though they self-evidently weren't. Though, the fact that Trump has enough in common with King George III of England, a despot who was tyrannical enough that he incited a war of revolution against him, that so many people thought a document calling out King George applied to the current US President might be something that supporters of Trump should reflect on.

At any rate, as I've pointed out on this blog in the past, the Founding Fathers were revolutionaries. Literally. This country was born from a determination to hold power accountable and to protect liberty for the common man. Now, who the "common man" was then differed greatly from who that would be today, I'm not claiming that the American Revolution freed all residents of America or that the Founding Fathers were free from flaws. Far from it. At the time the Declaration of Independence was signed, only white, land-owning men benefited from the rights described therein. But the spirit of revolution, by its very nature, is welcoming to change.

So, when conservatives talk about patriotism as it applies to the US, it always both amuses me and confuses me. Because revolution isn't conservative. Revolution, by definition, means change. Now, traditionally it has mostly applied to violent change, but times have changed and the term has evolved to also included non-violent political and social takeovers. But still, it refers to fast, dramatic change. And that's what the founders of the United States stood for, change. The advent of a democratic republican form of government like the one we're supposed to have here was, at the time, quite literally revolutionary.

All of which means that to be patriotic in the context of the United States is to constantly challenge the status quo. To question authority and speak truth to power. And to never, ever accept the idea that things can't be better than they are, or to stop pushing to make them so. Which is the exact opposite of conservatism, which by definition seeks to preserve things as they are. Unfortunately for conservatives, stagnation isn't a good thing for any society. And maybe that's why those tweets bothered Trump supporters so much. Because having the Declaration of Independence broken down for them that way underscored just how incompatible Trump's behavior is with the revolutionary ideals this country was founded on.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Can't Top That Cap #Recipe!

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Today, I wanted to share one of my favorite cookout recipes. Enjoy! :-)

1 per burger portabello mushroom cap
1 per burger hamburger bun (your favorite kind)
10 bell peppers (can be one color or a mix of colors)
3 onions chopped
4 large cloves of garlic rough chopped
2 1/2 cups distilled white vinegar
3 cups water
2/3 cup sugar
1/4 cup salt

Put peppers on a baking sheet in a single layer. Bake at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for 45 minutes. Turn peppers over halfway through baking. Remove peppers from oven and place immediately in a ziplock bag. Let sit for 15 minutes. Skins should be easy to pull off at this point. Remove skins and seeds from peppers and chop peppers.

Put chopped peppers, onions, and garlic in a large bowl. Set aside. In a sauce pan, combine water, vinegar, sugar, and salt. Bring to a boil. Stir until salt and sugar are completely dissolved. Remove from heat and pour hot liquid over peppers, onions, and garlic. Allow to cool and then cover. Refrigerate overnight (or longer). When ready for your cookout, drain the pepper mixture. Serve chilled as a relish.

Lay your mushroom caps out on a tray. Sprinkle each side with salt and pepper (to taste) and brush or drizzle each side with olive oil. Cook on a grill or in a buttered skillet for 2-3 minutes per side, or until surface starts to brown and edges start to soften. Grill or toast bun and spread with butter or mayonnaise. Place mushroom cap on prepared bun and serve topped with pepper relish.

Bon Appetit! :-)

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Better Than The #Beach #Summer #Giveaway! $130 #Cash #Grand #Prize! #Free To #Enter!

Hey Everyone!! :-)

There's a new giveaway for spring!  Please take a moment to check out the Better Than The Beach Summer Giveaway!!  There are lots of awesome books and prizes!! :-)  It's free to enter, there are over 100 prizes, and the grand prize is $130 cash payable through PayPal!! :-)  Now isn't that worth taking a few minutes to check out? ;-)   Here are all the details:

Thank you so much for stopping by today!  And don't forget to check back tomorrow for the next installment of Mistral Dawn's Musings! :-)

Friday, July 7, 2017

#Animal #Rescuer's #Guide To #Staying ( #Relatively ) #Sane! #Free! :-)

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Just a reminder, for those who haven't checked it out yet, I've collected all my animal rescue/care posts together and published them as a small book.  If you'd like, you can download the book for free from Amazon, Smashwords, B&N, Kobo, and iTunes.

Thanks for stopping in today, and don't forget to check back tomorrow for the next installment of Mistral Dawn's Musings! :-)

Thursday, July 6, 2017

#APC #Spotlight: Crystalline Dreams By Rick Mullins!

Hey Everyone!! :-)

I've got Rick Mullins in my APC spotlight, today!  Rick is an active and supportive member of the  Authors-Professional Co-op Facebook group and his sci-fi alien world horror novel, Crystalline Dreams, looks great! Here's the description:
Bartholomew Wadsworth Parker III is a tourist babysitter driving a camper van with four couples when they fall into an underground cavern and are swept into the underworld heart of the planet Crystal. Trey knows that the only way to get back to the surface is to follow the underground river to an open sinkhole a hundred kilometers away.
They have plenty of food, and water is no problem and all of the tunnels weaving in the same direction as the river is flowing are all large enough for them to walk through upright. The problem is, those tunnels have been created by the dominant predator, snakes that can grow up to three meters thick and thirty to forty meters long.Along the way, they find unique crystals that emanate feelings and start having weird dreams that increase every night. They soon discover that the crystal clusters have strange properties that allow them to defend themselves against the growing number of monster snakes trying to eat them.
If you think this sounds like something you might enjoy, go ahead and grab your copy here:

Thank you all so much for stopping by! Happy reading! :-)

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

#Agent Thoth's #Personal Log: Day 577

Hey Everyone! :-)

Agent Thoth discusses more of the trials and tribulations associated with living with hominids. Incidentally, if you've missed Agent Thoth's earlier entries, you can find them here: Thoth's Journal

Department for the Preservation and Confirmation of Intelligent Life (DPCIL)
Agent Thoth's Personal Log

Day Five-Hundred-Seventy-Seven:
Despite expressing her intention to have the infant felid "fixed," my hominid-servant has yet to take any action towards accomplishing that goal. She has, however, repeatedly picked him up and cradled him in her arms and asked him if he is old enough for the procedure. I have not detected any efforts on his part to answer her, or even any indication that he understands the question, but apparently she must have received some form of communication from him indicating a negative response.

I will investigate further to see if I can discover the means by which terrestrial felids communicate with the native hominids. It is possible they have been controlling the hominids to a much greater extent than we have previously realized. This could impact future decisions on whether or not to continue our investigation into possible hominid intelligence.

Hmmmm...mysteries ;-) You may have noticed that Agent Thoth has a new look. I hope you like his new picture as much as I do, but I'd love to hear your thoughts, either way. Feel free to let me know what you think in the comments. ;-) Happy reading, everyone!

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Lights, Decontaminiation ...Green? ;-)

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Happy Fourth of July to all my fellow Americans!! :-)  And for all you lovely people from the rest of the world, well, it's still July 4th, isn't it? ;-)  Since it's our Independence Day here in the US, I thought I'd share some of the fireworks that Alyce is experiencing. Enjoy! :-)

Excerpt from sci-fi satire novel:
A light came out of the ceiling and engulfed my whole body as I perched on the table cackling. It was blue this time, and felt slightly warm on my skin. After a second, it started to tingle, and that was enough to calm my hilarity. "What is it doing?"

"It is reading and cataloging the microflora on and within your body. If it finds anything that may pose a hazard to others, it will vaporize it."

"'Vaporize it!'" I tried to jump off the table, but found I was pinned by the light. "Hey! Let me go! You're not 'vaporizing' anything on me."

Squid-boy sighed. "Please be calm. You have nothing to worry about; the decontamination process is precisely targeted. Only pathogenic organisms will be affected."

I was still trying to get away from the light, and I still couldn't move. "You let me go, now, ya hear? I didn't agree to any vaporizing."

"Your consent was implied by your arrival."

"I never agreed to come here!"

"That is irrelevant. You are here and so your consent to being scanned is assumed."

"Gah!" I struggled against the light. "If you don't let me out of here, right now…" The light disappeared and I flung myself off the table and stomped over to Squid-boy. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kick your can from here to next Tuesday!"

"I am unaware of any research that indicates that an organism may be transported to the future through the use of violence. Is this something your scientists are working on? If so, I must say, your species is particularly suited to take advantage of such a phenomenon."

"Argh!" I reached down to snatch his clipboard away from him so I could use it to beat him over the head, when I realized that my arm was green. I looked at my other arm and saw that it was also green. I pulled up my shirt so I could see my belly, and it was also green. "What in pink and purple heck is going on here?" I screeched.

Squid-boy reached one of his tentacle arms towards me as if he was going to touch me, but he pulled back before he made contact. "Oh my. This is most unusual."

Monday, July 3, 2017

Something Worth Watching?

Hey Everyone!! :-)

I'm back today with another video I wanted to share. While we've all been distracted wondering if our Senators are going to vote to kill us, or not, look at what the Swamp Thing In Chief has been up to. If you don't want your private information to be available to everyone, you might want to call your state Governor and tell them not to comply.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Lemon Rice Salad #Recipe - #Sweet!

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Here's the sweet version of the rice salad I promised you. Enjoy! ;-)

2 cups rice (your favorite variety)
4 cups water (adjust amount according to directions for variety of rice)
1 cup cooked orzo pasta (optional)
4 lemons zested and juiced
2 cups milk
2 tbsps honey
2 apples chopped
1 cup strawberries diced
1 cup carrot shreds (optional)
1 cup fresh basil leaves or mint leaves chopped or torn
1 orange peeled and chopped
1/2 cup fresh fennel fronds chopped
2 tbsps cornstarch
1/2 tsp salt

Add the lemon zest to the water and prepare your favorite variety of rice according to the directions for that type of rice. Cool completely, preferably overnight. Mix the rice with the pasta (optional) and fruit/herbs until ingredients are evenly distributed.

Pour the milk into a separate, microwave safe bowl and heat in the microwave on high for 30 seconds. Remove from microwave and add the honey, salt, and cornstarch and whisk together. Allow mixture to cool and add the lemon juice, whisking to combine. Pour over rice and vegetables and stir to evenly distribute. Serve chilled.

This is a nice, refreshing salad that is delicious on a hot summer evening. Obviously, you can replace any of the fruit with others that you prefer. Also, adding some chopped, toasted pine nuts or pecans gives the salad a nice crunch.

Bon Appetit! :-)

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Better Than The #Beach #Summer #Giveaway! $130 #Cash #Grand #Prize! #Free To #Enter!

Hey Everyone!! :-)

There's a new giveaway for spring!  Please take a moment to check out the Better Than The Beach Summer Giveaway!!  There are lots of awesome books and prizes!! :-)  It's free to enter, there are over 100 prizes, and the grand prize is $130 cash payable through PayPal!! :-)  Now isn't that worth taking a few minutes to check out? ;-)   Here are all the details:

Thank you so much for stopping by today!  And don't forget to check back tomorrow for the next installment of Mistral Dawn's Musings! :-)