Who Is Mistral Dawn?

Mistral Dawn is a thirty-something gal who has lived on both coasts of the US but somehow never in the middle. She currently resides in the Southeast US with her kitty cats (please spay or neuter! :-)) where she works as a hospital drudge and attends graduate school. Taken By The Huntsman is her first effort at writing fiction and if it is well received she has ideas for several more novels and short-stories in this series. Please feel free to visit her on FaceBook or drop her a line at mistralkdawn@gmail.com

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

#Agent Thoth's #Personal Log: Day 967

Hey Everyone! :-)

Agent Thoth discusses more of the trials and tribulations associated with living with hominids. Incidentally, if you've missed Agent Thoth's earlier entries, you can find them here: Thoth's Journal

Department for the Preservation and Confirmation of Intelligent Life (DPCIL)
Agent Thoth's Personal Log

Day Nine-Hundred-Sixty-Seven:
Peace has finally been restored…at least temporarily. The hominids have ceased their incessant racket; I’m as uncertain as to why they’ve stopped as I am as to why they began. Perhaps they have run out of explosive material and must produce more before they can continue. It’s possible this is the reason for the intermittent nature of their obsession with blowing things up. Though, what that might indicate about their debatable intelligence I cannot decipher. Still, I am grateful for the reprieve, however long it lasts, the silence is most welcome after several planetary rotations of unrelenting noise. Truly, we DPCIL agents should receive additional compensation for enduring hazardous conditions when stationed on this planet.

Ahhh...sweet serenity. ;-) You may have noticed that Agent Thoth has a new look. I hope you like his new picture as much as I do, but I'd love to hear your thoughts, either way. Feel free to let me know what you think in the comments. ;-) Happy reading, everyone!

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