Hey Everyone!!
Since we're still in primary season, I thought this excerpt from Answers From Alyce might be food for thought. Enjoy!
Excerpt from Answers From Alyce:
I nodded. "And when they protest, the people in power send the police out to 'control' them, which really means stop them. The police already feel like the protestors are against them, and so they aren't usually inclined to be tolerant towards a protest they feel is criticizing them. So, they're already on the defensive, and then they're told to keep the protestors from getting out of line. Guess how often their interpretation of where the line lies tends to be less than liberal?"
"Under those circumstances? I'd say most likely quite often," said Squid-boy.
"And this dynamic is manufactured solely so that the powerful can use the police to control the rest of the population?" asked Yax.
"Not solely, but that's a big part of it. After all, if all the poor people begin marching in the streets because they can no longer afford to buy food, who do you think the powerful will look to for protection? It's in the interests of the powerful to keep the police divided from the communities they're supposed to serve."
"How does all this tie back into the laws that keep people from voting?" asked Squid-boy.
I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck. "Well, it goes back to how laws get passed and who decides what policies will be enforced and how. The people in power want to stay in power and they know that people who have been disenfranchised by them would most likely vote to get them out of power. So, they try to make it difficult for those people to vote. Which means, of course, that those people are denied a voice in choosing their elected representatives. And that means that the methods by which those people are able to effect change is limited." I pointed at the exhibit next to us. "This is the most peaceable of those means. But when the government uses the police to disrupt peaceful protests, and the people who are suffering get angrier and angrier, things can get ugly, fast."
"And when that happens, it just gives your government the justification it was looking for to suppress dissent," murmured Yax.
I nodded. "Almost 60 years ago now, we had a president, named John F. Kennedy, who was assassinated while he was in office. During one of his speeches, he said, 'Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable'. He was talking about other countries, but it's a universal truism when it comes to human beings."
Want to find out what else Alyce has to say about the state of affairs in this country? Grab your copy at the link below. Happy reading!! 😊
Oh, how I do like the look of this witchy website.. I wonder if there's a witch behind it here..? ? ? - majicmike -
ReplyDeleteThere's all kinds here. 😉