Who Is Mistral Dawn?

Mistral Dawn is a thirty-something gal who has lived on both coasts of the US but somehow never in the middle. She currently resides in the Southeast US with her kitty cats (please spay or neuter! :-)) where she works as a hospital drudge and attends graduate school. Taken By The Huntsman is her first effort at writing fiction and if it is well received she has ideas for several more novels and short-stories in this series. Please feel free to visit her on FaceBook or drop her a line at mistralkdawn@gmail.com

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

#Agent Thoth's #Personal Log: Day 723

Hey Everyone! :-)

Agent Thoth discusses more of the trials and tribulations associated with living with hominids. Incidentally, if you've missed Agent Thoth's earlier entries, you can find them here: Thoth's Journal

Department for the Preservation and Confirmation of Intelligent Life (DPCIL)
Agent Thoth's Personal Log

Day Seven-Hundred-Twenty-Three:
My hominid-servant possesses a device that the adolescent felid finds terrifying. I must confess, I, too, was intimidated by this machine the first few times it approached me. But, I've since come to realize that, as loud as it is, it is not a weapon, but a tool used for the purpose of sanitation.

My hominid-servant uses this appliance to clean the floors of my domicile and, while the noise produced by the contraption makes thinking nearly impossible, it creates only a temporary disruption to my work. So, I endeavor to endure the interludes when this piece of equipment is in use with equanimity. Though, I must admit that I do bat at the thing with my paws if my hominid-servant infringes on my personal space by bringing it too close to my person.

My young compatriot, on the other paw, flees in terror from one part of my domicile to another throughout the entire time my hominid-servant employs this gadget, creating nearly as much commotion as the source of his fear. It appears to me that he may be under the impression that the hygiene implement is chasing him, though that is clearly absurd. If it were not for the distraction inherent created by the use of the apparatus, I would consider this a good opportunity to study the effects of panic on the native fauna of this planet. With things as they are, however, I regard the little idiot's reaction to be more irritating than enlightening.

'Ware the evil vacuum of death! ;-) You may have noticed that Agent Thoth has a new look. I hope you like his new picture as much as I do, but I'd love to hear your thoughts, either way. Feel free to let me know what you think in the comments. ;-) Happy reading, everyone!

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