

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Keeping Them Honest...

Hey Everyone!!

Today, I just wanted to give a quick synopsis of what happened, in case anyone is confused about why Nancy Pelosi is acting like the evil queen from Snow White bitching because she suddenly looked around and realized that AOC is strong, has better ideas, and has the attention of the American public. Yeah, yeah, I know, a Latina Snow White, the world as we know it may end.

Back on topic, AOC and several other members of the House refused to vote in favor of funding for the concentration camps because neither version of the bill had any provision to force Trump to use the money to improve conditions for the people being held in the camps. One bill had no conditions, the one that passed, and the other bill had theoretical conditions, but only if you're willing to trust the Trump administration to behave ethically. Which, of course, nobody who has any sense does.

AOC, not being an idiot, does not trust the Trump administration, so she, and those who joined her, wanted a bill that would have conditions in it that would force Trump to use the money to improve conditions for the people in the concentration camps. Pelosi, being the enabler that she is, forced through the bill with no conditions and essentially handed Trump billions of dollars for the hate monument he wants to build at the border. Because only a fool would think he'll do anything else with the money.

Pelosi then gave an interview to the New York Times in which she repeatedly criticized AOC and those who voted with her for standing by their principles and actually trying to help people. AOC responded to the interview on Twitter explaining why Pelosi is wrong, because AOC knows that many people in America don't follow the details of legislation closely. As she has done since she took office, AOC brought a little transparency to our government so regular people will understand what's going on.

Pelosi responded by losing her shit and scolding the Congresspeople who voted against giving Trump a blank check for his stupid wall. And her lecture got leaked to the press. Pelosi is upset that people now have a better understanding of how bad she is at her job and, instead of trying to do better, she's pissed at AOC for speaking the truth to the American people. I just wanted to make sure we're all clear on what's actually going on, so that Pelosi's attempt to muddy the water won't be successful. Hopefully, when Pelosi realizes she's not fooling anyone, she won't send anyone to cut AOC's heart out and bring it to her in a box.  But given the state of politics in this country lately, not much would surprise me. For AOC's part, I fervently hope she continues to keep us all in the loop and so helps keep the corrupt establishment as honest as it's possible to make them.


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