

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

"Bipartisanship" Is Not The Recommendation They Think It Is...

Hey Everyone,

I don't know about anyone else, but every time I hear a Democratic candidate talk about "bipartisanship" and "reaching across the aisle," all I hear is "I'll try to work with Republicans to sell out as much as possible to the multinational corporations and billionaire donors who have bought almost all the politicians in both parties." This is not the time for "working together" with people who think rape is consensual, that brown children belong in concentration camps where they die of neglect, and that working Americans should be required to die because their employers say so. This is the time to fight for civil rights, labor rights, and human rights for everyone.

We need Democrats who will stand firm against the tide of fascism from the right, and who will stand up for regular Americans instead of the donor class. The truth does not cease being the truth because someone tells a lie that is diametrically opposed to the truth, and halfway between the two is still a lie. The candidates we need are candidates who have the courage of their convictions; candidates who will adhere to an ethical code that requires respect and concern for the welfare of the people they represent against any challenge or pressure from those who seek to advance their own interests at the expense of the country. Now, if Republicans want to work together on those terms, then I see no problem with Democrats, cautiously and vigilantly, taking yes for an answer. As long as it is an agenda that's in the best interests of regular Americans that is being advanced, without any sneaky codicils, deceptive caveats, or any other chicanery. But what we absolutely do not need, and cannot afford, are candidates who will bend with the winds of the politically expedient just so they can claim to be "bipartisan."


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