

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

#Agent Thoth's #Personal Log: Day 970

Hey Everyone! :-)

Agent Thoth discusses more of the trials and tribulations associated with living with hominids. Incidentally, if you've missed Agent Thoth's earlier entries, you can find them here: Thoth's Journal

Department for the Preservation and Confirmation of Intelligent Life (DPCIL)
Agent Thoth's Personal Log

Day Nine-Hundred-Seventy:
The local weather has been rather volatile, of late. Extreme heat, even early in the morning and late at night, with violent storms in the afternoons and evenings of almost every planetary rotation. My hominid-servant has repeatedly informed me that this is common for this point in this planet’s revolution around the local star, but the severity of the storms and the unrelenting nature and intensity of the high temperatures are unusual and likely due to the actions of hominids that have caused an overall increase in the average temperature of this planet.

Of course, I was aware of the process of anthropogenic climate change that this planet has been, and continues to be, subject to when I was assigned here. It’s one of the main reasons that DPCIL has cause to question the intelligence of the hominids who are the dominant species on this planet. After all, it’s difficult to imagine any intelligent people deliberately and systematically changing the planet on which they live in ways that will make it unable to support the existence of successive generations of their own species.

The fact that even hominids who are not involved in planetary leadership roles, like my hominid-servant, are aware of the damage they are doing just makes the continued apparent determination to make no changes in their behavior all the more bizarre. Perhaps, if I can induce my hominid-servant to continue to expound on this subject, I will finally be able to make a definitive determination as to whether or not the hominids on this planet can be considered intelligent. As always, I will continue to report back on any further developments.

Hominids truly defy understanding at times.  ;-) You may have noticed that Agent Thoth has a new look. I hope you like his new picture as much as I do, but I'd love to hear your thoughts, either way. Feel free to let me know what you think in the comments. ;-) Happy reading, everyone!

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