

Monday, February 5, 2018

Something Worth Watching?

Hey Everyone!! :-)

I'm back today with another video I wanted to share.  As you may know, last week Trump gave his first, and hopefully last, State of the Union speech. It was, as one would expect, a complete train wreck. A horrific conglomeration of demagoguery, warmongering, racist and xenophobic dog-whistling, and flat-out lying. In other words, exactly what you would expect from Trump.

But, like Emma Vigeland in the video below, I don't think any of that is really worth talking about. We all know Trump is a monster; there's nothing new there. And, obviously, it's important that we continue to fight him and try to keep him from achieving any of his goals. But, in order to do that, we need to have a viable alternative to Trump. And, as their official response to the State of the Union once again demonstrated, the Democrats are failing in that objective. Miserably.

Joe Kennedy III was the Democrat the Party chose to deliver their official response. And he's just another neo-liberal corporatist, which proves that the Democratic Party leadership learned nothing from Hillary Clinton's humiliating defeat in 2016. Fortunately, Bernie Sanders also gave a response, and it was predictably full of substance and hope, and I would strongly suggest you watch it. In the meantime, the video below will give you some of the particulars on Congressman Kennedy's policy positions and donors. And, as I'm sure you won't be surprised to discover, how the two seem to be mysteriously linked.

So, please take a few minutes to watch. And remember what you learn here, because you can be sure that Kennedy won't be the last neo-liberal disaster the Democrats try to foist on the American public before 2020. And maybe the next one will be a better speaker with smoother delivery and lies, but we can't let them get away with it if we want to save this country from Trump and his minions. We need to learn to tell the gold from the fool's gold, and videos like this that lay out the facts are exactly how we do that. Peace!

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