

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

But What About...?

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Today, I want to talk about a phenomenon that I've recently heard called, "Whataboutism." Whataboutism is when you point out a problem or make an argument and someone else says, "What about.." and starts talking about something that might be tangentially related but is essentially off topic. Basically, it's what you used to do to justify your misbehavior as a child. If you had no real defense, you'd try to deflect attention by pointing out that someone else had done something wrong, too. As if that somehow nullified your own actions. As I'm sure your parents made clear to you at the time, another person's misbehavior in no way absolves you of your responsibility to behave properly. So, it wasn't a sound argument strategy then, and it isn't now, either.

One particular "Whataboutism" I'd like to address is the one that inevitably seems to come up when anyone points out how corrupt and, frankly, criminal Trump and his administration are. It seems the moment anyone mentions anything related to that topic, someone else will say, "But what about Hillary?!?"  Well, I'd like to take a moment and answer that question so that, hopefully, we can all get back to the more germane issue of dealing with the Monster in the White House.

Now, anyone who reads this blog knows I have no love for the Clintons. They're corrupt and they've pulled some seriously shady stunts in their pursuit of power. If someone wants to investigate Hillary Clinton and expose the details of her corruption and prosecute her for it, I have no problem with that. Crimes should be prosecuted. I'd especially be interested in seeing what a thorough investigation into the shenanigans that went on during the 2016 primaries would turn up.

That being said, neither Hillary nor Bill Clinton are currently President of the United States. While it would be fine to investigate them and prosecute them for any crimes they've committed, doing so is, in my estimation, a far lower priority than addressing the rampant and blatant corruption in the current administration.

Do I think that Trump is some kind of Manchurian candidate puppet controlled by Putin? Not really. At least, I've seen no convincing evidence of that. But do I think he and members of his immediate family have illicit financial dealings with Russian oligarchs and powerful elites in other foreign countries including China and Saudi Arabia? Abso-fucking-lutely. They haven't even tried to hide it.

And are these financial ties a concern? Of course they are. They make it extremely likely that Trump will put the interests of these foreign powers over American interests. Frankly, I think there are several instances where he has already done so.

So, if it comes down to a question of where the FBI and other law enforcement agencies should be focusing their resources, I think it makes the most sense to direct them at the greatest and most imminent threat. Namely, the swamp creatures who are currently doing their damnedest to dismantle our government and sell out our people.


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