

Monday, November 6, 2017

Something Worth Watching?

Hey Everyone!! :-)

I'm back today with another video I wanted to share.  I debated whether to feature this story or the story about Donna Brazile revealing how the DNC stole the Democratic Presidential Candidate nomination from Bernie Sanders, but it seemed like this was something that was more urgent. I'd still recommend you watch/read about what the DNC did because it's, quite frankly, such brazen fraud that it surprised even me. And I was already convinced of the DNC's duplicity. If, by some miracle, we ever have a slow news week, I may still feature those videos in the future, because it's a story that everyone should know about and be outraged by. The Democratic Party establishment needs to be ousted, and the only way that happens is if enough people know the truth about how they've been perverting the democratic process in our elections.

However, I decided to feature this story, instead, because there's still time for us to do something about it. This video details exactly which taxes will be getting cut and which taxes will be getting raised by Trump's tax plan. If you live in the US, unless you're a millionaire or billionaire, you'll be getting hosed by this plan. As the video explains, all the cuts will be going to the rich. Naturally, that means that the middle class and poor will be paying higher taxes to compensate. So, if you don't want that to happen, it's time to call/write your Congressperson and Senators and tell them not just no, but fuck no. Peace!

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