

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

#Questions, Questions. Who's Got The #Answer? ;-)

Hey Everyone!! :-)

I'm back today with another peek at what Petri is up to, and it seems like she's got a bit of a mystery on her hands. Take a look:

Excerpt from book two in the Petri Dish Chronicles:
A constant whispering went on in the background. The whispering wasn't from voices, but from minds. At first, she ignored it, needing all of her concentration for the tests that were presented to her. But, after a while, the tests became a bit repetitious and she was able to divert part of her attention to what the whispers were saying.

One of the things she noticed about them was their shear number. There weren't just the handful of minds from the Arcanum she had met, or even as many as would be needed to staff a ship or small space station. Instead, there were thousands, if not millions, of minds.

It took a little while for her to work that out. At first, she perceived the minds as one, overwhelming pool of energy. But as she examined the pool closer, she started to notice the differences between the minds, even minds that seemed quite distant from her, and the true size of the crowd watching her became apparent.

Because they were watching her. Not all of them with their full attention, but all of the minds in the pool were at least peripherally aware of her and her progress with the testing. Which begged the question, why? Why were all these aliens so concerned with her?

Hmmm...why, indeed? I don't know about you, but I can't wait to find out! ;-)  Thank you all for stopping by today, and don't forget to check back tomorrow for the newest in Mistral Dawn's Musings! :-)

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