

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

#Agent Thoth's #Personal Log: Day 334

Hey Everyone! :-)

Agent Thoth discusses more of the trials and tribulations associated with living with hominids. Incidentally, if you've missed Agent Thoth's earlier entries, you can find them here: Thoth's Journal

Department for the Preservation and Confirmation of Intelligent Life (DPCIL)
Agent Thoth's Personal Log

Day Three-Hundred-Thirty-Four:
Recently, my hominid-servant has been threatening to replace me with a "stuffed toy." I am not certain what a toy is or why it is stuffed, but I consider the suggestion that I may be replaceable to be of great concern. In the past, my hominid-servant has made other threats, but I believe they were made in jest and so do not consider them to be of any consequence. This threat, however, may be different.

I will endeavor to discover just what, exactly, is a "toy," what it is "stuffed" with, and why. I also need to determine the precise reason my hominid-servant seems to consider one to be a viable substitute for my magnificent self. Perhaps this is only another attempt at humor on her part and she just means that she intends to feed me more, but I cannot take that chance that she might have more nefarious intentions

Poor Agent Thoth, being teased is never fun. ;-)  Now that you've all gotten to know him a bit, I was wondering what your opinions might be as to how he looks?  The poll to decide his breed is in, and the consensus seems to be that he is a Maine Coon.  Now you all need to tell me what color he is. Again, I'll put a poll up on the side of this blog to pick his color and I hope you'll all weigh in. Once we've got the particulars settled, I'll look for a picture to match. :-)

To vote in a poll, either vote directly or comment with your vote on any Agent Thoth post with your choice for his color. :-)  Happy reading!


  1. You are missing a traditional Maine Coon color of "blue" which is a grey/white mix. I had 2 beautiful blue sisters for nearly 20 years so I think they are gorgeous & wonderful!

    1. I think I'd probably lump that under grey/silver tabby. Sounds pretty! :-)
