

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

#Positivity #BlogTour: All #Good Things Must Come To An #End

Hey Everyone!! :-)

As our month of positivity is coming to an end, it seems like a good time to reflect on the things we've learned and the goals we've created for ourselves.

As I, Barbara Chioffi, reflect on this month, sharing with my fellow bloggers has meant so much. We all need a support system that is uplifting and filled with positivity, and that is what has made this month so special. Each of us has our own methods to deal with those days when nothing seems to go right, whether it be meditation, music, dance, humor, art, sharing a friend's work, or reflecting on our blessings. Life is short, filled with pitfalls but also with happy moments with family and good friends. Success is also important, but never at the expense of others. Looking at someone else's life with envy only diminishes you. Find those with like minds and lift each other up at every opportunity. Be kind for it costs nothing and may make a difference for someone that means more than you will ever know. Share your good fortune in small ways... a pat on the back, encouragement where there is doubt, and a belief that we can accomplish great things. And lastly, believe in yourself. You are amazing!

Before my, Jen Winters', 25th birthday, I was a happy-go-lucky young woman. I was able to see the world through rosy glasses and I laughed a lot. My entire life was all about joy. After my 25th birthday, things went down hill. A lot of stuff happened (some of it was my fault some of it was not) that sent me spiraling into darkness. I've clawed my way out of that pit of despair, but really, I don't think I have been so happy in the last seven years as I have been this month. Really focusing on the positive and having friends that have kept me meditating on goodness and light all month has changed my basic outlook. I don't know how effective this tour has been for you or my cohorts, but for me, I am so much happier. I thought I was happy before, I thought that I was as good as I was going to get, but I was wrong. I am a better person now than I was on June 1st; happier; easier going; less stressed; a better mother and wife. I just want to say, Thank you--for sharing this month with me, for returning me to a previous state of happiness that I didn't think I would ever get back to, and for sharing this journey with me.

Hey, Savannah here. I just wanted to share a few last thoughts with everyone. This is a bittersweet post for me; bitter because this wonderful Positivity Blog Tour is at an end, sweet because I’ve learned so much and will take that knowledge with me from here on out. I’ve also had an abundance of feeling great, thankful, and less stressed. People around me have mentioned I’m smiling more and seem to have really found my zen. LOL I do feel lighter, happier, and more positive. I’ve started several new projects this month on top of my writing, and where I would usually feel stressed at my heavy workload, fearful of not completing all that I have going on, or worse, falling on my face; I feel energized, ready to meet the next challenge, and ready to go forward with positive thoughts and more confidence. This time with Mistral Dawn, Barbara Chioffi, Jen Winters, Julie Nicholls and Susan Ricci has been, for me, a real camaraderie and has not only brought me new writer companionship, but budding friendships to carry me forward. It has been such a blessing having these ladies in my daily life, and I hope we continue as we move into new frontiers, projects, and life in general. I know I will take the deep, provocative thoughts, the meditative exercises, and a new appreciation for music, positive connections, and a better understanding for appreciating the small joys in everyday life I have learned from each of them. In honor of what I’ve learned this month, and due to the fact that I feel it is a topic worth revisiting frequently, I will be incorporating a weekly segment into my blogging where I dedicate the daily post to Positivity. If you would like to continue your positive thinking journey with me then be sure to stop by STG Blog every Monday morning. I think that is the best day to dedicate to this topic. It gives a nice, fresh, positive kickoff to the week. Thank you again for joining us this month. I hope you enjoyed reading our thoughts on positivity. I hope you were able to incorporate at least some of it into your daily life. Lastly, I hope you know just how essential you are to the world and to me. Go forward in peace, positivity, and prosperity

Good morning friends, Julie Nicholls here. I want to post my final piece here and hope you think it's not too dippy downy lol. The positive blog tour is at an end and I hope that you have enjoyed it as much as I. I want to leave you with these final words and how I feel. It’s very easy to be critical of people who don’t meet up to our standards and I confess to being a ‘not so kind’ person in my past as I was growing up. I’ve learned to understand that just because someone acts a certain way, doesn’t mean they are at fault, it means they could need help. Throughout my internet life, which is only about five years, I’ve met some nasty people who love nothing more than to ridicule what a person does or attempts, and it’s a little sad in a way. But I want to tell you how I’ve turned that negativity around. I continue with my work and my personal pursuits and just send love, light, and peace to those negative people because they need help. They are lacking in something important in their life, be it love, friendship or something else, and so they feel the need to set themselves up on a pedestal and ridicule others. I don’t let these people stop me, they make me stronger, they feed me and in turn I turn it into positive energy and feed others who need compassion or a shoulder to cry on, someone to vent off at or even just a kind word. My fellow bloggers are amazing people and I love each and everyone of them: Mistral, Barbara, Jen, Savannah and Susan, thank you for sharing, and thank you for allowing me to be part of your positive life. Be good to yourself and to others, be positive in all that you do, forgive and move on, don’t carry unwanted baggage because it will only hold you back. Love, light and peace.

Hi, Susan Ricci here. First, I’d like to express my gratitude for Mistral Dawn’s awesome invitation to participate in the Positivity Blog Tour this past month. I’d also like to thank the group – Barbara, Julie, Jen, and Savannah for welcoming me aboard and befriending me. You all rock, that’s a given. Plus, you all have special gifts and it’s been a wonderful month getting to know all of you through your daily blogs. Positivity is an unsurpassed and helpful way to live your life. It’s what society, as a whole should be embracing, instead of the negativity surrounding our sometimes-cynical culture. I’ve gotten myself into trouble a few times by not watching my negative comments about others, people I either know, or don’t. This blog tour has taught me to measure my words more carefully, before I shove the proverbial foot into the cavern known as my mouth, and that’s a blessing. I’ve been called a snark-a-doodle a time or three, for good reason by my own husband, and this has been an embarrassment. However, with the tools I’ve gathered from ALL of your posts, ladies, I can and have already amended my snarkish tendencies. When life’s challenges sneak up from behind, instead of lashing out, I now fall back on those gentle reminders regarding the little things that better our lives. The coloring book designs, the meditation posts, the dreams, finding your auras, the posts about faith and values - ALL the lovely thoughtful suggestions via your amazing shares. Please know I’ll be always trying to be a little kinder. Bless your sweet hearts and have a wonderful summer. Let’s stay in touch, shall we?

Hi everyone, Mistral Dawn here. I think the most important things that I've learned this month are that it's the small things that count. The words we choose when we speak to or about other people, how we describe ourselves, the fleeting moments we have to build each other up or tear each other down, the little things we do to relax and enjoy ourselves, and what attitude we choose to view the world through. All of these things are critical to maintaining a positive outlook, and (hopefully) to achieving happiness. We're all imperfect, we all make mistakes, and we all have insecurities and secret fears, so it's imperative that we are all patient with each other's flaws and gentle with each other's souls. With these things in mind, I've given myself the goals of being more careful with my words with regards to how I speak about myself and others, trying not to lash out in the heat of anger or frustration, to always attempt to find a silver lining in every situation, of taking time to relax and appreciate all of the good things in my life, and of looking for opportunities to do something nice for someone else every day. I'll be keeping track of my progress in a journal, and I'll also keep track of how I feel at the end of each day. Hopefully, if I'm able to succeed at these goals, I, and the people around me, will start feeling happier and more optimistic about the world.

So in wrapping up our positivity month, we urge you all to look for opportunities to be kind and thoughtful towards others, to try to find a way to turn a negative into a positive, to take the time to engage in activities you find fun and relaxing, and to just take a moment to appreciate everything that's good in your life. We hope you've enjoyed it as much as we have, and we'd also love to hear from you! So if you don't mind sharing, please tell us what your thoughts are in the comments. Happy Summer Everyone!! :-)

Blogs In The Blog Tour:

Sunday, June 28, 2015

#Positivity #BlogTour: You Know It's All About The Kitties!! :-)

Hey Everyone!!

Thank you all so much for sticking with us and joining me for my last individual post for this positivity project! :-)  Since my last couple of posts were kind of heavy, I figured I'd lighten things up for this one and show you all some of my biggest sources of joy and contentment: my kitties!! ;-)  As I've said before, I do a little cat/kitten rescue out of my home.  Usually the kitties I take in are only with me for a short while before they go to their forever homes, but sometimes they decide they'd like to stick around permanently.  So let me introduce you to the three permanent residents I have now. :-)

Squeaky (aka: Squeak Monster):

I acquired the Squeaky cat while I was living on the west coast.  I literally opened my front door one morning to leave my apartment, and in he strolled.  He followed his nose to the cat food bowl and proceeded to empty it with admirable efficiency.  When he'd finished all the food that was out, I asked him if he was done.  His reply was "rah, rah, rah," which sounded very much like a squeaky door being opened, and so he named himself. ;-)  After looking for his family for several months, and having no one claim him, he decided I was his and he's rarely left my lap since.  Since he was about a year old and unneutered when he found me, my guess is he started spraying in his former peoples' house and they kicked him out.  One of the first things we did together was go to the vet so that little issue could be rectified, and we've never since had a problem with it! One more good reason why you should always spay or neuter your pets! :-)

Arsinoe (aka: Miss Thing):

Arsinoe is a bit of a strange little bird.  She's had a rough time, and as a result has developed a few complexes.  A few years ago, my neighbor told me that her cousin worked as a home health aid for a woman who was feeding a cat someone had dumped on her property.  The woman's son was not happy about the fact that his mom was spending money she didn't have on cat food, and so was threatening to shoot the cat.  Her cousin took the cat home to keep her from being shot, but her husband hated the cat because she had (and still has) a penchant for collecting things from around the house and stashing them in the bathtub. Because of this little quirk, my neighbor's cousin's husband wanted the cat gone.  It was the middle of January, and quite cold, at the time, and my neighbor was afraid the kitty would end up back outside, so I said I would take her.  It's hard to tell from this picture, but she has the most amazing light blue eyes, and a very regal bearing, so I decided to name her after Cleopatra's sister.  As soon as I brought her home, she promptly began absconding with anything that was small and not nailed down and "hiding" them in the bathtub.  Yep, she still does it. ;-)

Bartleby (aka: The Small):

The Small One was abandoned in the parking lot of the hospital where I worked, along with his brothers and sister.  One of my coworkers found them and took them home with her.  She kept two of them, another coworker took one, and little Bartleby ended up with me.  As you can see, he was an itty bitty thing, but he has always had a big personality.  He was named for the character Bartleby from Herman Melville's Bartleby, the Scrivener: A Story of Wall Street, because he has a definite opinion about everything, and generally he "would prefer not to." ;-)   For some reason, lately, he's decided that I'm going to give him away, so anytime he hears a car come up the driveway he runs behind my recliner and hides.  I think Miss Thing taught him this trick, because she's a bit paranoid about being rehomed too.  Of course, it's easy to understand why, when they've both been bounced around so much.

So anyway, I've found that any time I need a smile, or something to brighten up a dreary day, a kitty face will nearly always do the trick!  I hope you all enjoyed learning a little about my positivity generators, and I especially hope you've enjoyed our positivity month!! :-)

Sending love and hugs to all of you!!!! :-)

Saturday, June 27, 2015

#Positivity #BlogTour: Julie Nicholls Helps Us #Think #PositiveThoughts! :-)

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Today, Julie Nicholls is talking about how to let go of stress and invite the positive energy in!  Why don't we all head on over and see what she has to say? :-)

Friday, June 26, 2015

#Positivity #BlogTour: #BeKind To Yourself & Others! :-)

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Today, Susan Ricci talks about how important it is to be kind to ourselves and to those around us.  Check it out!! :-)

Thursday, June 25, 2015

#Positivity #BlogTour: Savannah Morgan's Take On #Challenges & #Gains! :-)

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Savannah Morgan is talking about challenges and gains today.  Let's all go see what she has to say! :-)

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

#Positivity #BlogTour: Jen Winters #Talks About #StressRelief! :-)

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Let's all join Jen Winters today so that she can tell us about her tips for stress relief! :-)

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

#Positivity #BlogTour: #Greet #Each #Day With A #Smile! :-)

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Today Barbara Chioffi tells us why she greets each day with a smile.  Check out her post! :-)

Sunday, June 21, 2015

#Positivity #BlogTour: #Say #Something #Nice! :-)

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Thank you all so much for joining me again today for my latest musings on positivity. :-) Last time, I talked to you about the health benefits of having a positive outlook and being happy. Today, I'd like to talk to you about a little experiment I'm doing to try to increase my own happiness.

I've been doing a little research about what people can do to help increase their happiness. Obviously, there are the great big, life-changing, things that people can do, like completing an education, making a family, finding the perfect job, etc. Those things are great, if you can make them happen, but often succeeding in those areas is as much a matter of luck and good timing, as it is effort and talent. So I chose to focus on the smaller things, which an individual is more likely to have total, or near total, control over. Things like exercise, gratitude journals, and charitable work.

Actually, I went looking for the smallest, easiest, thing that would take the least amount of effort (because I'm horribly lazy ;-) ), and once again I found myself brought back to words. Words...such tiny, insignificant things, and yet so powerful. Often words have an amazingly strong impact on people, to help or harm, depending on which ones we choose to use.

I'm sure it comes as no surprise that, when we use unkind words to describe people, we can make them feel inadequate, unintelligent, unattractive, and possessed of/by other negative attributes.(1) Amazingly, it's even possible to convince people of things that are less subjective, such as that they are physically dirty (ie: lacking in hygiene) and unsuccessful (regardless of the objective measures of success they may possess).(1)  Conversely, compliments (even superficial ones) often make people feel better about themselves, those around them, their circumstances, and their choices.(2,5) When someone says something nice to someone else, it can even inspire the recipient of the compliment to make positive changes in their life to better reflect the words that were used to describe them!(2)

Another thing I found fascinating, was that when you do something nice for many people, they are more likely to want to do something nice for other people.(3) Also, people who are happy are able to increase their own happiness by doing something to make someone else happy.(4) So basically, when you feel good, you want other people to feel good, and it makes you feel even better to help them feel good. A positive feedback loop of positivity!! Sounds like a great idea to me! :-)

Towards that end, my experiment is to keep my eyes open for any opportunities to say something nice to someone and/or do some small thing to help someone every day. I'm going to try to keep track of these instances, and see if my mood at the end of each day positively correlates with the number of times I was able to make someone else feel good. If anyone else decides to do something similar, please say so in the comments and let me know if you've found this approach to be beneficial. I'd also love to hear everyone's thoughts on the topic! :-)

Thanks again to everyone for stopping by, and don't forget to check back each day for your latest dose of positivity. In the meantime, have fun!! :-)


1. Delgado, R. (1982). Words that wound: A tort action for racial insults, epithets, and name-calling. Harv. CR-CLL Rev., 17, 133.

2. Fea, C. J., & Brannon, L. A. (2006). Self-objectification and compliment type: Effects on negative mood. Body image, 3(2), 183-188.

3. Isen, A. M., Clark, M., & Schwartz, M. F. (1976). Duration of the effect of good mood on helping:" Footprints on the sands of time.". Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 34(3), 385.

4. Otake, K., Shimai, S., Tanaka-Matsumi, J., Otsui, K., & Fredrickson, B. L. (2006). Happy people become happier through kindness: A counting kindnesses intervention. Journal of Happiness Studies, 7(3), 361-375.

5. Seiter, J. S., & Weger Jr, H. (2010). The Effect of Generalized Compliments, Sex of Server, and Size of Dining Party on Tipping Behavior in Restaurants1.Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 40(1), 1-12.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

#Positivity #BlogTour: #Get To #Know Yourself! :-)

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Susan Ricci has interviewed herself today for her positivity post.  Maybe this is something we should all do! After all, wouldn't it be easier to be happy and positive if we knew ourselves? :-)

Friday, June 19, 2015

#Positivity #BlogTour: #Restoring Your #Aura! :-)

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Julie Nichols is helping us learn how to use meditation to heal our auras and relieve stress!! Follow her on this guided visualization!! :-)

Thursday, June 18, 2015

#Bound By The #Summer #Prince Is #Day 14 Of #Fantasy #Month!! :-)

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Merrie Housdon has been kind enough to feature Bound By The Summer Prince for day 14 of her Fantasy genre month!!  Please take a moment to stop by and give her blog some love!! :-)

Merrie was also kind enough to feature Taken By The Huntsman on her blog last year, and we had a bit of a chat.  Check that out too! :-)

#ThursdayTreat: #Positivity #BlogTour! :-)

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Check out what Savannah Morgan has to say about positivity today! :-)

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

#Positivity #BlogTour: #Dreams Can Come #True! :-)

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Today, Jen Winters is talking about making her dreams come true!! Check it out, and while you're there check out her new release Falling Angels!! :-)

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

#Positivity #BlogTour Is #Boogying With Barbara Chioffi!! :-)

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Barbara Chioffi tells all about how music helps and calms her.  Check it out, and don't forget to give her blog a like! :-)

Monday, June 15, 2015

Is #Laughter The #Best #Medicine? #Positivity #BlogTour! :-)

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Glad you all could make it back today for my second installment in this Positivity Blog Tour. :-) Last time I talked about how the words we use to describe things often influence our attitude towards those things. Today I'm going to talk about how our attitude can influence our well-being.

You might expect that those who have good coping skills, who are able to find the bright side of things and shrug off adversity, would also likely be less prone to psychological disturbances, such as anxiety, depression, etc., and according to some of the experts you would seem to be correct.(1,4) What's more, it also seems to be possible to learn such coping skills by developing strategies to help you relax and develop a positive attitude...though such lessons often require the assistance of a professional human behavioral or psychological expert before the necessary skills can be mastered.(1,4)

But something you might not expect is that a positive attitude also seems to have a beneficial effect on our physical well-being.(2,3,4) According to multiple studies done on the subject, it seems as though a positive outlook can help improve cardiovascular health and immune system function, reduce inflammatory response, and overall increase our longevity.(2,3,4) Also, something I found quite interesting, in at least one study it was found that if the researchers induced a temporary feeling of contentment in the study participants (ie: telling them a happy story, letting them smell a pleasant scent, etc.), they were able to measure a reduction in certain pro-inflammatory cytokines in that person's blood!(2) So, it seems that 'fake it 'til you make it' might be a really good philosophy. ;-)

Now obviously, happiness and optimism aren't things that come easily to everyone. Human psychology is far from a simple field of study. Our environment, experiences, memories, personalities, genetics, and physical condition and history all influence our mental state. In fact, some people might never be able to achieve a positive mind-state without the intervention of an expert in the field of psychological and/or neurological medicine, because their own brain chemistry is working against them. This isn't a case of them being 'weak,' any more than someone with diabetes is weak for being unable to regulate their blood sugar without medical intervention, it is a case of the expertise of a medical professional being needed to aid that person to return to a state of good health. Such aid is available, so if you believe you may need it, please contact your physician as soon as possible and request a referral to a mental health specialist in your area.

The purpose of this post isn't to make anyone feel inadequate or as though they are to blame for any physical or psychological challenges they may face, but only to point out that there is more than one reason to try to improve our attitudes. Everyone has difficulties and hardships they must deal with and, hopefully, overcome, and no one is in any position to judge anyone else's struggle. Each of us has our own journey to make, and each of us has to decide for ourselves how best to make it, but I hope that after reading this some of you may decide to try to find the things that work for you to help improve your outlook.

So, since it seems that laughter really may be the best medicine, I'm challenging myself to find at least three things every day to laugh/smile at, say something nice about, or absorb with appreciation. I would absolutely love it if the rest of you would share your thoughts in the comments, and tell me about any strategies you may have found to help improve your mood, and/or any way(s) you've challenged yourselves to make positive changes in your lives.


1. Fredrickson, B. (2000). Cultivating positive emotions to optimize health and well-being. Prevention & Treatment, 3.

2. Matsunaga, M., Isowa, T., Yamakawa, K., Sadato, N., & Ohira, H. (2011). Associations among perceived happiness, medial prefrontal cortex activity, pro-inflammatory cytokine, and subjective social status in middle-aged Japanese population. Neuroscience Research, 32(4), 458-463.

3. Steptoe, A., Dockray, S., & Wardle, J. (2009). Positive Affect and Psychobiological Processes Relevant to Health. Journal of Personality, 1747-1776.

4. Tugade, M., Fredrickson, B., & Barrett, L. (2005). Psychological Resilience and Positive Emotional Granularity: Examining the Benefits of Positive Emotions on Coping and Health. Journal of Personality J Personality, 1161-1190.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

#Positivity #BlogTour! Susan Ricci Is Bringing Us Some #Food For #Thought!

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Susan has brought us a little levity this weekend, as well as some food for thought. Check it out!! :-)

#Fae20kGiveaway!! #Win #Free Books & #Bookswag! :-)

Hey there! It's Sarah Fae here from Today I'm celebrating! I am celebrating not only reaching 20,000 followers, but now over 25,000 followers!

I've teamed up with a bunch of authors, crafters, bloggers and more and together we're bringing you this awesome event! Squeeee!!!!

I just want to point out that this is another INTERNATIONAL giveaway of mine. So nobody gets excluded! Always awesome, right?


Welcome to the
... Oh yes, it has a hashtag!

I'm super excited right now, so let's just get straight down to business and tell you who the fabulous sponsors of this giveaway are.

Friday, June 12, 2015

#Visualize Your #Positivity This Friday! :-)

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Julie is going to help us all visualize our Positivity and get ready for the weekend!! :-)  Check it out!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

#ThursdayTreat! Let's #Dance For #Positivity! :-)

Hey Everyone!! :-

Savannah is going to help us dance through this Thursday!  Check out what positive topic she found to blog about today! :-)

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

#Positivity #BlogTour On The #Move! :-)

Hey Everyone!! :-)

The amazing Jen Winters is blogging for our Positivity Blog Tour today!  Did you know she has a new release coming out soon?  Check out her gorgeous blog and see what she had to say! :-)

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

#Music, #Muses, & #Sharing For #Positivity! :-)

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Barbara is blogging about music, muses, and sharing for the ninth day of our Positivity Blog Tour.  Why don't you stop by and see what she had to say? :-)

Monday, June 8, 2015

#June #Positivity #BlogTour!!! :-)

Hey Everyone!! :-)

It's Monday again, the perfect day for a dose of positivity, in my opinion. ;-) So what to write about? There are so many topics to choose from, all of them worth considering. But I think for my first post for this blog tour, I'd like to talk about words and their power.

I'm an author, so of course words are very important to me, but they are also very easy to take for granted. All of us use hundreds, if not thousands, of words every day, and each one is an opportunity to either lift someone up or tear someone down. Each word we use is a choice, and we all have to think about what choices we are making.

There are good things and bad things about just about every person and situation we encounter, so we have to decide which we will focus on. You're in a hurry and have to go to the bank, but there's a long line. Is this an opportunity to take a deep breath, maybe loosen your shoulders, and take a moment to appreciate the beautiful sunny day you can see through the window? Maybe a moment when you can send a quick text to a friend or a relative telling them you're thinking about them? Or do you choose to use this time to gripe, or even fume silently, over the inefficiency of the bank tellers and the lack of foresight of the bank managers for failing to staff adequately? Either way you're going to be waiting, which choice will make you feel better? Which choice might even make others feel better?

Or how about something we've all probably encountered at one point or another. Your coworker is someone who just rubs you the wrong way. Everything about them seems to be designed specifically to get under your skin. The way they talk, the way they dress, the perfume they wear, the way they organize (or don't organize) their work space, the way they constantly make mistakes, the fact that they are perpetually late, the way they insist on discussing political/religious/etc views with which you vehemently disagree, etc, etc, etc. We've all worked with that person before, right? So what's the best way to respond? One choice would be to constantly complain and criticize the person, gossip behind their back, and generally make sure everyone around knows exactly what we think of that person. Or we could ask ourselves if there's anything, anything at all, about the person that we can respect or find admirable.

Now personally, I can't think of anyone I've ever met who I couldn't find something about them I liked. If you look hard enough, I think it's generally true that everyone will have at least one redeeming quality. You have to work with the person, regardless of the choice you make, so would you prefer to be unhappy or would you prefer to try to find a way to at least be content? Also, think of the other people who have to work with both of you; would you rather be a poison or a balm to your coworkers?

Please don't misunderstand, I'm not suggesting that anyone put up with unethical, dangerous, or illegal behavior from others. Nor am I saying that there aren't times when we have to speak up against something to protect ourselves or others. Obviously, any type of harassment, bullying, or unsafe condition needs to be addressed as quickly as possible. But most of us, most of the time, are only faced with what are, in the grand scheme of things, only minor irritants. So, we can choose to be irritated, or we can choose to look for the silver-lining. Which words we choose to describe the situation (whether we share those words with others or keep them to ourselves) often has a large impact on how we ultimately feel about it.

I won't say happiness is a choice, that's a bit too simplistic and dismissive for my taste, but I will say that the choices we make can often impact the degree of happiness or unhappiness we feel. Everyone has troubles they must deal with, and usually there's not much, if anything, we can do about the situation; the only thing we can effect is how we respond to it. So the question is, which words will you choose today?

***This post is not directed towards anyone who suffers from depression or any other psychiatric disease. If you feel overcome by the difficulties in your life, or unable to deal with your feelings, please contact your physician as soon as possible so that you can receive the medical assistance you need. Mental illness is not a matter of "mind over matter" or "will-power," any more than physical illness is. There is no shame, and it is not a sign of weakness, for someone who is ill to go to a doctor, so please seek the help you need. If you had cancer, you wouldn't try to just "be happy" and expect it to go away, depression is no different. It is a disease, and there are effective treatments for it, but it requires the intervention of a professional. Please don't suffer in silence, help is available.

#RRBC's #SPOTLIGHT #Author #BlogTour!! SPOTLIGHT Author, Tara Fairfield!

Ka Moho Alii-Ruler of Sharks

Tell us a little bit about yourself. What motivates you?

I was born to rule the sea. As a prince of the undersea world of Moku-ola I have powerful gifts, including the ability to control sharks. They are my closest friends and allies. The time will come when a crown sits on my head causing everyone in Moku-ola to recognize my power. Tessa, our recently crowned queen, will choose me as her king, or suffer the consequences, and if my brother interferes, he will find out once and for all the true extent of my abilities. I live to fulfill my destiny.

Who are your heroes?

No greater predators exist than my sharks and the greatest of them all is Nikko, my closest friend. Strong, ruthless, dominant, he exudes the qualities of a triumphant hero and has earned my admiration.

What is your favorite food?

Squid, it’s speed make it a worthy prey. Hunting squid in the ocean depths really works up an appetite.

How old are you?

A ruler is timeless and never reveals his true age.

What is your greatest strength?

My control over all sharks living in the ocean will always be my greatest strength. Every shark is bound to serve and follow my commands. They share my desires, goals and emotions, as if we are of one mind. They are my true family. What greater strength could a king have than the most ruthless predators in the ocean at his command?

Do you have a weakness?

No. Why would you even ask me such a thing? Do you doubt my power?

No, Sorry. It’s just that most people have vulnerabilities, you know, an area not quite as strong.

Not me.

What is your favorite thing about living under the sea?

….When I’m deep, riding the back of my shark, pursuing prey, rocketing through currents, the rush of water against my face…..ahhhh…..nothing can compare to such a thrill. The wild ocean stirs my soul, like the call of a child for it’s mother, I cannot resist the deep wilderness of the sea.

Any message you’d like to give to those of us living on the surface?

Huh? I care nothing for what happens above the surface. I didn’t realize you were a surface dweller….this interview is over.

Author Bio:
Dr. Fairfield is a licensed psychologist with her doctorate from Northern Arizona University. With twenty-five years of professional experience and after raising three children, Tara finally realized her dream of writing a novel.
When Tara’s not writing you’ll find her playing on the ocean in her kayak or just hanging out with her family in the Pacific Northwest.






Find Tara online:
Twitter: @makaiqueen



Sunday, June 7, 2015

#Positivity & #Friendship! :-)

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Susan Ricci talks about her own journey towards being a better friend. Why don't you give your Sunday a lift, and find out what this gracious lady has discovered? :-)

Saturday, June 6, 2015

#Interview With Arthfael!! :-)

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Do you all remember Arthfael, the imperturbable steward who manages the Erlking's castle?  The magician who somehow keeps a household that numbers in the hundreds running smoothly?  Well Ch'kara SilverWolf has once again managed to corner one of the elusive Fae, and this time she set her sights on Arthfael! Why don't you pop on over to her blog and find out what they had to chat about? :-)

Friday, June 5, 2015

#Be #Positive! #TGIF!! :-)

Hey Everyone!! :-)

It's Julie Nicholls' turn today to tell us her thoughts about positivity! Check out her blog!! :-)

Thursday, June 4, 2015

#Positivity #BlogTour

Hey Everyone!! :-)

My good friend Savannah Morgan is talking about her thoughts on positivity today.  Please take a moment to see what she said, and while you're at it give her gorgeous blog some love!! :-)  Thank you all so much!! :-)

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

A #HumpDay #Dose Of #Positivity! :-)

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Jen Winters is posting about positivity today! Please check out her blog and give her some love!! Happy HumpDay! :-)

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

#Our #First #Positivity #Post Of The #Month! :-)

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Barbara Chioffi is our first blog poster for this tour.  Please take a moment to see what she had to say about her journey towards positivity! :-)

Monday, June 1, 2015

#Positivity #BlogTour #Opening #Post!! :-)

Hi Everyone!! :-)

Indie authors Jen Winters, Susan Ricci, Julie Nicholls, Savannah Morgan, Mistral Dawn, and Barbara Chioffi have come together for June to give you a month's worth of positive thoughts. Each of these authors has their reasons for doing this, but they all hope to make your month a little brighter.

Hey everyone! I'm Jen Winters, a paranormal romance writer, who does mom things including homeschooling. I'm so pleased to be a part of this blog tour because I get to bring exciting news from positive sources and being part of the indie world of romance writer's has been the very best experience for me. The women who are participating in this month's tour have been wonders of light in my life and I get to be with them all month long! So get ready! We are going to bring you into a better place this month!

Happy June, everyone! I’m Susan Jean Ricci, an Indie author who loves reading every genre out there, but pens humorous, contemporary romances dubbed the Cindy’s Crusades Series. I’ve recently published a novella in the Blush genre called My Sexy Chef, the first in a new series, and a complete change of pace for me. I’m excited to be participating in Positivity Month with these fabulously talented authors, because we all share a common interest - humanity has much to be grateful for, but sometimes that’s forgotten. Perhaps a few gentle reminders about those blessings, via our posts, will lighten people’s hearts or help them overcome a challenge they’re facing on a daily basis. Please join us so we may bring you joy if there’s sorrow, or maybe just a chuckle or two.

Hi, I’m Julie Nicholls, the owner of Fallen Angel’s blog and I’m here with my fellow authors in the Positivity Blog tour because having being stuck in a negative rut and stressed, I know that being positive helps me get through the rough days. So you’re probably wondering what craziness I’m going to spout about? Something quite simple, but effective. So come and join me and I’ll give you a reason to smile.

I’m Savannah Morgan, and I write in several different genres. I’m the author of the Sapphire Spring Series, which are my erotic contemporary titles. I also have a contemporary suspense series that just came out called Deadly Flowers. And finally, I write a little PNR as well. You might have heard of my Touch of the Irish: A Collection of Erotic Fantasies. I decided to participate in this project for two main reasons. First, I know what negativity can do to a person. I also know what the power of positive thinking can do for a individual. Secondly, I’ve been noticing a rather nasty trend of negative thinking, hateful posts, and people suffering from severe depression on social media. I’m proud to be involved in something geared to change that. We all have moments when it’s hard to pull ourselves out of the mire. It is at those moments we need to come together as a community and show the one suffering there is a better way. My hope for this project is for it to reach enough to make a difference, and be seen by those who want to take up the banner and do their own positive posting.

I'm Mistral Dawn and I'm the author of fantasy, romance novels Taken By The Huntsman and Bound By The Summer Prince. I decided to participate in this project because I've noticed a lot of negative things happening lately. I've heard some people speak unkindly to others, and I've seen things that hurt my heart. My hope is that this project might help reverse that negative trend somewhat, and bring a little happiness to our readers. If even one person smiles I'd consider that a triumph. :-)

Hello, my name is Barbara Chioffi and I am a 73-year old retired music teacher. I live with my hubby, son, and ten cats- yes, ten. I've been writing most of my stories and poems, most recently, romance. I can't help but think of how blessed I've been to make the acquaintance of so many authors, each with their own brand of craziness. I've never read as much as I have recently and have experienced laughter, tears, frustration, fear, and romance, lots of romance. As my circle grows, learning from these talents has helped enhance my own writing. And that is as it should be...helping each other, giving each other confidence...not backbiting and using other writers to promote yourself. I've noticed that more than I would like to mention, and perhaps, that is why this introvert has decided to become a part of this positive blog tour. In the learning process, I've stepped on a few toes, as I imagine others might have, but only from inexperience. It's yourself enough to allow others to shine a little and don't step on their light. It will only diminish your own in the end.

So there are some wonderful reasons for wanting to participate in this little project. For the rest of the month, one author per day (with four free days during the month) will post about their thoughts for that day, and the rest of them will post the link to that author's blog. That way all of you fine folks will have the opportunity to visit some new blogs, and maybe discover some fun new reads along with your positive thoughts for the day. Hopefully you readers will have as much fun with this as the authors!! Happy reading everyone, and have a great June!! :-)

Links for the Blogs Participating In The Tour: