

Sunday, June 28, 2015

#Positivity #BlogTour: You Know It's All About The Kitties!! :-)

Hey Everyone!!

Thank you all so much for sticking with us and joining me for my last individual post for this positivity project! :-)  Since my last couple of posts were kind of heavy, I figured I'd lighten things up for this one and show you all some of my biggest sources of joy and contentment: my kitties!! ;-)  As I've said before, I do a little cat/kitten rescue out of my home.  Usually the kitties I take in are only with me for a short while before they go to their forever homes, but sometimes they decide they'd like to stick around permanently.  So let me introduce you to the three permanent residents I have now. :-)

Squeaky (aka: Squeak Monster):

I acquired the Squeaky cat while I was living on the west coast.  I literally opened my front door one morning to leave my apartment, and in he strolled.  He followed his nose to the cat food bowl and proceeded to empty it with admirable efficiency.  When he'd finished all the food that was out, I asked him if he was done.  His reply was "rah, rah, rah," which sounded very much like a squeaky door being opened, and so he named himself. ;-)  After looking for his family for several months, and having no one claim him, he decided I was his and he's rarely left my lap since.  Since he was about a year old and unneutered when he found me, my guess is he started spraying in his former peoples' house and they kicked him out.  One of the first things we did together was go to the vet so that little issue could be rectified, and we've never since had a problem with it! One more good reason why you should always spay or neuter your pets! :-)

Arsinoe (aka: Miss Thing):

Arsinoe is a bit of a strange little bird.  She's had a rough time, and as a result has developed a few complexes.  A few years ago, my neighbor told me that her cousin worked as a home health aid for a woman who was feeding a cat someone had dumped on her property.  The woman's son was not happy about the fact that his mom was spending money she didn't have on cat food, and so was threatening to shoot the cat.  Her cousin took the cat home to keep her from being shot, but her husband hated the cat because she had (and still has) a penchant for collecting things from around the house and stashing them in the bathtub. Because of this little quirk, my neighbor's cousin's husband wanted the cat gone.  It was the middle of January, and quite cold, at the time, and my neighbor was afraid the kitty would end up back outside, so I said I would take her.  It's hard to tell from this picture, but she has the most amazing light blue eyes, and a very regal bearing, so I decided to name her after Cleopatra's sister.  As soon as I brought her home, she promptly began absconding with anything that was small and not nailed down and "hiding" them in the bathtub.  Yep, she still does it. ;-)

Bartleby (aka: The Small):

The Small One was abandoned in the parking lot of the hospital where I worked, along with his brothers and sister.  One of my coworkers found them and took them home with her.  She kept two of them, another coworker took one, and little Bartleby ended up with me.  As you can see, he was an itty bitty thing, but he has always had a big personality.  He was named for the character Bartleby from Herman Melville's Bartleby, the Scrivener: A Story of Wall Street, because he has a definite opinion about everything, and generally he "would prefer not to." ;-)   For some reason, lately, he's decided that I'm going to give him away, so anytime he hears a car come up the driveway he runs behind my recliner and hides.  I think Miss Thing taught him this trick, because she's a bit paranoid about being rehomed too.  Of course, it's easy to understand why, when they've both been bounced around so much.

So anyway, I've found that any time I need a smile, or something to brighten up a dreary day, a kitty face will nearly always do the trick!  I hope you all enjoyed learning a little about my positivity generators, and I especially hope you've enjoyed our positivity month!! :-)

Sending love and hugs to all of you!!!! :-)


  1. I used to have a cat like Miss Thing. Best cat I've ever had. If I ever find another like her when I am able to have pets, she's coming home with me.

    1. Yes, she is a special little kitty. I love her a lot, but then all my kitties mean the world to me :-)

  2. These kitties are so precious. Their personalities shine from the pictures. Thank you for this loving post.

    1. Thank you Barbara! Yes, they all have really big personalities, I'm so glad you enjoyed this post! :-)

  3. Aaaw, omg they're all just so adorable:D!! It must be a lot of fun to play with laser pointers in your house;)!

    1. Thank you!! Ha! Yeah, laser pointers are VERY popular around here. ;-)
