

***How To Get An Interview On My Blog

Hi Everyone!! :-)

I've had several people ask how they can get an interview on my blog.  The answer is, it couldn't be easier: ask. ;-)  If you would like an interview, just answer the questions I have posted below and email the answers to  If you'd like to include a cover image, teaser, etc., attach them to the email.  You can answer any or all of the questions, and/or add more that you wish I'd asked.  Once I get your answers, I'll "chat the interview up" and then post it on my blog when I have a free day.  Alternatively, you can ask for a specific date and if I don't already have something scheduled for that day, it's yours.  I am also willing to post new release announcements, sale announcements, event announcements, etc.  All interviews are posted on a first come/first served basis which depends on when I receive your answers.  Announcements are also posted on a first come/first served basis.

What if you'd like an interview but you aren't an author?  Email me and tell me what you'd like to be interviewed about and I'll try to come up with some questions. :-)  Same rules apply for when and how it will be posted. :-) Who's eligible?  Authors, poets, painters, cover artists, musicians, basically artists of any description who work in both/either the physical world and/or the digital world, readers, book bloggers, other bloggers, charities, advocates, etc., etc.  Basically, if you would like to talk about something, and what you want to talk about doesn't put anyone else down, you can have an interview on my blog. :-)

To take a look at some interviews I've done in the past, you can go here:

Thank you all for visiting my blog!! :-)

Interview Questions For Authors:

1. Tell me about yourself and how many books you have written.

2. What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?

3. What are you working on now?

4. What authors, or books, have influenced you?

5. What are you reading now?

6. For those who might consider reading your book, what would you tell them to expect?

7. What is your favorite part of being an author?

8. Do you have a day job as well?

9. What are the hardest and easiest parts about being a writer?

10. What genre do you place your book in?

11. Anything else you'd like to tell your readers?

12. Any links you'd like me to post?


  1. Thank you, Mistral. I will send you the answers to your questions soon.

  2. I'm on an android cell, how do I find the place to put my email address to follow you?

    1. Hi! Thank you so much for asking! I'm not sure what the page looks like on an Android cell. Do you have a way to look at it in PC mode? On a PC there are buttons on the side and at the bottom of the page that say "subscribe." :-)

  3. My name is Frances Cavallo...I am trying to enter a contest and sign up for your newsletter...please sign me email is sign me up...thank you so much and thanks so much for your giveaways!!! Have a great day!!!

    1. There's a box on the side of the page where you can subscribe to my newsletter mailing list. Thank you so much for your interest! :-)

  4. I am looking forward to answering your interview questions. Thank you for the author opportunity.

    1. You're welcome, and thank you! I look forward to seeing your answers. :-)

  5. Greeting Mistral, I will send you answers for the interview questions. You have a nicely presented blog here.
