

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Alien Abductions... πŸ˜‰

 Hey Everyone!! 😊

Happy Tuesday, everyone! Since it's the beginning of the week, and those are usually pretty rough for me, I thought I'd share a little peek at the type of day Petri can have. I don't know about you, but sometimes a reminder that things could be worse helps me feel better. Enjoy! πŸ˜‰

Excerpt from Intrinsic Connections:
She pulled up information on Zanzibar. It was a well-developed world with several major metropolitan centers. It wasn't a planet-spanning city like Upworld, but it wasn't a ghost town like Sheol and Dunia either.

"Sounds good," she conceded.

"I'm pleased you approve," was his sarcasm-laden answer. "Though, you won't be seeing much of Zanzibar, since you can't pass their customs testing."

"We've been through this!" Petri growled.

"Yes. We have. And nothing has changed."

She leapt to her feet with her fists clenched at her side. Standing, she just barely matched Daji's height as he sat in the Captain's chair. A fact that only fueled her aggravation. "I will not agree to live my life on some backwater, deserted, no-man's-land world-that-time-forgot surrounded only by dust and semi-sentient troglodytes!"

"Considering the cesspool you came from, I would think anything would be an improvement!" Daji snarled.

Petri opened her mouth to let out another scathing retort when a voice boomed in her head. "Why do you bicker with the creature, child?"

Blinking, she looked around, confused, and swallowed. "What? What was that?"

Daji just looked at her as if she lacked all mental competence and Chessie looked concerned.

"Didn't you hear that?"

Chessie shook her head. "I didn't hear anything, hun."

"All I heard were the shrill tones of your harpy's voice," sneered Daji.

Petri bared her teeth at him and stretched out her mind trying to find the source of the voice. She didn't have to go far before she found an energy that left her breathless; she had never encountered anything like it before. It was like stepping out of a dark cave and staring directly into the sun. The sensation left her stunned and all she could do was gasp and gape at Daji and Chessie.

Her brow furrowed, Chessie hurried over to her friend. Petri clung to the back of one of the passenger chairs, barely staying on her feet. Her jaw worked as if her throat was blocked and she was trying to draw breath past the obstruction. When she turned her wide eyes towards Chessie, the older woman could read both terror and wonder in them.

Putting her hands on Petri's shoulders, Chessie turned the younger woman towards her and helped her sit. "What's wrong, hun? Are you hurt?"

Blinking rapidly, all Petri could do was point to a spot beyond the viewport. The only thing that showed through the portal was a field of stars, but Petri could feel the danger that lay in wait.

Swiveling his chair back towards the control panel, Daji checked his instruments. "There is nothing there except the wormhole and it is inactive at the moment."

Before Petri could recover herself enough to respond, the voice boomed again. "Child, why do you waste your time arguing with inferiors? Simply declare your will and make them carry it out."

Daji and Chessie flinched.

"You heard," Petri whispered.

They nodded.

His hands flashing over the control panel faster than Petri's eyes could follow, Daji tried to locate and identify the source of the voice.

Shaking her head, her voice heavy with dread, Petri said, "Don't bother. It's them."

"Them?" inquired Daji, his hands never slowing.

"The Arcanum."

Daji froze and both he and Chessie stared at her.

"How do you know, hun?"

Before Petri could answer, a brilliant golden light filled the cockpit. After a minute, the light resolved into the slight figure of a member of the most hated and feared species in the galaxy. The small alien looked around, seeming to study the three other occupants of the cockpit.

Shaking off his momentary paralysis, Daji leapt to his feet and swung one long arm towards the intruder. He never connected. Instead, he found himself flying backwards through the air to land in a heap against the wall next to the door. When he tried to rise, he found that he was pinned by an invisible grip.

"Daji!" cried Chessie.

She tried to run to him, but found herself picked up and hurled against the wall next to the control panel.

Petri stood and gasped. "Chess!"

"Remain where you are, child. I would converse with you like civilized beings. Your pets are not harmed."

Blinking, Petri stared at the creature who was even smaller than her. "Pets?"

A graceful arm indicated where Daji and Chessie lay immobilized. "These."

"Why are you holding them?"

"As I said, I wish to converse with you, and you have failed to train them in proper behavior."

Her mind whirling, Petri said, "I don't understand."

"That is to be expected. But all will be made clear in time. Now it is time for you to come home."

Thoughts and questions spiraled through Petri's head faster than she could register them. She felt like if she could just catch hold of one, the spinning ball would unravel and everything would make sense again. But try as she might, she couldn't seem to follow any one train of thought to its conclusion. Indecision paralyzed her.

She knew what she wanted; to get herself and her friends away from the terrifying alien as quickly as possible without anyone getting hurt. But things had changed too fast for her to process the new situation properly, and she didn't know where to start. All she could do was stand and wonder at the weight of menace such a small, unprepossessing, apparently innocuous creature could convey.

Petri had never seen an Arcanum before. Few had and lived to tell of it. But, in spite of their reclusive nature, every now and again a member of another species would escape with their life from an encounter with the Arcanum. So, there were plenty of tales about what they looked like. And, Petri noted, some of those stories even approached the truth.

On its surface, the Arcanum didn't appear dangerous. It was short, much shorter than even her own four-foot-two-inch height, and exceedingly slender. The creature's arms and legs looked like delicate twigs that could easily be snapped in two by an average-sized human. But its head was enormous, bulbous with large, lidless eyes, slits for a nose, and no mouth. Perched atop its reedy neck, the head had an almost farcical appearance. Like a child's balloon with a face drawn on it.

But, despite its almost comical appearance, the Arcanum was shrouded in a miasma of danger. It wasn't hostility so much as supreme indifference. There would be no threat from the Arcanum. It would simply exterminate them. With no more thought than she would give to stepping on a bug.

The alien was cadaverously slender and, since it wore no clothing, Petri could see that it bore no obvious signs of the being's gender. Its skin was pale and sickly looking, like one of the corpses that were pulled from the underworld gutters every morning, and it added to the eerie quality of the creature. A baleful, golden glow smoldered in the Arcanum's eyes.

Those glowing eyes were one of the few elements that were consistent between the scattered accounts of encounters with the Arcanum. Petri's own eyes glowed when she was in the grip of strong emotions and when she used her power. That trait was what had betrayed her on Upworld. No other known species had such eyes, and now Petri knew why others found them so memorable. The light in the alien's eyes held her transfixed; it was as if she were looking into the fabled torment that awaited sinners in every religious mythology anyone had ever tried to sell her. But, unlike those stories, the Arcanum's eyes made her believe.

"I don't understand," she repeated.

The alien gestured at the viewport. The field of stars had disappeared to be replaced with an impenetrable darkness. "You will come home. It is time for you to be evaluated."

"Evaluated?" That penetrated the fog that seemed to be filling Petri's mind. "You mean like a test?"

"We must determine if you are one of us or if you are less. That can only be determined by the Collective. You will be evaluated and a consensus reached. Then we will decide what is to be done."

"Done? With me, you mean? What about my friends? Will you let them go?"

"The lesser beings will be kept, for the time being, to encourage your cooperation. You have been too long outside the Collective; there is some concern that you will resist melding."

"Are you going to hurt us?"

"You will not be harmed, at this time. Any further decisions will be contingent upon your evaluation. The fate of the lesser beings will be determined based on the level of your cooperation. If you wish to preserve their well-being, you must submit yourself to your evaluation and strive to convince the Collective that you are sentient."

"I'm a person, of course I'm sentient!"

"Your claim to both of those statuses remains to be determined. The evaluation will take place soon. Until then, you will remain here in the company of the lesser beings."

The Arcanum flashed with the same golden light as before.

"Wait!" cried Petri. "I have more questions!"

But it was too late. When the light faded the alien had disappeared.

Want to find out if Petri passes her tests? Grab your copy at the link below. Happy Reading! 😊

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