

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Strange Dynamics...

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Here's a little bit more of the third installment in the Petri Dish Chronicles! As always, the disclaimer is that this is a draft and, as such, it's unedited and likely full of errors and is subject to revision, revamping, and being completely scrapped and rewritten. But, with that in mind, I'm reasonably satisfied with the basics of it, at least at the moment, or I wouldn't have bothered posting it. Enjoy! :-)

Excerpt from the third Petri Dish book:
But this time, the looks she and her companions received were different from the looks she had gotten the last time she had visited Targoviste. She blended in no better than before, in fact her group was even more conspicuous than she had been alone, but the sort of interest they were inspiring wasn’t nearly as predatory. The people here clearly recognized Vlad, and to Petri’s amazement they just as clearly were giving him a wide berth. It was the first time she had ever seen anyone become an object of interest to desperate people and not be in danger.

Petri knew that Vlad was feared and respected because he was powerful, but this was a level of dominating personal authority she had never before encountered in any individual. Normally, when someone went to Under City, they either did their best to blend in so no one would think they had enough to be worth going to the trouble of trying to take, or they went with what was effectively an army. Even the heads of Families and Houses exercised caution and brought their security and posses with them if they walked an underworld street, unless they went extremely incognito. But these underworlders were treating Vlad like he was the threat. Petri didn’t know what to make of that fact.

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