

Thursday, October 22, 2020

#APC #Spotlight: Franky The Fearless Flamingo: A 'Using Your Strength for Good' Hero Story By Wanda Luthman!

Hey Everyone!! :-)

I've got Wanda Luthman in my APC spotlight, today! Wanda is an active and supportive member of the  Authors-Professional Co-op Facebook group and her animal, hero, fantasy, anti-bullying, children's story, Franky the Fearless Flamingo, looks great! Here's the description:
Franky is back with his 4th book in the Franky the Flamingo series (although each is a standalone book so you don't have to have read previous books to understand this one).

Franky the Fearless Flamingo rescues the helpless wherever he does go.

In this tale of strength and compassion, a mean crab owes a debt as his ration.
The little sea turtle that he hurt, he later helps with kindess, his new passion.

The crab learned to use his strength for good to help someone in need, just because he could.

Franky the Fearless Flamingo is a hero for helping a mean crab learn the important lesson of empathy.
If you think this sounds like something you, or a munchkin in your life, might enjoy, go ahead and grab your copy here:

Thank you all so much for stopping by! Happy reading! :-)


  1. Thank you for sharing my latest book in the Franky the Flamingo series!!
