

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

An Open Secret...

Hey Everyone! :-)

I just wanted to write a quick note for all the people in this country who are suddenly so deeply concerned about learning about history. You see, I think there're some facts you should know that you apparently somehow missed all these years. I'm sure you'll be thrilled to learn that there are these buildings all across America. Seriously, just about every city and even small town has at least one. And bigger cities and towns usually have several. Anyway, these buildings are full of these things called "books." And within these books are pages with words written on them. Now, the words in these books cover all different kinds of subjects, but many of them cover history. And an excellent way to learn that history is to read those books. But, do you know what the best part is? The people in these buildings let you read all their books for free! Yep. I'm not joking. You can read any book in these buildings for free.

Now, I'm sure you're asking what these magical places are called. Ready? They're called "libraries." And to make your studies even easier, libraries are staffed with people who have spent years learning how to do research. And those people will help you with your research. The bonus here is that, once again, the professional services of these highly-trained experts are 100% free to you.

So, not only can you read about the history you're suddenly so interested in learning about. The reference librarians at the library will help you find lots of books covering the same historical period and events written from multiple points of view and focusing on different aspects of what you're studying. That way, you can get a more complete picture of what happened and a better understanding of all the different people and ideologies involved. Because clearly, with all the concern you suddenly have about learning about history, you'll want to make sure you have as thorough an understanding as possible about the events in question. And, you know something? Librarians are perfectly happy to help you find books written from whatever perspective interests you. Even books written by voices who don't have official approval. If you ask for it, they'll help you find it. They'll even reach out to other libraries and ask if you can borrow their books, if the library you're at doesn't have what you're looking for.

So, if you really want to stick it to the man, you've got your avenue open for you, right there. And it won't cost you a dime.

But, you're asking yourself, what about the quarantine? Aren't libraries closed? Well, many of them are. But a lot of the libraries that are closed are offering curbside service. You can search for what you're looking for in their online catalog, or call them or email them and ask for help finding what you need, and they'll bring it out to you. That's how dedicated librarians are to helping you fight the system.

So, there you have it, folks! No excuses. No matter what the powers that be do, you'll be able to learn all about whatever history you want. You know what else you can do? Once you've learned about that history, you can tell others. That's right! No one will stop you from telling whoever you can convince to listen to you whatever you like about any aspect of or take on history. So, if your mission is to make sure people are informed, there you go.

Happy reading! ✌

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