

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

#Agent Thoth's #Personal Log: Day 1124

Hey Everyone! :-)

Agent Thoth discusses more of the trials and tribulations associated with living with hominids. Incidentally, if you've missed Agent Thoth's earlier entries, you can find them here: Thoth's Journal

Department for the Preservation and Confirmation of Intelligent Life (DPCIL)
Agent Thoth's Personal Log

Day Eleven-Hundred-Twenty-Four:
Now that I have had some time to recuperate, I am ready to report on the unmitigated disaster that my attempt to evade my hominid-servant’s restrictions on my movement long enough to conduct my research turned into. I will admit up front, though it pains me to do so, that I do not appear in the most favorable light during course of these events.

To begin, I waited for what appeared to be the perfect opportunity. The hominid who delivers my hominid-servant’s parcels never fails to provoke a show of aggression from the canid. So, when this individual arrived, I waited until the canid had worked himself into a state of near-hysterics, and then created a loud noise by knocking some breakable items from one of the horizontal platforms my hominid-servant has placed throughout my domicile. I knew this would have the multi-effect of adding to the confusion the canid’s excessively loud vocalizations were already causing for my hominid-servant, further fueling said creature’s already exaggerated feelings of aggression and causing my hominid-servant to have to focus her attention on restraining him, and startling the juvenile felid. Accomplishing the murder of multiple small, winged avians with one manually propelled projectile, as the hominids are fond of saying.

I knew, of course, that the little idiot would react to the sudden burst of adrenaline caused by the sudden cacophony by engaging in a frantic display of movement and interjecting himself into the chaos initiated by the canid and aggravated by my efforts, further exacerbating the commotion and distracting my hominid-servant. My intent, obviously, was to use the created confusion as a diversion that would allow me to evade my hominid-servant's attention long enough to escape the confines of my domicile and conduct my research.

Alas, as I have already intimated, the results were not what I had hoped for. However, I fear I have been spending too much time among the hominids, for I find myself, once again, overcome with emotion as I relive the humiliation I endured. I must take some time to compose myself before completing this report.

Oh, my! The best-laid plans of mice and men, it seems. ;-) You may have noticed that Agent Thoth has a new look. I hope you like his new picture as much as I do, but I'd love to hear your thoughts, either way. Feel free to let me know what you think in the comments. ;-) Happy reading, everyone!

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