

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Walking In A Winter Wonderland...

Hey Everyone!!

We got some snow here this week, and it put me in mind of Kate's reaction to this winter scene. I find snow beautiful to look at, but the thought of going out in it always makes me a little queasy. Enjoy! :-)

Excerpt from Captivated by the Winter King:
Kate knew they were approaching the end of the tunnels because light filtered in from the opening. After so much time in the dark, her eyes were sensitive enough to pick up the slightest increase in illumination. As they emerged from the cave, she looked around and her breath caught in her throat.

The world around her had been transformed into a fairytale winter wonderland, and it was dazzling. They were in a forest, and the trees rose around them like majestic pillars. Ice coated their limbs and trunks and reflected the sunlight in a thousand dancing rainbows. Snow covered the ground like a soft, white blanket and completed the charming image. It was the kind of picturesque spot where she thought she might meet Santa and Frosty.

When talking snowmen and reindeer failed to appear, she turned her attention to studying the forest. Laughing to herself, she realized she already had the Elves, but they were far from jolly. As she looked around at the sparkling vista, another effect of the reflective quality of her surroundings became clear to her. All the extra light hurt her eyes. After a while, the combination of the blinding sunshine and the dizzying speed at which her captors moved made her nauseous.

In the dark of the cave, the visual impact of the motion had been muted. But now, in the brilliant daylight, it hit her full force. She thought she might throw up and wondered how they would react if she did. Closing her eyes, she rested her head against Gormal's shoulder. After a while, the queasiness passed. But she was afraid to open her eyes. Realizing she might as well get some rest, she slept.

Buuurrrr!!! If you want to find out what happens next, grab your copy at the link below. Happy reading! :-)

Captivated by the Winter King

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