

Saturday, November 9, 2019

A Spooky #WeekendTreat!

Hey Everyone!! :-)

With Halloween not long past and winter fast approaching, I thought it would be appropriate to share a slightly spooky snippet to help get your weekend off to a fun start. Enjoy! :-)

Excerpt from Captivated By The Winter King:
In addition to the Genii Cucullati, he also had the ability to call forth shades.

Shades were different from the hooded spirits, in many ways. Whenever any sapient being experienced a strong emotion, an echo of that feeling was left behind. Those echoes had no physical form, but they could build upon one another and have a cumulative effect. This phenomenon was why certain places where many people had experienced strong feelings could take on an aura that those who later visited the site could sense. A place where many had died might feel frightening, sad, or angry. A place where many had rejoiced might have a happy or cheerful quality to it.

Ankou had the ability to call forth shades with a specific nature and grant them semi-corporeal form. Unlike the hooded spirits, they did not act. They could only react. Also, their nature was such that he had to be careful to conjure exactly the type of shade that was needed. Shades reflected the precise type of emotion that had left the echo; no more, no less. What he needed was for Kate to be protected, so a shade created of the echo of a protective feeling was required. He needed to be certain that was what he called forth. If he allowed his fear for his Anamchara's safety to taint the call, the shade that resulted might be more one of vengeance or aggression. Neither sentiment would allow him to achieve his goal.

Taking a deep breath, he centered himself and loosed his power. A shadowy form came into being. It had the outline of a large male but was indistinct and ephemeral. The Winter king concentrated on what he needed from the shade, and the figure moved towards Kate.

At first, Kate didn't notice the diaphanous shape that had come into being, but when it moved she saw that something was there. Confused, she reached out to try to touch it.


She froze and looked at Ankou.

Want to find out just how Ankou intends to protect Kate? Grab your copy of Captivated By The Winter King at the link below. Happy reading!! :-)

Captivated by the Winter King

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