

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Price Of Liberty...

Hey Everyone,

I just thought I'd share some food for thought for the weekend. Enjoy! ;-)

Excerpt from Answers from Alyce:
I did as he asked. The setting was a city street. The robots closest to me were, as I said, holding signs. They were dressed like regular civilians you might find anywhere in modern America. Farther down the street there were more robots, but they were dressed like police and carrying plastic shields and dangerous-looking batons. I knew what this was supposed to be.

Sighing, I nodded and said, "Yes, this ties into it, but it's a bit of a long story to get there."

"In what way?" asked Yax.

"Well, people aren't marching just because of the laws that make it difficult for them to vote. It's more of a 'one thing leads to another' situation."

"Being denied the ability to help choose one's government isn't sufficient reason to protest for your people?" asked Squid-boy.

I rubbed my temples. "It is. But it also isn't. Like I said, it's a long story. You have to understand everything in its historical context. The anger and resentment that are coming to a head now have been building for centuries."

"Centuries!" exclaimed Squid-boy. "Why has it taken so long for people to take action?"

I rolled my eyes. "It hasn't. Haven't y'all been listening to what I've been sayin'? This is part of an ongoing struggle. People have been fighting this fight for generations. There have been changes, victories, but there has also been regression. Every time people start to think that maybe the fight is over, that, just maybe, true equality is within sight, other people with their own agendas organize and push back against the progress that has been made. The details are always slightly different, voter ID laws instead of poll taxes and the like, but the results are ultimately the same. And those who want justice are forced to fight for it again. It's a cycle."

"Why is it a cycle?" asked Yax. "What motivates some of your people to seek to disenfranchise others?"

I threw my hands up in the air. "Y'all really need to start listenin', ya know? It's always the same thing. The rallying cry might be different, but it's always the same thing. The people in power, those who have a lot of money, find ways to divide everyone else so we won't unite and force them to share their power and their money. It always boils down to that. Whether the powerful are yelling 'States' Rights!' or 'Anti-American!' or 'National Security!', it's always the same thing¾money and power and how to get away with hoarding them both."

"I understand that. What I find hard to believe is that so many of your people keep falling for it."

I shrugged. "Why? What could be easier? All they have to do is create privation and then tell those who are suffering that some other group of people who are suffering just as much, or more, is the cause of the suffering. Nothing could be simpler. People who are struggling are always going to be looking for someone to blame for their troubles. All those in power have to do is pick a convenient scapegoat and let nature take its course."

"It's that easy?" asked Squid-boy.

"Pretty much. Like I said, they've already got centuries' worth of resentments that have been simmering just under the surface to work with. All they have to do is stir the pot a bit, maybe turn up the heat, and bingo! Instant division."

"And it just keeps working? No one ever catches on?"

I glared at him. "You're repeating yourself, Squid-boy. Like I said, some people catch on. But they're usually not the ones who are shouting the loudest." I pointed at the exhibit of people marching. "This, here? This is where those in power start losing control of the fire they started."

"What do you mean?" asked Yax.

"Like I said, those in power want to keep the majority of the populace divided. They want us to not trust each other so that we won't work together against them. But they don't want civil unrest. Instability isn't good for business. If the people in power had their way, people would stay angry, resentful, and distrustful of others, but they would stay quiet about it. The people in power want the problems to stay in the shadows where no one talks about them. Because if everyone pretends they don't exist, then no one tries to solve them. And people just keep not trusting each other and the rich and powerful get to stay rich and powerful."

Squid-boy gestured at the display. "And this brings the problems into the open."

I nodded. "Exactly. This gets people talking about why folks are so upset they're marching in the street. It forces those in power to acknowledge there is a problem, though they generally try to pretend that what's wrong is something other than what's actually wrong, and at least pretend to try to fix it. If people keep marching and enough people start talking to each other and realizing we're all fighting the same fight, that's how alliances are made and coalitions are formed. And that's how real, meaningful change happens. But not without a lot of blood, sweat, and tears from the people who are marching."

Want to know what other answers Alyce has? Grab your copy at the link below! Happy reading! :-)

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