

Friday, July 26, 2019

First, Dig Two Graves...

Hey Everyone!! :-)

With Summer in full swing, and tempers heating up along with the weather, I thought I'd post a little reminder about what can happen when anger gets out of hand. Plus, what better way to start the weekend than with a little magical grudge match? ;-) Enjoy!

Excerpt from Bound By The Summer Prince:
Deirdra stood up straight as a board, nearly shaking with her rage. Her face had gone white with anger, and magic seemed to glitter and seethe around her. She raised her hand to point at Roni. “I challenge this human to a duel! She is not fit to rule a Court of Fairie!”

Briallen stepped forward. “You get ahead of yourself, Deirdra,” she said calmly. “Veronica is not yet queen, and so cannot yet be challenged under the rules of dueling. If you wish to duel for leadership of the Court, it is I you must challenge.”

The air around the queen started shimmering, and waves of heat emanated from her. The stone beneath her feet puddled and ran, and purple flames flickered in her eyes. Roni and Uaine were forced to shy back and avert their eyes from the angry monarch, as a glow like the sun built in her hands and face. Briallen’s scarlet hair stood on end in a halo around her, and each strand seemed to be lit from within by its own fire. Slowly, the air in the throne room began to churn, and as the vortex built the assembled people scattered. But Deirdra stood fast.

When Briallen spoke, her voice rang out like a clarion bell and echoed through the room. “Do you wish to challenge me to a duel, Deirdra? I will meet you.”

For a moment, it seemed as though Deirdra would challenge the Summer queen, but she gained control of herself and said, “No your majesty.” she curtseyed. “I am your loyal subject.”

The queen continued to hold her magic for a few heartbeats as she stared at the other Elf female, but finally she relaxed her grip. The glow faded from her skin, and the stone of the floor reshaped itself and solidified. The air stilled, and the nobles began to return to their places.

Just as the tension seemed to be leaving the throne room, Deirdra screamed wordlessly and hisse, “But I will never be hers!” With that, she hurled a spell of unmaking at Roni. “You don’t have your cold iron to protect you now, bitch!”

For an endless moment, Roni watched the bit of magic speed towards her, too fast for anyone to try to stop it. At the last second, just before the magic connected with her body, the tattoo around her wrist flashed with a green light, and the spell was reflected back to its source.

Deirdra’s agonized screaming pierced the silence from the rest of the assembly. As her body slowly came apart and returned to its constituent elements, her shrieks built and stretched until finally fading into a wet gurgle. At last there was silence, when what had been the Elf female was only a pile of multicolored dust and a puddle of water.

The assembled nobles gaped at what had once been one of their own, and then almost as one, they turned to stare at Roni. Roni felt her heart racing in her chest, but she forced herself to present a calm face as she gazed back at them.

Wow! It seems like there might be consequences for taking a grudge too far. ;-)  If you want to find out what happens next, grab your copy of Bound by the Summer Prince at the link below. Happy reading! :-)

Bound by the Summer Prince

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