

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Separating The Wheat From The Chaff...

Hey Everyone!! :-)

I've got a little more of Alyce's adventure to share with you, today! Enjoy! :-)

Excerpt from Answers From Alyce:
"So then why don't more of your people turn to independent media for their news?"

"Some people have. Unfortunately, independent media doesn't have the kind of money that mainstream media has, which means they don't have the infrastructure necessary to promote and share their stories the way mainstream media does. Independent media is mostly on the internet, there's not much in the way of hard copy print or radio independent news, and pretty much no independent media on regular television. So, people have to go online and look for independent news sources, and a lot of people either don't know to do that or don't want to take the time. And even if someone does know about independent media and does want to seek them out, they first have to figure out which independent media sources are reliable. Because some people call themselves media when all they are, in reality, are crazy conspiracy theorists and/or hatemongers."

"Crazy conspiracy theorists and hatemongers?" asked Squid-boy. "I don't understand, I thought you said your independent journalists were more truthful and more interested in exposing corruption and criminal behavior among the powerful than your mainstream media journalists are."

I nodded. "Yes, those who are actually journalists, who do the work that journalists are supposed to do, are more honest and focused on speaking truth to power than the mainstream media is. But not everyone on the internet who calls themselves a journalist actually is a journalist. It's easy enough for people who have an agenda to call themselves journalists when they have no interest in reporting facts or investigating news. And if a person is looking for news sources online because the mainstream media has let them down, they have to be careful not to be fooled by people who claim to report news when all they do is spew hate or make outrageous claims with no evidence to support them."

"Which goes back to what you said before about many of your people not being well-versed in how to evaluate purported news to determine if it is supported by evidence and if the evidence comes from a reliable source."

"Yep. Exactly."

"A problem that would be solved if your mainstream media could be relied upon to provide the information your people require to make informed decisions. But they can't be, as is evidenced by their failure to focus on important news stories like that of your President appointing a judge to the highest court in your government who does not believe a President should be held to account for crimes they commit."

I smiled. "You got it, sugar. That's the conundrum."

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