

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Not A "Circular Firing Squad," A Calibration

Hey Everyone!!

Today, I just wanted to post something quick about how everytime I criticize a Democrat, no matter how well earned the criticism is, it seems that someone accuses me of creating a "circular firing squad." Or of being a "Russian bot," but that's something for another post. At any rate, I thought it was time to answer the accusation that criticizing Democrats damages Democratic candidates in elections.

So, first, a question: should bad policies be given a pass just because they are proposed by Democrats? The way I look at it? No! Absolutely not. In fact, I hold Democrats far more accountable than Republicans. Why? Because Republicans don't represent me, and they are clear about that. Ergo, Republicans don't get my vote, my time and energy, or my money. And unless they change pretty much every damn thing about their Party, they never will.

But, for the moment, Democrats generally do get my vote. And they also sometimes get my money, time, and energy, too. I guess that could change if they keep going to the right, but for the moment that's the way it is. My vote is theirs to lose. But it doesn't come without any strings attached.

My vote comes with my voice. My time and energy for phone banking, knocking doors, and circulating petitions come with my opinion. And my money for campaign donations comes with my expectation that they will represent my interests. They are, in fact, inseparable. And the reason for that is because I want to improve their chances at winning elections, not diminish them, by speaking up and letting them know what their constituents -- at least this one -- want.

When I criticize Democrats, it's not a firing squad; it's a calibration. To help get them back on track with where I want them to be. So, in the words of Phil Ochs, a man whose lyrics I generally agree with, "If I've got something to say, sir, I'm going to say it now." And Democrats are just going to have to come to terms with that and figure out how to align their actions with their rhetoric if they want to continue to call themselves the Party of the People. And continue to get my support.


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