

Friday, February 15, 2019

Love Me I'm A Neolib...

Hey Everyone!

As some of you may know, a political activist and folk singer named Phil Ochs wrote a song he titled Love Me, I'm A Liberal in the 1960s. The song discussed the hypocrisy and selfishness of the so-called liberals of the time. He often opened the song by declaring that "one of the shadiest of these [political opinions] is the liberals." He went on to explain that their political standing lay "ten degrees to the left of center at the best of times" and "ten degrees to the right of center when it affects them personally."

Human nature being what it is, nothing has really changed except some of the details and the labels. So, I decided to take a stab at updating the lyrics for today's politics. I'm no poet, so I'm sure these won't be up to Mr. Ochs' standards. But, hopefully, they'll give you a chuckle...and maybe some incentive to think about how you can get more involved in making life better not only for yourself, but for other people who might need some empathy or a helping hand, as well. Peace!

Love Me, I'm a Neolib

I cried when they killed little Jakelin
Tears ran down my face
And I cried when young Felipe's life was snuffed out
It's as if there's no accountability for ICE
But Sandra Bland got what she asked for
You can't disrespect the police!
So, love me, love me, love me, I'm a Neolib

I go to anti-Trump protests
And I put on my pink pussy hat
I love Emma and David and Cameron
Those kids really know what's what
But don't talk about Black Lives Matter
Those rabble-rousers just block my commute
So love me, love me, love me, I'm a Neolib

I cheered when Obama was chosen
It's way past time for racism to go
And I loved when Hillary got the nomination
If only Russians and misogynists hadn't put on such a show
But don't talk about why you didn't like her policies
Because I really just don't want to know
So, love me, love me, love me, I'm a Neolib

The dummies who voted for 45
Should all admit it came down to hate
I can't understand how their minds work
What's the matter don't they watch Last Week Tonight?
But if you want Medicare For All
I'll tell you to give me a break
So, love me, love me, love me, I'm a Neolib

I watch Chuck Todd and Maddow
I want to make sure I'm informed
And I read the Times and WaPo
They always leave me forewarned
But when it comes to independent journalists
They all deserved to be scorned
So, love me, love me, love me, I'm a Neolib

I give to conservationist charities
We all upon the Earth must dwell.
And I'll sign a petition to address climate change
Those environmental groups sure are swell
But don't you dare protest any pipelines.
I need my fossil fuel stocks to do well.
So love me, love me, love me, I'm a Neolib.

I love all the immigrants and refugees.
The US is the shining city on a hill.
And, I'll lift my lamp beside the golden door for them.
Just as long as they'll bend to our will.
But don't criticize our war machine.
Those military contractors are paying our bills.
So love me, love me, love me, I'm a Neolib.

I vote for the Democratic Party.
They let the women-folk be stars.
I love donating to those good ol' centrists.
They make sure things stay on par.
But don't talk about revolution.
That's going a little bit too far.
So love me, love me, love me, I'm a Neolib

And just in case you'd like to hear the original, which I'd recommend, I've posted a link below. Peace!


  1. I saw Phil Ochs a couple of times. A man for his time, our time, and perhaps too many other times. Still have the record where your picture comes from.

    1. I agree, he was an honest voice that was and is desperately needed. I have the record too; stole it from my mom. ;-)
