

Friday, February 1, 2019

Have A Little Faith... :-)

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Happy Friday! Here's a little something to get your weekend off to a good start. Enjoy! ;-)

Excerpt from Captivated by the Winter King:
"I want you to close your eyes and keep them closed unless I tell you to open them. Do you understand?"

Nodding, Kate said, "Yes, Master," and relaxed into the bed, closing her eyes.

Shifting his position so that he kneeled between her outspread legs, Ankou kissed and licked his way down to her left foot. Rubbing his fingers under the arch and around her ankle, he massaged her limb until he felt the last of the tension drain out of it. Setting it aside, he moved to her other foot.

As Ankou massaged her right foot, Kate became aware of a pressure around her left ankle. She realized it felt like her leg was being held against the bed by someone's hand, but both of her mate's hands were occupied tending to her right foot. When the implications of those two facts penetrated her consciousness, she barely kept herself from panicking. Gasping, she forced herself to remain still and silent. She wanted to sit up and see what was happening, but that would mean disobeying the rules of the game. As would asking Ankou what was going on. Her heart racing, she tried to decide what to do.

Finally, she settled on waiting. She trusted her Anamchara, and she wanted to demonstrate that trust. Nothing that was happening was terrible, and she didn't think Ankou would actually bring another person into their game without asking her first. He had already demonstrated he could use magic in imaginative ways, so she would try to relax and enjoy their play.

The Winter king knew the moment his mate sensed the restraining influence on her leg, and he also knew when she decided to trust him. It warmed his entire being that a female who had learned to fear males was willing to put her confidence in him. More than that, he suddenly felt stronger than he had in millennia.

Power suffused his being, and he had to harness and control it before it took on a life of its own. Was it happiness that brought this rejuvenation of his magic? Or was it Kate's faith in him? She didn't worship him, but she obviously did believe in him, and he thought she even loved him a little bit as well. It was the first time a human had done either in thousands of years. Was it enough? Where would it end? Would he rise to godhood again?

Blinking aside the startling sensations, he realized he wasn't giving his Anamchara the attention she was trusting him to pay her. A poor repayment for her gift of faith. Setting aside the dizzying tumble of questions that swirled through his mind, he determined to focus on the female in front of him. Many Fae had pondered the mysteries surrounding power, divinity, and belief since the dawn of time and answers had yet to be found. He wouldn't solve the puzzle that night, and his mate deserved his best efforts.

Continuing his massage of her right foot and leg, he bent to kiss the back of her right knee. He set her right ankle to the side, which left her spread wide before him. Nibbling his way up her thigh, he slid his hands under her hips to raise her off the bed. Smiling, he loosed some more magic and upped the ante for his Anamchara. Would she continue to play along? Or would she demand an explanation?

Kate felt her lover's breath against her labia and she shivered, waiting. As he lay between her thighs, she became aware of more sensations. Her arms were restrained in the same manner as her legs. It felt as if all four limbs were held down by hands. Then other caresses feathered across her skin. The touches were light at first, then firmer. It felt as though someone was rubbing her belly while someone else pinched her nipples. When the feeling of a mouth manifested on her right breast, she gasped and arched into the contact.

Want to find out what happens next? Grab your copy at the link below. Happy reading! :-)

Captivated by the Winter King

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