

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Distraction Through Division...

Hey Everyone!! :-)

I've got a little more of Alyce's adventure to share with you, today! Enjoy! :-)

Excerpt from Answers From Alyce:
"He wants to use the government to protect people who discriminate against people who practice other religions, or who love people who are the same gender as them, or whose gender isn't the same as what their genitals would seem to indicate, or women who make choices for themselves that he disagrees with, or women who need medical care that he doesn't think they should get, or any number of things that people who don't hold the same religious beliefs he does might do or be. He wants to use the government to make sure if these people are denied medical care, or housing, or services at a business, or a job, or are discriminated against in any other way, the bigots who discriminate against them are protected by the government."

"But that's…"

"Barbaric? Yeah, I agree. But it's what he wants."

"But isn't he one of the top officials in your government?" asked Yax. "Why would someone charged with keeping the peace wish to introduce such a divisive policy? It's bound to cause bad feelings and civil discord."

I shrugged. "Of course it will. But it also creates more divisions among regular people and gives them convenient scapegoats for their problems. Instead of focusing on the real problem in our society, that most of the wealth and power are concentrated in the hands of very few people who use them to the detriment of everyone else, things like this make people start to think that other regular people who just happen to have different religious beliefs from them are the cause of their problems."

"I know we've discussed that tactic, before," said Squid-boy, "but this seems a particularly clumsy example of it."

"It is and it isn't. There's quite a bit of religious tension in our country because some people who belong to the dominant religion think they have a God-given right to dictate to other people how to live their lives, and many politicians find these people to be convenient dupes to use as a weapon against their political enemies. And so they empower them far beyond what their numbers would justify. Which, of course, only encourages them to become even more obnoxious than they already were."

"Which, in turn, focuses even more attention on them and distracts it from the corruption and misdeeds of your politicians," observed Yax.

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