

Saturday, November 3, 2018

This Shouldn't Need To Be Said, But...

Hey Everyone!

Today's post will be short and to the point and, as the title indicates, this is something that really should go without saying. But, since it's an issue that keeps coming up again and again, and especially with the holidays coming up soon, I'm going to try to break this concept down so that even the dimmest misogynist can understand. Okay? Here we go.

If you're my friend and you come to me and tell me you drank a lot last night and you have a terrible headache and feel sick to your stomach, I'm going to hand you an antacid, a couple of aspirin, and a glass of water or mug of coffee and tell you not to drink so much if you don't want to get sick. Why? Because getting a hangover is a normal, predictable, and generally unavoidable consequence of consuming enough ethanol to be toxic to your system. You're an adult, you made a choice to drink, and you're suffering the results of your choice. If you don't like those results, make different choices.

But if you come to me and tell me you were drinking and someone assaulted you, sexually or otherwise, my response isn't going to have anything to do with whether or how much alcohol you consumed. Why? Because being assaulted is not a natural consequence of ethanol poisoning. Being assaulted is the result of a criminal act on the part of someone else, and you aren't responsible for other people's behavior.

Okay? Everyone got it, now? This really isn't complicated, people. Peace!


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