

Friday, November 23, 2018

Cover And Title #Reveal #Announcement! :-)

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Happy day after Thanksgiving to all my fellow Americans. And since this is a holiday weekend, I've decided to give you all some exciting news!! I've finished the first draft of Alyce's story and, as you can see, the cover is ready too! :-) Right now, I'm working on editing and I hope, but can't promise, that I'll be able to release it before the end of the year. But, never fear, I'll definitely make sure to let you all know the release date just as soon as I have won. ;-)  In the meantime, here's a peek at the revised beginning. Happy reading! :-)

Excerpt from Answers From Alyce:


"You want to do what, now?"

The short guy with the clipboard looked up from what he was writing. "I need to inspect your genitals."

"Are you out of your ever-lovin' mind?"

The guy cocked his head at me, quite a feat since he didn't have much of a neck to speak of. "You know, these are your species' rules. If you want to use a public lavatory, you must submit to having your genitals inspected first. How else can we be sure that you are entering the correct facility for your gender?"

"You're delusional; there's no way this side of eternity that you are gonna go 'inspectin' my genitals'. I'd rather pee my pants."

The guy made a notation on his clipboard. Actually, it wasn't a clipboard, it was some kind of high-tech tablet kind of thing. But it looked like a clipboard, so that's what I called it.

"Interesting. We didn't think you'd object. Based on the vociferosity of those promoting such regulations, we thought they must have near universal support."

I gaped at him. "Lookyhere, sugar, almost no one likes those rules. It's basically just a handful of religious, nutjob zealots who have taken control of our government by doing the biddin' of the wealthy who think that those rules are a good idea."

"You truly have an odd form of leadership. Very well, if you have need of the facilities, please use them. We have much to cover today."

I rolled my eyes. "Thank you. I'm pleased as punch we've managed to move past your desire to see me in my altogether."

As I walked past him towards the door to the bathroom, I heard him mumble, "As if I actually had any wish to view the vulva of an over-evolved ape."

I think he might even have shuddered, but it was hard to tell since he lacked any kind of skeleton. It might have just been a breeze moving through the room. I rolled my eyes again anyway. Apparently, no one had ever told him that the proper place for squid is dusted in seasoned flour, deep fried, and served over spaghetti.

But maybe I'm getting ahead of myself. Hi. My name is Alyce, and boy did I ever end up on the other side of the looking glass. It's quite a story, so let me start at the beginning.

Answers from Alyce

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