

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

#Agent Thoth's #Personal Log: Day 836

Hey Everyone! :-)

Agent Thoth discusses more of the trials and tribulations associated with living with hominids. Incidentally, if you've missed Agent Thoth's earlier entries, you can find them here: Thoth's Journal

Department for the Preservation and Confirmation of Intelligent Life (DPCIL)
Agent Thoth's Personal Log

Day Eight-Hundred-Thirty-Six:
I have recently taken an interest in my hominid-servant's food preparation rituals. They had previously gone largely unremarked on by me because I had failed to notice just how intricate and involved they are. This was mostly due to the fact that my hominid-servant insists on performing these rituals on a horizontal platform that is located at a height far greater than that at which I am able to comfortably make recordings, and that there are no other conveniently located horizontal platforms from which I might observe.

Naturally, given her general stinginess with her edibles and lack of interest in cooperating with or aiding in my research, she is insistent that I not locate myself on the platform that she prepares the food on. This has led to some, if I may say so myself, rather creative efforts on my part to gather data, many of which have involved stealthy attempts to position myself on her food-preparation platform without her noticing. Unfortunately, more often than not, these forays are terminated prematurely when she sees where I am and responds with the expected verbal abuse and flailing of her limbs.

Therefore, thus far, my observations have been limited. However, I have managed to record the deliberateness with which she chops the food into small pieces, the variety of the ingredients that she uses, and the careful way she prepares her heating instruments to receive the food once it has been reduced to the desired size. I'm not certain what effect, if any, her preparations have on the final product or if there is a reason beyond palatability that she goes to such trouble, but I have noticed that the pieces of the different foods she adds to her meals all tend to have roughly the same dimensions before she adds them to her heating instruments.

To be honest, even the little I have managed to observe of the trouble she goes to in order to prepare her own meals and the meals of the other hominids she sometimes feeds makes me feel a bit resentful over the fact that she makes so little effort with the edibles she offers to me. Granted, given my lack of opposable thumbs, opening the bags that the food pellets come in is beyond my abilities. That's the main reason I require a hominid-servant to begin with, though she does have other functions that I find useful and pleasant to have available to me, as well. And, admittedly, the pellets are palatable if a bit dull and uniform. But, considering the amount of effort she devotes to the edibles she consumes, I would have hoped it would have occurred to her to work a little harder to please my palate, too.

Unfortunately, as with many things, my hominid-servant doesn't seem to have considered the importance of diversity of experience when it comes to my meals. Alas, my research seems to mean nothing to her, and the fact that the quality of my results may suffer due to a lack of opportunity to access a representative sample of what's available does not seem to concern her at all. I will continue to endeavor to, at least, record and sample the edibles she includes in her own meals and, as always, will report back on any additional findings.

Those darn stingy hominids! ;-) You may have noticed that Agent Thoth has a new look. I hope you like his new picture as much as I do, but I'd love to hear your thoughts, either way. Feel free to let me know what you think in the comments. ;-) Happy reading, everyone!

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