

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

I'm A Little #Snowflake...Hear Me #Roar

Hey Everyone!!

Just a short post, today. This is something I've wanted to say for a while, but never seemed to get around to it. So, now I have. ;-)

I remember one winter when I was a kid where we had a snow storm seemingly every week. The first storm of the season hit in late November, before Thanksgiving, and dropped three feet of snow on us overnight. It wasn't a wild storm, no real wind or anything that would make any noise, I remember thinking when I woke up in the morning that I had slept really well. Everything was so quiet and still, like the world had been put on pause, it was perfect for sleeping.

Then I got up and got dressed to go outside and I couldn't open the door. Because three freaking feet of snow were piled up against it. My whole family was trapped in the house until a neighbor came and dug out our door enough to open it. I don't know how he got out of his house, maybe he climbed out a window. Just like that, in a single night, with barely a whisper to announce their coming, and snowflakes made it so people couldn't even leave their houses.

By New Years, we'd had so many snowflakes that there were banks of them piled up taller than a man, three feet deep on both sides of every road. The city had to send backhoes and dump trucks around to collect those snowflakes and cart them all off, so that there would be room for cars on the roads, again. People were climbing up on top of their houses to shovel all those snowflakes off their roofs to keep them from collapsing under the weight.

So, go ahead and call me a snowflake. I don't mind, at all. Because I'll never forget how a few snowflakes can bring society to a screeching halt simply by showing up and refusing to leave. And winter is coming.

November 6, 2018

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