

Monday, July 2, 2018

Something Worth Watching?

Hey Everyone!! :-)

I'm back today with another video I wanted to share. There has been a lot of discussion, lately, about "civility," and I wanted to add my two cents. I'll start by saying that I'm against violence of any kind directed towards anybody. Once you resort to violence, you lose the moral high ground and, no matter how legitimate, your concerns get drowned by the blood you shed. So, no violence. But when it comes to non-violent confrontation and civil disobedience, I'm extremely supportive.

Right now, our government is in the hands of fascists. We're about to have another corporately-owned member of the Christian Taliban on our Supreme Court, who will most likely take what little protection women have left in this country from us, roll back all worker protections until employees are little more than slaves to their corporate overlords, and turn this entire planet into a toxic waste dump. So, as far as I'm concerned, Maxine Waters is right, now is not the time for meekness and civility.

Don't misunderstand, I have my political differences with Representative Waters. She's far too much of an establishment neo-liberal for me to agree with her on policy all that often. But, in this particular case, she's right. We need to push back against the rise of fascism in this country and being polite about it won't get the job done. We need to be loud, aggressive (not violent), and we need to refuse to ever back down. Courtesy is a wonderful thing when you're dealing with reasonable people, but we aren't dealing with reasonable people. And it's time we acknowledge that fact and respond accordingly.

So, please take a few minutes to watch the video below. Note the differences between what Representative Waters said, fight back with public outcry, and what our tangerine study in moral turpitude said, strike out violently against people who voice an opinion you disagree with. And once you've compared the two, I hope you'll join me in looking for ways to engage in discourteous, but non-violent, expressions of dissent. Peace!

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