

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

#Agent Thoth's #Personal Log: Day 789

Hey Everyone! :-)

Agent Thoth discusses more of the trials and tribulations associated with living with hominids. Incidentally, if you've missed Agent Thoth's earlier entries, you can find them here: Thoth's Journal

Department for the Preservation and Confirmation of Intelligent Life (DPCIL)
Agent Thoth's Personal Log

Day Seven-Hundred-Eighty-Nine:
After more than a quarter of a lunar cycle, my hominid-servant has finally returned the trinket offerings to the adolescent felid. I'm not certain exactly what prompted her to grant him a reprieve at this time; unless it was the fact that he had given up on his more active protests and had taken to staring wistfully at the closet in which they were contained whenever my hominid-servant was in the vicinity. I must confess, the occasional mournful sighs he managed to produce even had me wondering if his depression was authentic.

Fortunately, real or not, young annoyance's dejection disappeared the moment his trinkets were once more in his possession. He spent several hours moving the baubles to his preferred storage place, under my hominid-servant's sleeping platform, and then he seemed to arrange them in a specific configuration known only to him. To be honest, I still have yet to divine any rational system or pattern that fits the locations he designated for each trinket. But, he seems to be happy with their arrangement and has spent most of the rest of the day lying on top of them to ensure that they are not moved.

Frankly, I consider the behavior of both my hominid-servant and the small beast to be beyond comprehension on this matter, and I'm simply relieved that they have reached a peaceful resolution on the issue. Though, once again, I find myself despairing of ever identifying any true intelligence on this planet.

Crazy Earthlings! ;-) You may have noticed that Agent Thoth has a new look. I hope you like his new picture as much as I do, but I'd love to hear your thoughts, either way. Feel free to let me know what you think in the comments. ;-) Happy reading, everyone!

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