

Monday, February 12, 2018

Something Worth Watching?

Hey Everyone!! :-)

I'm back today with another video I wanted to share.  I'm not sure how many of you realize this, but depending on the state that you live in, primary elections for your state may be as early as next month. So, you should definitely Google your state and find out when your primary will be, what elected offices are being voted on, and who the primary candidates are. Also, make sure you're able to vote in the primaries you want to vote in, which may require that you change your party affiliation if your state doesn't have open primaries as many states done. And, of course, make sure you're actually registered to vote. In short, make sure you'll be able to vote for the candidates you want to vote for. If the 2016 election proved anything it's that voting matters and primaries matter a lot. So, let's all make sure we're doing our part this year so we don't drop the ball again.

Towards that end, it's important to know who's running and what they stand for. The Young Turks network has created a series where they interview progressive candidates from all over the country running at all levels of government. These interviews are both interesting and informative and might just help you rekindle some hope for our country. One that I particularly enjoyed was with the candidate who is running against Paul Ryan. Randy Bryce is exactly the kind of working-class, everyday kind of dude that just about anyone can identify with. So, I'll leave that video below, but please also go to the TYT Politics channel on YouTube and check out the rest of the Rebel Headquarters series, as well. Peace!

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