

Friday, February 2, 2018

#Interview With Connie Cockrell!

Hey Everyone!

Please join me in welcoming Connie Cockrell to my blog, today! Connie, will you please tell us about yourself and how many books you have written?

Connie: I only started writing in 2011, for the National Novel Writing Month. I was challenged by my daughter when she came home from a visit with a friend all excited about this writing challenge she had decided to take on. I asked how hard is it to write 1667 words a day and she said, “If you think it’s so easy, you do it!” So I borrowed her copy of Story Engineering by Larry Brooks and started planning. It was already mid-October. On November first I began and won that NaNoWriMo and have been writing ever since. I’m just releasing Tested, the fourth book in my Brown Rain series, the eighteenth book I’ve published. I have some others written, but not yet edited or published.

Me: Wow! Busy lady! :-) What's the name of your latest book and what inspired it?

Connie: Tested is my latest published book. But I just finished a draft of my fourth cozy mystery series book, Mystery at the Reunion. My Jean Hays series is about a fiftyish woman, retired Air Force and divorced who moves to a small Arizona town to start over. I like writing about an older woman, and yes, she’s a lot like me, though I’ve never found a dead body. Jean is fun and has made friends with a local woman, Karen Carver, and they get into all sorts of adventures together. It’s fun to set up the problems and see how she gets out of them.

Me: That does sound like fun! And diversity in literature is something that should always be encourgaged. ;-) What are you working on now?

Connie: I’m finishing up a fantasy that I’ve been publishing weekly on my website. I have been doing a free, flash fiction (1000 words or less), for about 5 years now. I started off thinking I was just writing a flash or short story, but I’ve been adding to this every week for over 40 weeks now. It’s become a novella. I’m also writing a YA series of novellas set in the current era, which I call All About Bob. Every book’s main character is a Bob or Bobbi. I’ve finished drafting the first one and have four more to do. I plan on putting this into the Kindle Unlimited system when the series is completed.

Me: Sounds great! :-) What authors, or books, have influenced you?

Connie: I discovered science fiction when a childhood friend brought me a whole box of classic science fiction from a paper drive she’d participated in. It was July and I spent the rest of that summer reading every book in that box. I was totally hooked. It had Asimov, Clarke, Heinlein, and all of the other classic authors. That’s what inspired me to start my writing with a science fiction book, Bad Seed. It’s set in the current era and is about what happens if our food is genetically modified.

Me: I agree, sci-fi is a great genre! What are you reading now?

Connie: Right now I’m reading Euphoria Lane, by Tina Swayzee McCright. I attended a small mystery conference with her a couple of years ago and promised her a review. It’s taking me some time but I’m getting to it. The book is part of her Homeowners’ Association Mystery series. And I’m loving the concept.

Me: Cool! And I agree, it's important for us all to support our fellow authors. :-) For those who might consider reading your book, what would you tell them to expect?

Connie: Whatever genre of mine you pick up, SciFi, Fantasy, Cozy Mystery, Western or YA, I write about characters who are making a difference. Much of my work tends toward promoting the individual over giant corporations or governments. Not preachy but intense! You root for the main character every time.

Me: Stories with a message, I love it! What is your favorite part of being an author?

Connie: I love creating the world, world-building the background. Even in my cozy mystery series, set in a fictional central Arizona town, there’s world-building going on.

Me: World-building is my favorite part of writing, too. :-) Do you have a day job as well?

Connie: I do not have a day job, unless you count the fact that I’m a volunteer for the Payson Book Festival (the Director, actually, since I started the festival) and am a board member of the local Northern Gila County Fair. Both of those are major events and take up a lot of time.

Me: Sounds like it! What are the hardest and easiest part of being an author?

Connie: The easiest part is writing the story. The hardest part is editing.

Me: I think a lot of authors would agree with you there. What genre do you place your book in?

Connie: My newest release, Tested, is a YA Post-Apocalyptic story. Dystopian/Post-Apocalyptic stories are a favorite of mine.

Me: I love dystopian fiction too. :-) Is there anything else you’d like to tell your readers?

Connie: Yes! I sell other products on my site under the tab My Books and Other Products. I’ve created mugs with my book covers on them and new for 2018, a calendar. The pictures on the calendar were taken by my husband here in Arizona. Some are from our yard, others from hikes we’ve taken in the area.

Me: How creative! And so these fine folks can find your fun swag, are there any links you’d like me to post?

Connie: I would! My website is You can find me on Facebook at On Twitter I’m @ConnieCockrell. On Instagram I’m at I have a BookBub account as well at (@conniecockrell). Thank you so much for having me on your blog!

Me: Wonderful! You're welcome, and thank you so much for stopping by, today. Thank you to the rest of you who joined us, as well, and don't forget to check back tomorrow for the latest in Mistral Dawn's Musings! :-)