

Thursday, October 5, 2017

#NewRelease #Announcement: Thursday's Child By Jolie Mason With #Bonus #Recipe!

Hey Everyone!! :-)

My friend, Jolie Mason, is releasing a new book this week and she wanted to share a little treat with you that was inspired by her book. Jolie, take it away! :-)

Met Cuisine

Hello, everyone! I’m Char Hamilton, and this is Met Cuisine. Today, we’re preparing a manly favorite, Cheeseburger Quiche, and here to help me is my guest, the hero of the Met this morning, Detective Hayden Thursday. Thank you so much for appearing on the show today.

Thursday: Thank you for having me on.

Hamilton: And you dress so practically. I love it, darling. Now, let’s get right to it, shall we? For the audience at home, here’s our recipe.

1lb Ground Beef
1/3 cup chopped onion
4 eggs
½ cup mayo
½ cup skim milk
2 tbsp of flour
¼ tsp dried oregano
½ tsp salt.
¼ tsp pepper
6 oz sharp cheddar cheese, shredded and divided.
deep dish pie shell (9 inch)

1. Preheat the oven to 350°F.
2. In a skillet, brown ground beef and onion; drain and set aside.
3. In a bowl, beat the eggs, then whisk in the mayo, milk, flour, oregano, salt and pepper.
4. Stir in beef mixture and 1 cup cheese.
5. Pour mixture into pie shell.
6. Bake for 40-45 minutes until eggs are firm.

Hamilton: As you can see, this is simple, so simple. Detective, if you could preheat our oven for us. Thank you, darling. So, you don’t have an easy job, I know. How do you cope with the pressure of home/work balance?

Thursday: Well, I suppose I’m not very good at it. I work a lot. I have two fish, though. Paisley and Delilah. They’re really big fish, so it’s kind of like having a dog… sort of.

(Hamilton continues browning her beef)

Thursday: My partner is like my family. He and his wife are the best. I eat there a lot.

Hamilton: Now, we whisk together the egg mixture until it’s nicely blended. You eat at your partner’s house all the time, dear? Do you cook at all?

Thursday (blushing): Not really. I make sandwiches. I make great sandwiches. (laughter)

Hamilton: (looks at the camera) Well, even the detective can make this dish. (Hands Thursday the bowl and whisk)

Thursday: Oh, I wouldn’t be too sure about that.

Hamilton: (prepares the pie crust and pours the ground beef into it) Now we’re going to evenly layer this beautiful cheese throughout the quiche. Keep it even. Detective pour in our quiche.

Thursday: Are you sure you want me to do it?

Hamilton: Of course, darling. It’s not quantum physics.

(Thursday moves closer to pie pan and trips on wires) (more laughter)

Hamilton: Oh, dear. Well, she tried to warn me. Almost anyone can make this Cheeseburger Quiche. Thank you for being here, Detective. It was a good effort. (awkwardly pats Thursday on shoulder)

Thursday: No, thank you. Do you have somewhere I can change?

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