

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Something Worth Watching?

Hey Everyone!

I'm back with another video I think you all should see. This one is from the Lakota Standing Rock Tribe's vigil over where the Dakota Access Pipeline is desecrating their land, destroying their ancestral burial grounds, and threatening to pollute the water they drink.  Journalist, Erin Schrode, was interviewing one of the water protectors when she was shot by police with a rubber bullet.

This is something we should all be concerned about for several reasons. First, it's a blatant attack on our First Amendment rights to free speech, freedom to assemble, and free press.  For months, the Energy Transfer Partners corporation has been ignoring US laws and trampling the rights of US citizens. And they've been doing this with the aid and support of the police and the corrupt North Dakota state government.  What's worse, the institution which is supposed to curb such abuses, the Federal government, has been largely silent and at times supportive of these outrages.

Now, before anyone jumps in with Trump this or Trump that, yeah, I'm sure he won't do anything to make it better. But, right now, and through this whole thing up to now, it has been President Obama at the helm, and he has done jack shit to help these people. Why?  Because he's been bought and paid for by the same corporations who are backing the pipeline.  And that, my angry friends, is a large part of why Trump was elected.

Since pictures are worth a thousand words, I'll let the video speak for itself from here on out. But I do hope you'll consider what this means for the future. Because if the government allows corporations to take away the rights of these citizens now, what makes you think you won't be next?

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