

Friday, October 14, 2016

A Closet Full Of Clothes And Nothing To Wear. ;-)

Hey Everyone!! :-)

With Halloween close at hand, I've been going through my clothes to see what kind of costume I can come up with. I don't know about you, but sometimes I like to cobble together everyday clothing to make something unusual. It's a challenge and it makes me look at ordinary things with new eyes. While experimenting with combinations the other day, I thought of this this passage in Captivated By The Winter King, and I thought I'd share it with you.

Excerpt from Captivated By The Winter King:
Kate hadn't had much in her suitcase and, while everything was stylish and of good quality, none of it seemed to represent the person she thought she was becoming. The clothes were serviceable enough, but none of them conveyed the air of authority she wanted to cultivate. They were perfect for the old, quiet, reserved Kate she had been; but not what the new, confident, assertive Kate she wanted to become would need.

"Clothes make the woman," she murmured to herself.

"Indeed, your majesty," called a doleful voice from the door.

Jumping, Kate spun to find a Duergar female she was unfamiliar with standing there. Feeling a draft, she looked down and realized her robe had gaped open. Clutching it closed, she looked up and blushed. "I'm sorry for that."

The small Fae bustled into the room, waving away her apology. "Not at all. I'll need you bare if I'm to take proper measurements." She looked up as if a thought had just occurred to her. "I did knock, but there was no answer. I thought you might be too far from the door to hear, so I just came in. I'm sorry if I presumed, your majesty."

Recovering, Kate smiled. "That's okay, I was probably in the shower," she indicated her still-damp hair. "You must be Elatha?"

Bobbing a quick curtsey, the Fae responded, "Yes, your majesty. Luiseach said you wished to order some clothing?"

"Yes, I'd like some clothing more appropriate for someone who intends to rule over others." She gestured at the open wardrobe, "What I have is too subdued. I'd like some items in brighter, bolder colors and more assertive cuts. Can you help me?"

"Of course, your majesty." Elatha studied her. "You are quite tall, for a human, and your features are sharp. Striking. Yes, the right clothes will help give you the commanding presence you will need." Tilting her head to the side, the Fae continued, "You seem to understand the subtle power inherent in clothing. Would you like to design the items you require, or would you prefer I deal with the details?"

Thinking about all the things she had to do, Kate grimaced. "I'd love to collaborate, but I just don't have the time." She gave the Fae a searching look, "I think you understand what I need. I'll trust you."

"As you wish," Elatha nodded. "Please remove your robe so I can take measurements. For the type of clothing you describe, the fit will have to be exact."

Taking a deep breath, Kate did something that before last night would have been beyond painful for her. She dropped her robe and revealed her body to the stranger before her. As Elatha moved around her in a business-like fashion, recording the information she needed, Kate stepped even further from her comfort zone and described some specific things she wanted.

Captivated by the Winter King

So what about you?  Do you believe in the "subtle power inherent in clothing?" Do you enjoy dressing up and experimenting?  I'd love to hear your opinions in the comments!

Thank you all for dropping by today, and don't forget to check back tomorrow for the latest in Mistral Dawn's Musings! :-)

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