

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

#Agent Thoth's #Personal Log: Day 322

Hey Everyone! :-)

Agent Thoth discusses more of the trials and tribulations associated with living with hominids. Incidentally, if you've missed Agent Thoth's earlier entries, you can find them here: Thoth's Journal

Department for the Preservation and Confirmation of Intelligent Life (DPCIL)
Agent Thoth's Personal Log

Day Three-Hundred-Twenty-Two:
I have been keeping a faithful watch from the glass portals to observe the behavior of the treacherous white substance. After my ignominious rescue from my initial excursion to examine this new phenomenon, I thought it incumbent upon me to transmit as much information as possible so other DPCIL agents won't fall prey to its trickery.

For one thing, being called upon for assistance apparently brings out the most insufferable behavior in hominids. Since she aided me in my distress, my hominid-servant has kept up a steady stream of patronizing comments and non-serious threats made in jest. It is irritating, but I am grateful to her, so I tolerate it. Besides, sometimes she lets important information slip without realizing it.

During one of these bouts of teasing, she playfully threatened to "feed" me to the white substance. I was not alarmed, because I know she depends on me far too much to carry through with such a course of action, but I did find it interesting to know that the substance is alive and so needs to take in nutrition. I have yet to catch it doing so, however.

I have noted that at random intervals it causes flakes of itself to fall from the sky. These flakes dance and drift through the air, as though trying to entice one to chase them. Never before has my hominid-servant's inability to comprehend clearly expressed language been more frustrating!

Since it is obvious she has information about this odd creature, I would very much like to question her! I believe it is likely she could clear up a great many mysteries if she could only be induced to divulge what she knows. For creatures who spend much of their time verbalizing, hominids seem to actually say very little, in the final analysis.

I must confess, if I hadn't experienced what it was like to be surrounded by the white substance, I would be tempted to escape my domicile in order to chase the flakes myself.  Perhaps this is the way the creature lures its prey?  More study will be needed to confirm or disprove this hypothesis.

I think Agent Thoth may have discovered our secret. ;-)  Now that you've all gotten to know him a bit, I was wondering what your opinions might be as to how he looks?  The poll to decide his breed is in, and the consensus seems to be that he is a Maine Coon.  Now you all need to tell me what color he is. Again, I'll put a poll up on the side of this blog to pick his color and I hope you'll all weigh in. Once we've got the particulars settled, I'll look for a picture to match. :-)

To vote in a poll, either vote directly or comment with your vote on any Agent Thoth post with your choice for his color. :-)  Happy reading!

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