

Friday, May 6, 2016

#Water #Fountain #Pet #Bowl #Reviewed! :-)

Hey Everyone! :-)

About a month and a half ago, I got a motorized water bowl for my kitties.  I thought I'd share with you all what I thought of it in case any of you are considering getting one. :-)  It's my first pet water fountain.  I had been thinking about getting one for a while, but I was afraid my kitties wouldn't use it.  Every model of pet water fountain I had seen was rather loud, and I was concerned that the noise would scare my kitties and they wouldn't want to go near it.  After all, they hear better than we do.

Well, they've been using this one for more than a month now, and I think it's safe to say that it's an unqualified success. This fountain does have a motor loud enough for me to hear it if I'm in the same room, but it doesn't seem to bother my kitties.  It's a steady, constant whirring and they adjusted to it pretty quickly.  My oldest kitty took to it right away.  He has always preferred to drink from running taps if he could, so he loves this water bowl.  My second kitty won't drink from the bowl, but she slurps water up as it comes out of the spout.  I've never heard a cat slurp before, but she seems happy.  My third kitty wasn't entirely sure about the whole water fountain idea.  He spent a couple of days looking at it and me suspiciously, but he has since decided he likes it too.  In fact, all my cats stopped using their old water bowl altogether, so I removed it and just have this one down for them now.

It's easy to fill and easy to clean.  It comes apart easily for cleaning but reassembles just as easily.  My youngest kitty finds it necessary to wash his food before eating it (I think he thinks he's a raccoon), so I probably clean the bowl more than a lot of people have to.  It's hard plastic, so there's no problem just wiping it down with a little dish soap and a paper towel and then rinsing it thoroughly.

The one change I would make would be to be able to detach the power cord from the dish without having to take it apart first.  The power cord is attached to the motor (obviously) and doesn't detach, so you have to take the motor out in order to detach the cord from the dish.  I'm sure this is probably necessary to protect the motor from getting water in it, but it makes for awkward carrying when the dish is full of water. In order to take the motor out, you have to take the dish apart. It would be nice if the manufacturer could find another solution.  Even still, it's easy to use and my cats love it, so five stars.

If you want one for your furbabies, I bought this product from Amazon here:

But I'm sure you can probably also get it from pet stores and departments stores.  Thanks for dropping by today, and don't forget to check back tomorrow for the latest in Mistral Dawn's Musings! :-)


  1. That's a neat bowl. Glad to hear your kitties liked it.

    1. Thanks, I'm just glad it was a hit. There's no negotiating with the furry set if they decide they don't like something. ;-)

  2. We had one of these for our cats and they wouldn't go near it so we gave it away. Weirdly our boy cat loves to drink from a running tap.

    1. Yeah, I was afraid that would happen with my cats too. But no, they love it. Sorry your kitties didn't cooperate. :-/ But then if they always cooperated, they wouldn't be cats. ;-)
