

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

#IndieBooksBeSeen #May2016 #Indie #Books #BookReviews!

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Happy Hump Day!!  It's the 18th again, so you know what that means... ;-)

Eternal Bloodlines by JC Brennan:

This was a complex and intriguing story. It had some elements of the more classical vampire myths with some unique additions that are the author's own conceptualization of this very old mythology. The characters are individual and have a depth that is sometimes missing in "monster" stories. The plot moves quickly enough you don't get bored but still feels like you've read a book and not just a quick short story. Overall, definitely worth a read!

Tiger House: The First Chronicles of Jairus Tanner by Wendy Scott:

This is the intriguing beginning to what is clearly meant to be a series. The story that's contained in this book is a whole story, but it's part of a larger story that is only hinted at here.  Jairus's story starts when he's kidnapped by Tekagi, daughter of the late Tiger Emperor, and forced to participate in a variety of lethal challenges.  It's a series of obstacles that is used to choose the next Emperor and Jairus is Tekagi's unwilling champion.
All-in-all, this is an exciting fantasy action/adventure, and I think I may be hooked.  I'll have to see if the second book looks as interesting as this one when it comes out.  On a side note, I don't know much about Asian mythology, but the fact that this story is listed under the Asian Myths & Legends category on Amazon makes me want to find out more about the stories it's based on.

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