

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

#Agent Thoth's #Personal Log: Day Two

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Agent Thoth is back today and he's got a little more to report than last time. ;-)

Department for the Preservation and Confirmation of Intelligent Life (DPCIL)
Agent Thoth's Personal Log

Day Two:
It has become apparent that my initial impressions were erroneous.  The hominids are indeed difficult to deal with, and the canids even more so.  Soon after I filed my last log entry, I discovered that the doors on this planet are all defective.  No matter how hard I stare at them, the doors refuse to open.

When I the hominid-servant who was issued to me showed me to my new quarters, I naturally assumed that the door would open when I wished to exit.  I was wrong in that assumption.  The door refused to open and I was forced to yell for assistance.  A horribly undignified position for me to be put into, but I endured.  But then the hominid-servant had the nerve to be annoyed!  As if she was the one who had received poor service!

The scale of my quarters is not at all appropriate to one of my stature.  Considering how clever the hominids are in some respects at building things, it surprises me that they did not anticipate the difficulty this scale issue would cause.  As if that was not enough of an obstacle, the doors in the quarters my hominid-servant prepared for me all seem to be operated through the manipulation of a round lever.  Wholly unsuitable for the convenient use of any DPCIL agent.

I attempted to explain the problem to my hominid-servant, but she does not seem to have been properly briefed on normal modes of communication.  I was reduced to using body language and position to get my point across, but she did not seem capable of grasping what I was telling her.  However, I cannot help but wonder if her lack of comprehension was at least somewhat feigned.

The end result of the encounter was that I remained locked in one room of my new quarters for an entire planetary rotation cycle.  It's true that my hominid-servant did ensure that I had water and sanitary facilities, but that does not make it any less unacceptable.  Fortunately, I was released from what had, in effect, become my prison at the beginning of the current planetary rotation cycle, so I will now be able to begin recording my observations.  I will report said observations in my next entry.

My report on the canids will be included in that entry. So far, I have been unimpressed with them, but I want more time to collect data before making a formal report.  It's possible they function at a higher level than previously suspected.  Nothing on this planet has impressed me much thus far, but perhaps I just need more time to learn how to relate to the local life forms.  Still, if it weren't for the fact that there are several potentially intelligent species here, my preliminary suggestion would be that further research was a waste of time.

Hmm...I wonder what the canids are up to?  I guess we'll have to wait until next week to find out! ;-)  Thanks for checking in with Agent Thoth and me today, and don't forget to return tomorrow to see what other trouble I might get into! :-)