

Thursday, February 4, 2016

#Interview With S. H. Pratt! :-)

Hey Everyone!! :-)

S. H. Pratt is joining us today to talk about her fabulous books!  S. H. can you tell us a bit about yourself and how many books you have written?

SH:  I am a contemporary romance author with 11 full-length novels in publications. I began pushing the publish button two and a half years ago with Always My Love and haven’t looked back since. I have four standalone novels; two epic romances (each epic romance is two books that are two halves of one story); and The Green Brothers Novels which is comprised of two series, The Crazy Mountain Series about Austin Green, and The Picture of Love Series about Austin’s twin brother, Adam Green. I love to write stories about twins (or triplets) and stories that have a heavy psychological base. Intrigue, suspense, and powerful tugs on your emotions make everything I do worth it.  I’m a native Montanan who currently lives in Olympia, Washington. The bulk of my stories take place in places I know best which would be Montana, Olympia, Seattle, and some parts of California. I’m the mother of three profoundly gifted nerdlings who are avid readers and inspiration for many of my youthful characters… yes, I write books that sometimes have kids. I also, aside from the many hats I wear as ‘mom’, enjoy quilting (by hand), reading, watching movies, and gaming (board games, online MPGs, Wii… pretty much any game.)

Me:  Wow! Sounds like you're a busy lady! :-)  What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?

SH:  My latest book is an epic romance called The Artist’s Touch which consists of the first half – The Artist’s Touch – and the second half – The Artist’s Love. The inspiration for it came from my eldest nerdling’s middle school art teacher. He was an exceptionally kind man whose very appearance screams “nerd” from his glasses to his overly thin body to his rolled up pant-legs (because he is an avid bicyclist, as many PNWers are.) I simply allowed my imagination to take that “nerd” persona that he made cool – yes, the students even thought he was cool – and run amok until Spencer St. George was created in my mind. Spencer is a middle school art teacher, avid bicyclist, and wears glasses however, that is where the similarities end. Spencer is less gangly, more inclined to dress classier, an unexpected alpha, and harboring a secret past that is utterly different from the life he leads in Olympia. From the creation of Spencer, I simply allowed my characters to come along and tell the story.

Me:  Yeah, letting the characters tell you their stories is usually the best way. :-)  What are you working on now?

SH:  I am currently working on the third book of the Crazy Mountain Series, final one for Austin Green’s story although he will appear in the books that feature his twin; the second book of the Picture of Love Series with Adam Green; and a few odds and ends that my mind grabs onto for a bit in between working on the Green Brothers.

Me:  Cool!  What authors, or books, have influenced you?

SH:  I think I’ve been influenced by such a wide variety of authors and their books that it’s difficult to pin down just one or two specific influences. John Grisham, Stephen King, Johanna Lindsey, Kathleen Woodwiss, Carol Mortimer, Julia Grice, Alice Clayton, Jean Auel… there are so many.

Me:  Yes, there are a lot of great authors out there. :-)  What are you reading now?

SH:  I am currently reading a couple Realm Jumper books by Raven Williams and Water Weaver by Morgan Sheppard (slowly mind you as my time is limited.)

Me:  Ha! I hear you. ;-)  For those who might consider reading your book, what would you tell them to expect?

SH:  Anyone reading any of my books should expect an emotional rollercoaster, strong psychological threads, and subjects that are not always easy to deal with. I do write children into stories and I do deal with heavily emotional situations.

Me:  I like books will a little "meat" in them. ;-)  What is your favorite part of being an author?

SH:  I love being able to share the warped stories that my mind conjures and I love that there are readers out there who love my stories.

Me:  Yes! Readers are the best! :-)  Do you have a day job as well?

SH:  My day job is ‘The Many Hats of Mom’.

Me:  Hard job! :-)  What are the hardest and easiest parts about being a writer?

SH:  The hardest part of being a writer is the writer’s block that does smack me upside the head every so often as well as dealing with the people who don’t understand the quantity of work that goes into just one book and therefore discount the idea that it is as taxing as a “real job”. The easiest part is finding the inspiration for new characters and stories.

Me:  Yep, being an author is definitely work.  What genre do you place your book in?

SH:  I write contemporary romance that can occasionally be categorized in romantic suspense.

Me:  Wonderful!  Is there anything else you'd like to tell your readers?

SH:  I write books that have serious storylines, plots, and are detail rich with strong characters. There is romance and yes, sex scenes, but I don’t write gratuitous sex, BDSM, or erotica. Expect a story not just smut.

Me:  Oh, gratuitous sex, BDSM, erotica, and an awesome story aren't mutually exclusive. ;-)  And so these fine folks can find your fabulous stories, are there any links you'd like me to post?

Me:  Perfect!  Thank you so much for stopping by today, SH.  And thank you everyone else who joined us. :-)  Don't forget to come back tomorrow for the next installment of Mistral Dawn's Musings! :-)

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