

Thursday, January 14, 2016

#Interview With Suanne Laqueur!! :-)

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Suanne Laqueur is joining us today to talk about her books!!  Suanne, can you please tell us about yourself and how many books you have written?

Suanne:  My name is Suanne Laqueur and I’m a writer from New York. I’m about to publish the third book of my Fish Tales series. This series follows the extraordinary romance of Erik Fiskare and Daisy Bianco. When they meet in college, she is an aspiring ballet dancer and he is learning the behind-the-scenes art of stagecraft. Quickly they are drawn into a romance both youthfully passionate and maturely soulful. Their love story thrives within a world of creativity and artistry until it is changed forever by a shocking act of violence on their campus.

Me:  Sounds exciting! :-)  What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?

Suanne:  Here to Stay is the third but possibly not the last book of the Fish Tales. It’s the continuing story of Erik and Daisy after they are reconciled and committed to building a new life together. When I published my first book, The Man I Love, I never intended it to become a series. But somehow the story begged to keep being written. So you could say Erik and Daisy themselves inspired me to write Here to Stay.

Me:  Yes, characters can definitely have minds of their own! ;-)  What are you working on now?

Suanne:  I have an idea for a fourth Fish book, but now it’s the time to put that world aside and do something that scares me. So I’ve been busy playing in my head with a few ideas and slowly things are starting to come together. So far it involves a town called Guelisten and a family called Lark. A drugstore soda fountain, dollhouses and treehouses. A dressmaker, a journalist and a massage therapist. A mail-order specialty pharmcy, a used bookstore, a tattoo parlor, slutty brownies and coffee. I really don’t know where I’m going with this. It’s the first book I’ll ever think up from nothing and not take 20 years to finish. So come back in a few months. Did I mention it’s time to do something that scares me?

Me:  Ha! Slutty brownies, I love it! ;-)  What authors, or books, have influenced you?

Suanne:  I can’t pick one favorite but I do have my gurus and certain books of theirs that are my bibles. I love Rumer Godden, in particular her novel In This House of Brede. That and Laurie Colwin’s book Family Happiness helped me discover what kind of writer I wanted to be. Stephen King’s Eyes of the Dragon taught me about storytelling. Catherynne M. Valente’s Fairyland series showed me how to make everything in a story come alive. I also love Philip Pullman, Neil Gaiman, Ann Patchett and Joanne Harris.

Me:  Those are definitely some great authors! :-)  What are you reading now?

Suanne:  I’m reading The Girl With No Name, which is the prequel to Iscah’s Seventh Night series. I totally stumbled over it—I’d never heard of the author nor the series. But it’s wonderful. I don’t read a tremendous amount of fantasy books, but every now and then I like a good straight-forward adventure fairytale. And this is it.

Me:  Wonderful! :-)  For those who might consider reading your book, what would you tell them to expect?

Suanne:  Emotionally intelligent romance. Expect a lot of raw, gritty feels. Expect not to be sheltered. Expect extremes: joy, passion and euphoria as well as sorrow and anguish. And expect to perhaps see yourself in the story.

Me:  Sounds like fun! :-)  What is your favorite part of being an author?

Suanne:  The absolute best thing is getting fan mail. When a reader reaches out to you to tell them what your words meant to them. When they say your book changed them. Or your book made them think differently. There is nothing like that high. Connecting with readers, bloggers and other writers is the best. But I also must say that when I used my royalties to buy a new garage door, it was pretty cool as well.

Me:  That is really cool!! Congratulations! :-)  Do you have a day job as well?

Suanne:  I do but I’d rather not talk about it. Not that I’m a spy or anything, it’s just a bore.

Me:  Ha! Okay, most jobs are. ;-)  What are the hardest and easiest parts about being a writer?

Suanne:  The easiest part is writing the book. The hardest part is writing the blurb!

Me:  Ugh! Blurbs!  The author's bane. ;-)  What genre do you place your book in?

Suanne:  Somewhere between contemporary fiction and contemporary romance. My books have been well-received in the New Adult genre as well, although I don’t market them that way.

Me:  Cool!  Is there anything else you'd like to tell your readers?

Suanne:  It’s never too late to follow a dream or reinvent yourself. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose by trying. Try something new.  As my friend Ami says, “Not everything has to be a thing.”

Me:  Amen!  And so these fine folks can find your work, are there any links you'd like me to post?

Me:  Perfect!  Thank you so much for joining us here today, Suanne.  And thank you to everyone else who popped in to see what we found to chat about!!  Don't forget to check back tomorrow for the next installment of Mistral Dawn's Musings!! :-)