

Thursday, January 21, 2016

#Interview With Ali Winters!

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Ali Winters is joining us today to talk about her fabulous stories! :-)  Ali, will you tell us a bit about yourself and how many books you have written?

Ali:  I've written one full-length novel, and a short story. I'm working on book two for The Hunted Series, and book one of the Force Of Gravity series.

Me: Busy, busy! :-)  What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?

Ali:  Star Dust. What inspired it was my strange fascination with space. (Even at my age, I get really excited over anything dealing with Space or dinosaurs. - There are no dinosaurs in this series though.)

Me:  SciFi is one of my absolute favorite genres. :-)  What are you working on now?

Ali:  Star Dust book one of the Force Of Gravity novels, and The Exodus, book 2 of The Hunted Series.

Me:  Great! :-)  What authors, or books, have influenced you?

Ali:  Piers Anthony and Douglas Adams Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy series. It blows my mind how few people have read that series. Because it's amazing.

Me:  I agree!  And thanks for all the cheese! ;-)  What are you reading now?

Ali:  I am reading 13 Reasons why. People tell me I will ugly cry. I've never ugly cried, so ... Challenge accepted.

Me:  Ha! Good luck! :-)  For those who might consider reading your book, what would you tell them to expect?

Ali:  A unique story about life and death. I think death is scary for a lot of people but I think this paints it in a different light. There is also a light underlying romance to the plot, that develops throughout the series rather than all in the first book.

Me:  Sounds interesting. :-)  What is your favorite part of being an author?

Ali:  Holding my finished books in my hands. It feels so surreal.

Me:  I agree, it's a rush! :-)  Do you have a day job as well?

Ali:  I do, I am a part time photographer as well as a receptionist for a doctor.

Me:  Cool! :-)  What are the hardest and easiest parts about being a writer?

Ali:  Everything. Whatever step you are on always feels so much harder than the other steps, once you move to the next, you think about how much easier that last step felt.

Me:  Yeah, there are a lot of challenges, but they're worth it. :-)  What genre do you place your book in?

Ali:  Fantasy/paranormal/Sci-fi though to be honest they are a little bit of everything.

Me:  I think you've covered all my favorites! :-)  Anything else you'd like to tell your readers?

Ali:  It doesn't matter what you read, as long as you read (my books) Kidding. ;)   I want to thank everyone who's given my books a chance. Writing can be lonely, but it's because of our readers and their messages that make it worth it. <3 We wouldn't be able to write if it wasn't for our amazing readers!

Me:  Absolutely!!  And so these amazing readers can find your books, are there any links you'd like me to post?

Me:  Awesome!  Thank you so much for dropping by today, Ali.  And thank you everyone else who joined us!  Don't forget to check back tomorrow for the next installment of Mistral Dawn's Musings!! :-)

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