

Monday, December 28, 2015

To #HEA..Or #Not?

Hey Everyone!! :-)

I've been wrestling with a question and I'd love to hear what you all think about it.  The next project I'll be working on is a cyberpunk series with the working title of Petri's Story.  As you may or may not know, the cyberpunk genre tends to be rather dark and brooding.  So, I'm trying to figure out whether or not I can give Petri an HEA.

I know, this probably seems a bit premature since I still have at least two books to write before this becomes an issue.  But it's been bugging me.  You may have noticed, I'm a generally upbeat kind of person.  I'm happy, and I like for my characters to be happy too.  Actually, I'd love to have the power to make everyone happy, but I'm afraid I haven't figured out how to do that yet, so I'll have to be satisfied with just making my characters happy.  Though, I'm not sure if I can do that for Petri and still be true to the genre.  But I really want to.

Poor Petri has had a rough life, and I think she deserves a little happiness.  Even her name, Petri, is a hint about her past.  You see, Petri is short for Petri dish, as in something that microbes are incubated in.  Uh oh!  Now, I've gone and given away a secret! ;-)

So, what's your opinion?  Are HEAs overrated?  Do you like a story with a heart-warming end?  Somewhere in between?  Thoughts?  Come on, people, talk to me!  ;-)

Anyway, thanks, as always, for stopping by  And please do check back tomorrow for the next installment of Mistral Dawn's Musings! :-)


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you so much for your feedback!!! :-) I love them too. :-) <3

  2. I have to be honest - when I read a novel, I like when there are thought-provoking incidents that go on throughout, but I have to have an eventual happy ending. There's one author I read who has a ton of nail biting suspense and some romance, but at least one main character has died in the middle of the book that totally crushed me, but somehow, he managed to bring me right back to a cliffhanging happy ending. (lol) Happy New Year! Hugs...RO

    1. Thank you!! I appreciate you letting me know about what keeps you engaged and what you look for in a book. Feedback like this is very helpful!! :-)

  3. I am in the middle of a Cyberpunk series, it is dark and moody. And she goes through a ton of rubbish but I have decided that after all the work she will have put in she deserves a HEA.

    So I say go for it! :)


